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#1 Parent Fifi - 2017-02-19
Re: Re the notion of free speech


#2 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-02-19
Re: Re the notion of free speech

Wow, Taffy, you just got a beating!!!

U.S. citizens of a certain age will remember that Turkish Taffy can be whacked and cracked.

But this forum's tasteless daffyTaffy will prevail: bitten, chomped, gnawed, yet impervious and indigestible.

#3 Parent Arthur - 2017-02-18
Re: Re the notion of free speech

Wow, Taffy, you just got a beating!!!

#4 Parent heretosay - 2017-02-18
Re the notion of free speech

Absolutely right. Good post. "Their mundane nonsenses are riddled with
contributions" Sheer poetry-wow, man!

Quoting me incorrectly only decreases my ability to take you seriously, as does your feeble attempt at sarcasm.

If you're having trouble with "mundane," perhaps banal, vapid, trite, hackneyed, unoriginal and, my personal favorite, platitudinous would be more to your liking. Small minded is perhaps fitting as well in that your incessant bickering with other posters reveals your inability to communicate in a manner that is less contentious. If I'm wrong about that, please prove it by taking the higher ground in your future communications with those you disagree with and, by so doing, reveal your willingness for this forum to be a little more academically oriented.

And by the way, the trivial details of your daily life are nothing more than that - trivial. The forum is not your personal diary, and I for one could care less about what goes on in your humdrum day to day existence.

Pretend teachers are generally quite easily spotted by those of us who have dedicated ourselves to being the best teachers we can be. In your case one can only wonder why you even bother with this forum. I'm sure there are others that you would find attractive as a means of exercising your need for pretense.

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