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#1 Parent caring - 2017-02-26
Re: Re "Do These 10 Things, And Trump Will Be Toast"

The erratic and liable American leadership is to make the Chinese one look superb which may add more steam to those who have actually helped Trump to presidency. Those, for instance, "angry white Americans" that are to pay for their healthcare through their noses will most likely remember the times when they had choices they refuse to accept. Sadly enough this is one of the great nations to be an example to others.

#2 Parent BeenThere - 2017-02-25
Re: Re "Do These 10 Things, And Trump Will Be Toast"

It pains me deeply that a lot of people did not bother to vote (and a lot of them, at the moment, risk losing their new/first-time health care coverage). Biden recently said that he saw that coming in the rural area of Pennsylvania (near Scranton) where he was born: He could read the place well because he is familiar with it. It was a foreseeable phenomenon that a lot of working class liberals were so-so with their candidate and that many of those who had voted for Obama were turning to trump. A foreseeable phenomenon that some important people did not see.

Nate Silver of fivethirtyeight.com saw it coming in the stats: He kept warning us in the weeks before the election that she could very well lose the electoral vote while winning the majority of votes nationwide because her lead in too many important states like PA, OH, MN, FL was too thin. It was not a sure thing, but it was one of two strong possibilities. I am sure they did not listen.

#3 Parent caring - 2017-02-25
Re: Re "Do These 10 Things, And Trump Will Be Toast"

I've looked and thought of half of all those Americans that haven't bothered voting when they had two miserable choices then. The few with time on their hands will be in the spotlight BUT the ones with bills to pay...And let me tell you that there're helluva those who struggle to make ends meet. So, hard to imagine those many'd be worried about polls now. BUT again when worst comes to worst, so many'll be screaming for Donald's blood and those that've been approving will change the course (again). The trouble's we've got so much weaponry to worry about, since the production lines are so hot. I'm worried and so should be the rest of the world as the armed to teeth American democracy's hugely failing and as the Japs, Saudis, Israelis and Brits with made in US high tech guns have their own beef to cook.

#4 Parent Curious - 2017-02-25
Re: Re "Do These 10 Things, And Trump Will Be Toast"

I think the very same way.
BUT please have a look at his job approval ending Feb 23: http://www.eslteachersboard.com/cgi-bin/forum/index.pl?read=129783

#5 Parent caring - 2017-02-25
Re "Do These 10 Things, And Trump Will Be Toast"

I don't think Americans have to do much for Trump is a self-destructive politician who thinks that running a government is just like managing a business. His currently suicidial attempts to hush people and to make everyone agree with him will most likely result in either an impeachment or a discretionary stepdown for Pence to fill in the gap. Otherwise, I see the sad possibility of an attempt on Donald's life which will be so unfortunate, since some have already compared him to the much greater US president JFK whom the current president can/will never be able to measure up to. Anyhow, the man's days are numbered pretty much, so let's wait to the day to come.

Fifi - 2017-02-25
"Do These 10 Things, And Trump Will Be Toast"

If we don't do anything, America as the land of the free is finished.

Let's start with "The Michael Moore Easy-to-Follow 10-Point Plan to Stop Trump."

Most of these steps are easy to follow. And some are funny like #1:

Wake up.

Brush teeth.

Walk dog (or stare at cat).

Make coffee.

Call Congress 202-225-3121.

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