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#1 Parent Curious - 2017-03-03
Re: Re expat experts


#2 Parent Fifi - 2017-03-03
Re: Re expat experts

Such pictures should not be allowed by the mods. Period.

#3 Parent luv you long time! - 2017-03-03
Re: Re expat experts

The Chinese students hated Silverboy!

#4 Parent luv you long time! - 2017-03-03
Re: Re expat experts

Silverboy can be very serious:

#5 Parent Latina in LA - 2017-03-03
Re: Re expat experts

The fake expression on her face of Boom reminds me of some photos of Melania standing/sitting beside him: The photos show that she clearly hates him but she plays the game.

#6 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-03-03
Re: Re expat experts

I'm sure Boom's daughter will one day be interested in seeing her Mom's picture online under the title: "luv you long time".
Fortunately her Mom's expression says: "I wish this creep would take his hands of me."
I look forward to future pictures displaying the quality of company that you have purchased.

#7 Parent Arthur - 2017-03-03
Re: Re expat experts

Fifi would say: Did you spray fire retardant on the cardboard :o)

#8 Parent luv you long time! - 2017-03-03
Re: Re expat experts

Once upon a time SB still sort of liked Chinese gals:

#9 Parent luv you long time! - 2017-03-03
Re: Re expat experts

I wonder is this pic is really Silverboy and that really is his friend Boom? Maybe they are just cardboard cut outs from a different dimension.

#10 Parent Fifi - 2017-03-03
Re: Re expat experts

Yes, he wrote "the girl" and he also wrote "must meet wife". I can only speak for myself but I don't feel that style as cold; I even feel it as affectionate.

Remember that Queen Victoria's Scottish lover, John Brown, used to call her "woman" when they were visiting some friends in the country side (they used to go there, the 2 of them, on a horse carriage/sleigh - How romantic! Could not be done today. I am so sorry that he died 18 years before her): all that to say those Brits express their affection in different ways than we do.

#11 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-03-03
Re: Re expat experts

Excellent explanation of the risks involved.
I'm heartened that you refer to daffy's daughter by her name and by the word daughter, not "the girl" like he does.
I can not imagine referring to my daughter as "the girl".

Me and the girl must meet wife at lunchtime today as it's her lunar birthday, so I was going to post a complete family picture....but I suppose you are right. We leave at 11.40.
She will be off with girl
#12 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-03-03
Re: Re expat experts

You posted many family pics on this site in the last year or so, and I am sure they are all
still online. The mods don't have a problem with you posting a pic of yourself
with/without your family.

Quick inquiry: how can mods establish that the picture actually is the poster and that the child is actually their child?
In situations of custody battles and alleged abuse, posting any pictures can be potentially be a criminal act.

#13 Parent Fifi - 2017-03-03
Re: Re expat experts

You posted many family pics on this site in the last year or so, and I am sure they are all still online. The mods don't have a problem with you posting a pic of yourself with/without your family. It is unauthorized posting of pics of others, or copyrighted pics, that is not allowed here (although I noticed that some mods are more liberal than others on that topic). So, you can post, as long as Esther is dressed up, and her pic is not a target for deranged people.

One problem with posting family pics is that google has a pic recognition software (right click on a pic on Google's browser called Chrome) that could allow third parties to research your pics and match them with other pics online.

And in 5 years, the technology will have evolved, and your daughter, almost an adolescent then, will find pics of herself sitting on a horse-drawn cart in China. She might or might not want her friends to see that at that time. Or she might not care. But you don't know. You are taking a chance.

Just saying, for Esther's sake.

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