Return to Index › Germans recognize fascism
#1 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-03-01
Re: Germans recognize fascism

It's an interesting site. I unfortunately don't have time to travel the South and Midwest of the U.S. to actually meet and speak to the people that voted for Trump. I would love to do that sometime in the future. It truly is a 'foreign culture' for those of us that live on the 'coasts'.
On Breitbart I do battle everyday in the comments for half an hour. Good fun and interesting to discover what 'these real americans' passionately believe.

#2 Parent Arthur - 2017-03-01
Re: Germans recognize fascism

Great photos on that page. I am surprised that breitbart.com published that.

FTinPRC - 2017-03-01
Germans recognize fascism
Return to Index › Germans recognize fascism

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