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#1 Parent caring - 2017-03-11
Re: Re moving on

Huh? "FTatHome" it is :LOL

#2 Parent FTatHome - 2017-03-11
Re: Re moving on

Take it easy on the booze.

#3 Parent caring - 2017-03-10
Re: Re moving on

As instant as the Chinese noodles are when replying to a message to be posted with considerations to time and nature :)
So, do you mean I stop posting or the board gets censored?

Discontinue is OK!
If this is the price to pay for getting rid of negative input, then "Discontinue" is OK
#4 Parent BeenThere - 2017-03-10
Re: Re moving on

Discontinue is OK!
If this is the price to pay for getting rid of negative input, then "Discontinue" is OK.

#5 Parent caring - 2017-03-10
Re moving on

There truly "are have been many moments" on this very board when bored have come to bore and doctors could not stop thinking/writing and attacking varieties of views which did not correspond with the chosen ones. So, there's no "moving on", since the board needs the thinking/writing and attacking. to continue rather than discontinue. Whether the forums go on to more constructive, authentic and hospitable than they have been remains to be seen.

There are have been many moments when Silverboy and Taffy have provided useful information and made interesting, thoughtful and opinionated contributions to this forum. I hope that they both will choose to remain a part of the 'forum community'.
#6 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-03-10
Re: Re moving on

It's not you, Silverboy, who said "I don't forgive or forget"; it was another poster, about London Girl.

Yes well you were right in an earlier post, Fifi- there comes a time when we should forget-life is too short to harbour grudges. And no well-adjusted person holds grudges about what is said on an Internet forum.

As for Turnoi, we are hoping he will return to help us out with explaining post doctorates in China; right up his street and i have no knowledge in that area.

Just cooking the girl a big bowlful of pork dumplings and some boiled rice.

Have a jolly weekend. SB is off to Japan.

#7 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-03-10
Re moving on

I will still criticize what I don't like. For example, I don't like Women's Day, I think it is PC, tokenism, and meaningless. That's just my opinion though. The problem is that many women (not all ) expect to be given gifts on this day. This should not be another excuse to sell flowers and chocolate. This does not help women, does not "empower" them, and is a self-defeating thing. Giving people things for nothing never helps them. Festivals like Easter and Xmas, and Spring Festival in China also mean nothing these days. Also agree that Fifi should not be able have posts she does not like removed. Moderators can do this if they want to objectively and without interference. The Trump Diplomcy/FT PRC poster made an effort to change things a bit, that's fine, and like I said, I will keep my side of the bargain.

You're right, SB, they shouldn't need a special day. However, a good part of the world population believe that God has designed women purely to serve men. Although, they would cunningly maintain that women are equal in the eyes of God and it's just that we have different jobs to do- which is okay for hubby as he strolls into the supermarket as cool as a cucumber in sandals and cooling clothes- not quite so nice for Mum wearing a duvet with holes cut out so she doesn't bump into anything. I mean we are not talking about my wrathful old man's failing eyesight here, we are talking about how things are! Fortunate Western women should use their women's days to complain about their sisters dragging themselves around in duvets.

#8 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-03-10
Re moving on

At least your postings get published, Taffy.......

Haha! The fuwuyuaness even cleared away all those dirty posts I didn't want.

#9 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-03-10
Re moving on

Fair enough, Trumpsey. Thank you.

#10 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-03-09
Re moving on

They were a blight on the board.

Bloody liberty! You only swan in like royalty once in a blue moon, quickly dump some rotten English anywhere you like and sod off again for yonks. What's it got to do with you?

#11 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-03-09
Re moving on

There was nothing wrong with Trumpsey's post

Thanks, Taffy. I will continue to be a philosophical opponent, but without resorting to personal attacks.

#12 Parent Eilbert Anstein - 2017-03-09
Re moving on

At least your postings get published, Taffy.......

#13 Parent Silverboy - 2017-03-09
Re moving on

I will still criticize what I don't like. For example, I don't like Women's Day, I think it is PC, tokenism, and meaningless. That's just my opinion though. The problem is that many women (not all ) expect to be given gifts on this day. This should not be another excuse to sell flowers and chocolate. This does not help women, does not "empower" them, and is a self-defeating thing. Giving people things for nothing never helps them. Festivals like Easter and Xmas, and Spring Festival in China also mean nothing these days. Also agree that Fifi should not be able have posts she does not like removed. Moderators can do this if they want to objectively and without interference. The Trump Diplomcy/FT PRC poster made an effort to change things a bit, that's fine, and like I said, I will keep my side of the bargain.

#14 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-03-08
Re moving on

That is quite a conciliatory post and a peace offering. I am quite prepared to tone down the content of my posts in future if it is offensive to some readers. I think Fifi mentioned that I said I "don't forgive or forget". Not sure exactly if she was referring to me but I have forgiven plenty of people in my life.

There was nothing wrong with Trumpsey's post. However, I wouldn't be prepared to turn it down an inch. I am fed up with the drama queen, and all the bizarre "I was talking to my friend the Moderator." The strangeness has got even stranger now with her making the boards proclamations that this or that person has had his posts deleted and is wending his way out of the door so as not to cast a shadow over women's day.

