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#1 Parent Foxy - 2017-02-09
Re: Re Streaming Eagles

Personally, I think Charles is an idiot. He goes round speaking about 'saving energy' whilst living in his huge palace. I think in this day and age there is no need for a monarchy that is a drain on the taxpayer.

These people live a life of richness and privilege whilst other people are forced to live below the poverty line.

I learned recently that kings and queens of England have a servant known as 'The Groom of the Stool'. He/she is responsible for 'cleaning' the monarch after they have been to the toilet. Yep, you guessed it, an 'ass-wiper'.

Diana was an inspiration to millions of people throughout the world and would probably have still been alive today if it weren't for her choice of boyfriend - but that's another story.

It's a huge subject and a big one for debate, but being born into positions of power, (and thus having a huge amount of power simply because you happen to have the 'right' parents), is not something I agree with.

Once the current Queen shuffles off her mortal coil I would like to see the British monarchy scrapped. It's had its day.

#2 Parent Fifi - 2017-02-09
Re: Re Streaming Eagles

This Queen is such a good queen. I hope she lives even longer than her Mum.

What do you think of Charles? Personally, I was a huge fan of Diana and can't stand Charles and his new wife.

#3 Parent Foxy - 2017-02-09
Re: Re Streaming Eagles

Thank you, Fifi. Of course it's possible, and appropriate. They did get a telegram from the Queen on their 60th anniversary, and she's a 'stranger', lol.

#4 Parent Fifi - 2017-02-09
Re: Re Streaming Eagles

In the unlikely event that it would be appropriate/possible, please convey my best wishes to them, from a pure stranger on a message board on the internet, touched by their 62 years together.

#5 Parent Foxy - 2017-02-09
Re: Re Streaming Eagles

Were they happy? They still are, lol. 62 years this year (I think)....

#6 Parent Fifi - 2017-02-09
Re: Re Streaming Eagles

60 years!!!
That's a long time.
Were they happy?
Or they just went with it because it was the way it was?

#7 Parent Foxy - 2017-02-09
Re: Re Streaming Eagles

No 3 reason: Expectations. Damn expectations. Mostly on the part of women, fairy tales
expectations of being saved by the prince charming and being happy ever after. Yes,
WOMEN BELIEVE THAT CRAP because they are conditioned to believe it from early childhood.

#3 is the most daunting for women

Although somewhat tongue-in-cheek, there's actually a lot of truth in the following -

Men marry women in the hope that they won't change, but they do
Women marry men in the hope that they will change, but they don't

Then of course, there's the unanswerable question - If all brides are beautiful, where do ugly wives come from? lol

Why do husbands often die before their wives? Because they want to......

To be honest, I'm truly envious of my parents. They've been married for over 60 years.

#8 Parent Fifi - 2017-02-08
Re: Re Streaming Eagles

No 1 reason: People don't really know each other when they get married (it takes years to know a person)
No 2 reason: People change all the time, and at times we change very fast
No 3 reason: Expectations. Damn expectations. Mostly on the part of women, fairy tales expectations of being saved by the prince charming and being happy ever after. Yes, WOMEN BELIEVE THAT CRAP because they are conditioned to believe it from early childhood.

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