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#1 Parent Curious - 2017-02-21
Re: free but not complimentary

Canada solved the problem of free speech limits a long time ago. If I am not mistaken, it was Trudeau father (who in 1967 or 68 modified the Constitution to de-criminalize homosexuality) who added a clause to the Constitution to the effect that speech that supports/promote hate based on race, sex, sexual orientation, religion, and a few other things, is illegal. I was told that it rarely causes problems in Canada.

FTinPRC - 2017-02-21
free but not complimentary

Couldn't help but think wistfully of pDog when reading of the recent travails of Milo Yiannopoulos, a famous gay alt-right proponent of free speech. Milo who targets the libtards for strangling free speech in U.S. media, was recently recorded suggesting that 13-year-old sexually confused boys can often benefit from a sexual relationship with older gay men. He additionally credited a Catholic priest for helping perfect 'his oral sexual skills'.

He is a senior editor at Breibart.com, the website of Trump senior White House advisor Steve Bannon, now a member of Trump's National Security council though Bannon has no military training or experience.

U.S. support of free speech has hard and fast perimeters. Huey Long, an infamous Louisiana politician, is credited with the quote: "It doesn't matter how corrupt I am. I'll keep getting elected as long as they don't catch me in bed with a dead girl or a live boy."


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