Return to Index › Re: Re Germans recognize fascism
#1 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-03-02
Re: Re Germans recognize fascism

Germans have been accepting fascism and mods ridiculous posters for ages.

If Hitler had Twitter and Facebook to feed his ego maybe we could have skipped two world wars.

#2 Parent Caring - 2017-03-02
Re: Re Germans recognize fascism

Germans have been accepting fascism and mods ridiculous posters for ages.

All getting rather boring since Turnoi and SB departed. Look at this one- it says look at me, Miss Clever Clogs, bullying an idiot- Look at me slapping him around. Look at me toying with him. The other ugly sister does the same. I should imagine they have about twenty reusable posts a piece. I think I noticed a recycled one I received myself today actually
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