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#1 Parent Hilarious - 2017-03-07
Re: Re www.hookerswithhammers.com

Yes. And it should be punished. But do you support the expulsion of all Catholic priests from
any country?
Banning all Muslims, even all Muslim clerics, is equivalent.

Hundreds of thousands of Catholic priests have quit the Catholic church in the last 50 years. According to polls, around 50% of all adult Americans, who were raised in a Catholic household, have also abandoned their 'faith'.

Tens of thousands of Catholic parishes throughout the world have no priest. The main reason for this mass-exodus is paedophilia.

Popes don't 'quit' - they are replaced when they die, yet the last Pope quit due to the paedophilia that is rife in the church. He didn't know how to deal with it. Because the church pays no tax, etc, it sees itself as being above the law, and priests see themselves as being 'untouchable'.

The RC church only has itself to blame due to its failure to police itself. That said, it's still relatively few priests that have perpetrated these evil crimes, and as such, the good ones should not be held accountable.

Look at the ESL industry. There are many 'bad' teachers (or 'deechers', to use an infamous word), and those who do NOT fall into that category still have to live with their legacy.

The expulsion of ALL Catholic priests from a country is akin to expelling ALL FT's from China (or wherever).

#2 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-03-07
Re: Re www.hookerswithhammers.com

"Catholic doctrine does not support child abuse"
But it has been going on for so long...
All over the world

Yes. And it should be punished. But do you support the expulsion of all Catholic priests from any country?
Banning all Muslims, even all Muslim clerics, is equivalent.

#3 Parent Arthur - 2017-03-07
Re: Re www.hookerswithhammers.com

"Catholic doctrine does not support child abuse"
But it has been going on for so long...
All over the world

#4 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-03-07
Re www.hookerswithhammers.com

People that commit crimes should be charged, tried and punished.

Their race, religion, nationality and gender are immaterial.

Ireland should no more ban Catholic priests from Ireland for the behavior of some priests than England should ban Muslims for the behavior of some Muslims.

Catholic doctrine does not support child abuse. Islam does not support rape.

Racists can parse phrases from the Koran and the Bible to justify their hatred, but ancient sacred texts do not define a modern religion or its adherents.

If you need to find a prevalent common denominator in sexual abuse, gender is the strongest indicator.

#5 Parent Latina in LA - 2017-03-07
Re www.hookerswithhammers.com

It's admirable that the advice, in that article, is given to the Muslims by a Muslim man, quite an exceptional man according to Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazir_Afzal

"Nazir Afzal OBE (born 1962 in Birmingham UK) was the Chief Crown Prosecutor of the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) for North West England from 2011–15. He was the first Muslim to be appointed to such a position and was Britain's most senior Muslim lawyer within the CPS. He has campaigned for women's rights and spoken out against forced marriage, female genital mutilation and honour killings.[4] He was awarded an OBE in 2005."

Also noteworthy is the Mayor or London who is a Muslim: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sadiq_Khan
"Sadiq Aman Khan PC (born 8 October 1970) is a British politician and the current Mayor of London since 2016. He was the Member of Parliament (MP) for Tooting from 2005 to 2016. A member of the Labour Party, he is situated on the party's soft left and has been ideologically characterised as a social democrat.

His election as Mayor of London made him the city's first ethnic minority mayor, and the first Muslim to become mayor of a major Western capital. Khan held the largest personal mandate of any politician in the history of the United Kingdom, and the third largest personal mandate in Europe."

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