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#1 Parent Arthur - 2017-02-24
Authoritarianism ALERT!

Wow! He just blocked CNN, the New York Times and the Los Angeles Times from the CPAC shit today! This is BIG! People, we have to do something! We have to get stop authoritarianism from taking roots in America!

#2 Parent Curious - 2017-02-24
Re: toe the line

Holy f**K! I went to Gallup http://www.gallup.com/poll/201617/gallup-daily-trump-job-approval.aspx after reading your post: his approval rating has been going up since Feb 16....

I had just enough energy left to crawl to https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/why-polls-differ-on-trumps-popularity/ where I was able to take a deep breath and read those soothing words from co-deeply-suffering folk Nate Silver:

It’s unprecedented for a president to face so much opposition from the electorate so soon. Recent polls show that anywhere between 43 and 56 percent of Americans disapprove of President Trump’s job performance. Even if you take the low end of that range, Trump’s numbers are much worse than any past president a month into his term.

Trump has a fairly poor 43 percent approval rating — and a 51 percent disapproval rating — among polls of all American adults, but he improves to a 47 percent approval rating and a 49 percent disapproval rating among polls that survey registered voters or the narrower group of likely voters. That’s a reasonably big difference.

Follows an explanation of the differences between the polls. But then we can read those delicious, delicious words "more likely than not" (I am aware that I am starting to lose it):

So the question is whether his ratings will continue to decline or if he steadies the ship, or eventually pivots and sees his approval ratings improve. It’s possible — I’d wager more likely than not if forced to bet — that Trump’s ratings will continue to decline over the next six to 18 months, at which point he’d be in trouble since he’s starting from a low baseline.

God bless America
#3 Parent Wu - 2017-02-24
Re: toe the line

You make me think;;;

#4 Parent heretosay - 2017-02-24
Re: toe the line

Still not hiring Americans? You're missing out on a huge maneuverable and easily conned segment of the population. After all the "dumbing down of America" has been underway for quite awhile now. Our illustrious president has a 40% approval rating. That's a huge amount of Americans being led willy nilly down the garden path. Just what you need.

#5 Parent Wu - 2017-02-24
Re: toe the line

gay, not gay, missianaries, we hire all

one teacher leaving, working january to now, not be paid ha ha = you are talking for no thing. what you no meaning-less

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