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#1 Parent caring - 2017-02-18
Re the notion of free speech

I like reading real words from folks with true experiences as I believe I am owed that for being where I am.

#2 Parent Arthur - 2017-02-18
Re: Re the notion of free speech

Of course the liberal North West is warmly invited to join California in separating!!!!

Nevada might chose to join. New Mexico too. And Colorado out there.

It will take another half generation of changed demographics for Arizona to join us, but it's coming with the growth of the urban areas.

I like to envision a split for California (that is not the San Andreas Fault :o) that also includes other large areas of the West.

Unfortunately that would leave poor New York all alone. But we could negotiate a free trade agreement, like the one that Trudeau signed today with the European Community: they are far apart geographically, but they share some basic attitudes in life.

#3 Parent heretosay - 2017-02-18
Re: Re the notion of free speech

This is what I like of liberal agendas: They are future-oriented, optimistic, inclusive, and
they want others to prosper and be happy too.

Sounds nice. Would that it were a future we could rely on.

Wouldn't it be nice if California did actually secede from the Union? If so, I hope they bring us North Westerners along for the ride.

Watched a recent John Oliver show this morning. It's hard to get me laughing, but John Oliver can definitely do it.

Enjoy the rain. Up here we've learned to love it. The unusual snow falls we've had recently have been a bit of a challenge, but, hey, incredibly beautiful.

#4 Parent Arthur - 2017-02-18
Re: Re the notion of free speech

The tone of this forum has abruptly changed for the better. It's like the sun bursting out of the black clouds that we are having in SoCal these days.

This is what I like of liberal agendas: They are future-oriented, optimistic, inclusive, and they want others to prosper and be happy too.

Conservatives don't want others (unless they are white) to be happy, to be healthy (having health care for example), to be able to imagine a bright future for their children.

#5 Parent heretosay - 2017-02-18
Re the notion of free speech

“The heights charm us, but the steps do not; with the mountain in our view we love to walk
the plains.”
― Goethe

Thanks, TD.

Just to keep it light for a moment:

Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations. I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty, believe in them, and try to follow where they lead.
Louisa May Alcott

#6 Parent Trump diplomacy - 2017-02-18
Re the notion of free speech

It is not a wild fantasy to imagine that a "teacher's forum" would be one where a
certain amount of decorum and a degree of sophistication would be hoped for if not


“The heights charm us, but the steps do not; with the mountain in our view we love to walk the plains.”
― Goethe

heretosay - 2017-02-18
the notion of free speech

Stated clearly and highlighted here in this forum is the fact that "posts with personal attacks, nitpicking, bickering will be deleted." As the owners of this particular website they are within their rights to restrict the contents of posts in whatever way they see fit. Moreover, when contributing to this forum, and indeed any blog forum or whatever, it should be with the realization that the owners can establish guidelines as they see fit

It's really quite the same as if one were to walk into a restaurant and start mouthing profanities or conducting themselves in a manner that could easily drive away customers. The right to free speech, then, is left at the entrance. Sure you can say whatever you want outside - grab a soap box, but if you are seen as disturbing the peace, well, so much for freedom of speech.

In my opinion the forum moderators here have shown a great deal of patience with posters who have crossed the line numerous times or who have at least attempted to push the boundaries, but have now apparently decided to follow their own guidelines as they have been employing their right to censor posts that would be considered unsavory in most circles. (If you don't want to wear a tie in a restaurant that requires one, don't make a reservation there.) "No shoes, no shirt - no service." Again, perfectly within the rights of the owner to establish their own guidelines.

The idea that the web in its entirety is a free speech zone is far from the truth. Sure, with enough surfing I'm sure one can find many domains where one can say whatever they feel like. However, that doesn't make it a free speech zone, as the owners can still moderate and censor however they feel fit.

It is not a wild fantasy to imagine that a "teacher's forum" would be one where a certain amount of decorum and a degree of sophistication would be hoped for if not expected. Lately there's been a whole lot of flotsam and jetsam to wade through in the attempt to find a few gems from posters who bring a little something to the table that is apropos for this particular forum. Unfortunately, there is apparently no rule against the incessant spamming by some posters who's contributions are riddled with mundane nonsense.

And finally, it must be said, free speech is not a guaranteed right in this context and that, therefore, noone's "right to free speech has been violated. Basically, by posting here one is entering into a contract that disallows the use of foul language, hate speech and the like.

Yep, you can say whatever you want, you just can't say it here. "No shoes, no shirt, no service."

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