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#1 Parent Trump diplomacy - 2017-02-15
Re FEC Problem

Previously I have always been given my FEC book by my employer to keep for the duration of my
contract, save for the times when it was being renewed.

In five positions at Universities, I only had possession of the FEC once. Personally, I am not concerned about that.
I did however always have my passport in my possession.

Richard - 2017-02-14
FEC Problem

I can't seem to find a definitive answer to my situation so I thought I would see if anyone here has any experience on this matter.

Previously I have always been given my FEC book by my employer to keep for the duration of my contract, save for the times when it was being renewed.

I started a new job this year (Henan province) and when I asked for it I was told by the HR/FAO that it is not the schools policy to give the books to FT's as they have had problems previously whereby they have been lost and it has caused a lot of trouble. They were happy to give me a copy of it. When I pointed out that it is written in the book that it is mine to keep I was informed that if I want the book I need to sign a letter saying that if I lose/damage or fail to turn it in when requested I will have 3,000yuan deducted from my end of contract allowances.

I spoke with the other FT's who had been here previously and they said that until this year they had the books, but come September the school adopted this approach. Further discussions with the FAO revealed that the school now has to pay some kind of bond on the book which they will not get back if it is not returned when a FT leaves or changes jobs.

I attempted to call the issuing office and when I eventually got someone who could speak English they said that they don't really get involved in such matters and it is at the discretion of the school. I didn't let them know who I was or where I was working.

A former colleague also informed me that the same thing has happened to them this year, the books have been retained and only a copy provided. One of them had issues transferring money home as the bank wanted the original book not the copy so the uni sent someone with her to the bank to produce the book but would not let it out of her sight.

I can understand that I should have to pay if I did lose it but it does seem rather childish. Do you think I should push this matter or just accept that there is no other way. Is this the school just covering themselves or is it some other form of control?

Just wondering if anyone else has met with this situation recently?

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