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#1 Parent Latina in LA - 2017-03-05
Re: Re the Frasier vote

Crap is your post

#2 Parent Sweety - 2017-03-05
Re the Frasier vote

you need to get out more and find a friend. Who cares about the media its all crap

#3 Parent Hilarious - 2017-03-04
Re the Frasier vote

Oh, the poor political situation in the U.S. Donald Trump is the anti-christ!

A question to all the Trump-haters out there. Who would be the president right now if Donald Trump wasn't?

Now let me ask you another question. If there were another president right now, what differences would we see?

When Hitler came to power as head of the Nazi party, how did he manage to gain it? What about Mao and Stalin, etc? How did those despots gain power over such huge populations?

Perhaps it was their honesty?

History repeats itself time and time again. Politicians lie in order to gain power. Not just Trump, but ALL of the preceding presidents, chairmen, prime ministers, etc, as long as recorded history.

A few politicians have such power over millions of people. Why? Perhaps it's because we allow it to happen.

Our so-called 'democracy' these days is no different to communism, socialism, fascism, etc. It doesn't matter what 'system' we live under, we are all 'slaves' to the government and we all do as we are told to do by a small minority.

When the U.S declares war on some third-world country, who is doing the fighting? Is it the government or the 'slaves' to the government?

'We don't bomb innocent people, we just bomb where they live!' The powers-that-be sit in their ivory towers watching the news on their system-controlled media, while their own slaves risk their lives, for what? Oh, that's right....'their COUNTRY'.


These people don't fight for their 'country', they fight for their masters. They fight for the few people who hold power over their daily lives.
They fight for the same people who tax them half-to-death in order to pay for these wars.

'War-on-terror'? Where? Less than 100 people per year die in the U.S at the hands of terrorists, yet half-a-million people die of heart-disease.

'Oh, so this MUST mean that our 'war-on-terror' is working'

Actually, no. There IS no 'terror-war' to fight. It's just another lie that you have conjured-up, in order to create fear within the masses, so that you can control them even more.

Trump is no different to any other politician who has ever been in charge of a country. Ousting him by impeachment will only provide us with another 'mask' on the same 'face'.

Wake up, people!

FTinPRC - 2017-03-04
the Frasier vote

If you are in the U.S. or have access to a vpn, a vintage Frasier episode provides a somewhat comforting perspective on the U.S.'s current political 'situation'.

Frasier, season 2 episode 7: The Candidate - http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3lkd8w

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