Return to Index › BEWARE OF THE CHINA JOB POSTS!! - Teachers Discussion
#1 Parent Paul - 2007-09-20
Re: BEWARE OF THE CHINA JOB POSTS!! - Teachers Discussion

Ned, you are right. This "recruiter" uses various email addresses - vickiruan520@yahoo.com.cn, eslcathy07@yahoo.com.cn, etc. Last year, Vicki advertised quite a number of times for teachers to teach at a school that would, according to Vicki's advertisement, open in Shanghai in September this year. There was something fishy about the advertisement, but it stopped appearing soon after Vicki was questioned about it.

#2 Parent Emma - 2007-02-08
BEWARE ! - Teachers Discussion

I agree with you I noticed they post adds in www.eslelite.com .You'd better avoid them and their schools

#3 Parent Rose-Mary - 2006-12-20
Right , Ned ! - Teachers Discussion

I noticed in www.eslelte.com so many ads posted by so many people for one and the same school .It is one and the same person with different names and e-mails .AVOID THESE SCHOOLS !

#4 Parent David - 2006-12-18
AVOID +311 SHIJIAZHUANG RECRUTERS and their schools ! - Teachers Discussion

#5 Parent Mark - 2006-12-17
But they work with ZHANG =Alin Buer, Frank --read www.bearcanada.com - Teachers Discussion

#6 Parent David - 2006-12-17
Right !They are from Shijiazhuang Int.Centre ! - Teachers Discussion

#7 Parent Jules - 2006-12-16
NED.......I can save you!!!! LOL!!! - Teachers Discussion

Dear Ned,

My name is Julia and I am a Canadian who is workin in Zhejiang province in a city called Jiangshan (Quzhou). I noticed that you said you are looking for a middle school. I need to find a teacher here to replace me by the end of January. This is a really good school, and the students are very sweet. They are 14-15 years of age. I have never had a problem here with getting paid and the flat is immaculate. School starts on March the first but if you can arrive by the end of January you will get February's pay even though you don't work!! The school gives 4 weeks holiday for Chinese New Year........

I know what your next question is going to be and that is why am I leaving??? LOL!! I am leaving because my husband and I have just opening up a clothing boutique in Shanghai and being apart from him is just too much for me. I want to be living with him in the same house.......hee hee!!

If you are interested please send me a message and I can send you pics of the school and flat......
I hope to hear from you soon......


#8 Parent Phil - 2006-12-16
Victor - Teachers Discussion

I've had some dealings with this individual (fortunately only via e mail), and i just want to corroborate what the original poster said. Don't waste your time with Victor/Carol or whoever else this schizophrenic individual decides to be when he contacts you.

Ned - 2006-12-16
BEWARE OF THE CHINA JOB POSTS!! - Teachers Discussion

If you will notice on the job board right now, many of the jobs are for university positions. I have been looking for a middle school, high school or university position for a month and have dealt with these following "people" who are all really one person:

teachingjobs@163.com OR tesoljobs@163.com


Yanming Wang chinatesoljobs@yahoo.com.cn calls herself Jane

guorushi@yahoo.com.cn calls herself Cathy, which is funny because after asking for an e-mail contact of a foreign teacher I was given an extremely generic address of a supposed Canadian named cathysmithmcdonald@yahoo.ca

Here is the e-mail that this recruiter sent me under the guise of former foreign teacher of the university I was "applying" for:

"Apologies for taking so long to get back to you.I was travelling and have limited email access.
Everything worked so open mind here in Taiyuan Normal University and very easy to communicate with the other teachers.
The students listening very well what i was teaching and they are so kind and respect for my working.
The students worked very hard at their oral english.
I was so happly to work there.I was the most popular one here.
The apartment here is nice.It was private and quiet.It has a kitchen with gas and microwave stove.
There is a cupboard next to the gas stove.
Hope you have a nice time in Taiyuan.
Best wishes!
Yours Sincerely
Cathy McDonald

I don't know what they have to gain from advertising university positions that don't even exist. I contacted the university myself and they said that they were not even hiring teachers. I believe this may be an example of the old bait and switch. So beware if you have dealings with anyone of these different contacts that they probably will tell you that you are going to teach at a university but switch it on you when you arrive.

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