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#1 Parent Trump diplomacy - 2017-02-11
Re To Turnoi: Does this climate remind you of the rise of fascism?

Is the present time in Europe and in the USA getting more and more similar
the beginning of fascism in Europe?

Fascism has become a meaningless term, primarily because globalization has forever changed the nature of corporations.

Perhaps in North Korea the state can still fully direct industrial activity, but even in China 'corporate' power is quickly slipping out of the party's control or, perhaps more accurately, infiltrating and corrupting the party.

Mussolini's ability to merge production, labor, and capital with national interests is no longer possible in the West.

This does not mean that heads of state cannot be dictators, they simply have diminished control of industrial activity, which is the hallmark of traditional fascism.

ALL U.S. presidents are tools of corporate elites, not the reverse. Xi Jinping is struggling as we speak to maintain control, which is why elites disappear in HK.

#2 Parent BeenThere - 2017-02-10
To Turnoi: Does this climate remind you of the rise of fascism?

I know you were not born when fascism started in Europe in the 1930's and 1940's, but your parents certainly told you stories about it, and you saw it at work in your youth and adolescence. Is the present time in Europe and in the USA getting more and more similar the beginning of fascism in Europe?

The trump administration wants to curtail freedom of expression in the US. The liberal newspapers (NYT, Washington Post, CNN) are under serious attack. Fake news are taking hold because a lot of people in the US CHOOSE to believe fake news if they are in favor of trump. Even some people like the Foxy poster on this Forum pretends to say that they no longer know what to believe. Silverboy often quotes false facts.

And I just read an article on the NYT "African Nations Increasingly Silence Internet to Stem Protests". This won't happen any time soon in the US because of the high tech/internet industry, but it might be happening in a lot of countries in the rest of the world. And once you lose freedom of expression, you lose freedom. Waiting for the next election is absolutely not an option because this situation is unlike any previous situation. This situation is not like the opposition party taking power (we were used to that); this situation is fascism taking power.

What do you foresee, Turnoi?

what should be done?

#3 Parent BeenThere - 2017-02-10
trump is backing off about taiwan

I read just that trump made THE call: And he told china he supports the one china policy.

it means no more defense of taiwan.

or the south china see islands claimed by 5 countries or [fill the blank]

trump is known to have an attention deficit disorder. One day it's this, the next hour it's that.

people who voted republican: You wanted to DISRUPT the system. We get it.

And you got it.

It is so hard for me not to hope that the disrupted system will take away your medicare, medaid, social security....

#4 Parent Foxy - 2017-02-10
Re The republicans are starting to turn against trump

Oh, what a surprise....

The republicans have ruled America for too long. The rich have become richer while the poor have become poorer. I'm not going to get into a political debate with you (or anyone else) because it's pointless. However, what you are stating is akin to the fact that cats don't like dogs, and vice-versa.

#5 Parent Curious - 2017-02-10
Re: Re The republicans are starting to turn against trump

Very deep TD. I read your post a second time, slowly.

#6 Parent Trump diplomacy - 2017-02-10
Re The republicans are starting to turn against trump

3- And you get a tide that is starting to turn against trump

Trump is incapable of subterfuge; he will quickly expose to even his most ardent supporters his inability to behave rationally and to govern.

As this becomes obvious, there is an opportunity for the moderate left to recognize that Trump's supporters were responding to class deprivation in the same economic system that punishes the minorities and poor that vote 'democratic'.

Political change in the U.S. will only occur once the 99% realize that their differences in religion, race and gender are immaterial to their mutual declining economic condition.

If the left demonizes the poor white 'deplorables', they will squander this opportunity to unite the country against corporate elites.

Both democratic and republican legislators are shills for the elites. The will both attempt to sustain the white vs minority, religious vs. secular, conservative vs. liberal schisms that distract the populace from focusing on class issues.

Curious - 2017-02-10
The republicans are starting to turn against trump

1- CNN article below: You will see gatherings of very angry republicans - VERY angry - who do not want to lose obamacare.

2- Add the decision of the Federal Court of Appeal today against trump's immigration ban.

3- And you get a tide that is starting to turn against trump. 3 weeks into his job.

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