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#1 Parent Fifi - 2017-03-01
Re: swapping body fluids

Seminal research!!!!!! Ha ha ha ha
Ha ha ha


Definition of seminal
: of, relating to, or consisting of seed or semen {{{ Taffy: semen as in body fluid}}}
: containing or contributing the seeds of later development : creative, original a seminal book

Ha ha ha ha

One of your best, FTinPRC

Taffy: this one is NOT even an innuendo, it comes directly out of the dictionary.

I feel bad for you in a way because you are now all alone of your kind on this board. A good thing in itself, but still I feel sorry for you at times because you can't cope with modern people. If you stick to this board, though, you will keep gaining good reflexes and skills that will be beneficial to raising a child in 2017+

I think you are open minded enough to recognize that (reluctantly of course)

#2 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-03-01
swapping body fluids

But then we can't expect much in the way
of coherence from Daffy. Tain't his thing.

Apparently he is confident that there are universities in England that will employ him to continue his seminal research.

#3 Parent heretosay - 2017-02-28
Re: toe the line

I'm still trying to understand that one.

As am I. On the surface it looks pretty disgusting. But then we can't expect much in the way of coherence from Daffy. Tain't his thing.

“Could you possibly be a little more incoherent?" asked Olivenko. "There are bits of this I'm almost understanding, and I'm sure that's not what you have in mind.”
― Orson Scott Card, Ruins

#4 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-02-28
Re: toe the line

pretend experts who have never swapped bodily fluids with offspring

I'm still trying to understand that one.

#5 Parent Fifi - 2017-02-28
Re: toe the line

I understood you correctly the first time; it never came to my mind that you would call your daughter that way.

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