#15 Parent Silverboy - 2017-03-08
Re: Re moving on

My position now is in spite of the fact I said nasty things about the FT in PRC poster and she said nasty things about me she is prepared to move on and not hold a grudge. It takes some guts to do this. I have given my word that there will be no more hostility on here. I never break my word. We can still criticize each other sometimes, I am open to criticism also but it can be done in a non-combatitive way, maybe like how Turnoi and I criticized each other, it was very subtle.

#16 Parent Silverboy - 2017-03-08
Re moving on

I think Turnoi was right to tarnish all for profit schools with the same brush. As for myself I have always been very consistent in regard to this issue. The people who run these training centres only open them because they think there is a niche in the market. If you think they open them because they care about students or teachers you are dead wrong. Many are fronts for money laundering and organized crime especially in the Dongbei ( North -East ) part of China. It's not just China where this criminal activity is taking place. Anyway, I'm off to Taipei in the morning so I must go and finish packing.

#17 Parent Illegitimi non carborundum - 2017-03-08
Re moving on

There are have been many moments when Silverboy and Taffy have provided useful information and made interesting, thoughtful and opinionated contributions to this forum.

Can you please give specific instances of this?

They were a blight on the board. The only valuable contribution they might have given was to be careful. But they did this without any nuance.

The doctor painted all for-profit schools with an evil brush.

Can't think of anything the SB contributed of value. Besides entertainment.

#18 Parent Fifi - 2017-03-08
Re: Re moving on

It's not you, Silverboy, who said "I don't forgive or forget"; it was another poster, about London Girl.

#19 Parent Silverboy - 2017-03-08
Re moving on

That is quite a conciliatory post and a peace offering. I am quite prepared to tone down the content of my posts in future if it is offensive to some readers. I think Fifi mentioned that I said I "don't forgive or forget". Not sure exactly if she was referring to me but I have forgiven plenty of people in my life. However, no I don"t forget. Fifi said she generally thinks I am happy, and don't get angry, that's true, but I am prone to short bursts of anger. I will also tell you I am very angry with mainland Chinese people because of two very bad things that happened to me when I lived there. Maybe I can forgive the one day.

I will admit that some of my posts that did appear on here and did not appear on here were offensive to women. I am opposed to over the top feminism, so it makes me a bit angry sometimes. Basically I don't like Women's Day because I have been asked by women I hardly even know to buy them gifts on this day before. Today I received no requests.

My advice to women on here is to condemn gold diggers whenever you come across them. When you meet new men you like be genuine and don't expect any material gain from them. You really will gain respect if you do this.

BTW the pics of women I posted on here were not all of prostitutes. About half were. The girl "Bam" is not a hooker, she is a good gal and a friend of mine. Not sure about "Boom". Yeah, I posted some of them to annoy the female posters on here.

Also, some of your posts have a lot of value, like the one about Guangxi University, what you said is true.

Anyway, it's is up to the mods on here if they want to approve this post or not. If they don't like my future posts they can permanently delete me of here. I will post about non-teaching things as I'm not really interested in ESL now, but they will not be aggressive posts. Basically there are bigger fish for me to fry than any poster on this forum. I am involved with a protest atm to stop a property developer and also a coal mine, so have been stressed out a bit.

I will not be posting much anyway as I really am going to Pattaya soon and I will be in Taiwan as from this Friday on a business trip, then to Bangkok and Pattaya later. I am prepared to bury the hatchet if other posters are. Maybe I can try to understand your lifestyles and you mine. Basically I am at a stage of life where I don't care about having a long term relationship, but they still happen to older guys, even in Pattaya.

BTW, I don't think this Taffy is that bad, although his posts can infuriate others. He infuriated me a few times on here also in the past. I never used to like him either but he is dte and consistent with his views IMO.

If I ever post any pics with women on here ever again I will be in them and I will ask the girls for permission. I DID ask Bam and Boom for permission to takes those pics. Same with the pics of me and the Chinese girls. However some girls in Pattaya say "camera go away". It is quite cute and funny, but if they don't want to be filmed or photographed that's fair enough. Over and out for most of the next three to four weeks. Like I said though in an earlier post, don't go to or live in Pattaya, Bali, Ibiza, Gold Coast in Australia or other international tourist cities if you really value your privacy. I am DEADLY SERIOUS when I say this. There are people constantly filming in these places and most of the time you won't even know it. There are two You Tube bloggers in Pattaya who have copped a fair bit of shit for "invading others privacy". In other words they stick video cameras in peoples face and never ask for permission. One of them I wonder why he is still alive even.

Thanks for your peace offering. I will always talk to anyone who offers an olive branch..

Regards, SB.

FTinPRC - 2017-03-08
moving on

There are have been many moments when Silverboy and Taffy have provided useful information and made interesting, thoughtful and opinionated contributions to this forum. I hope that they both will choose to remain a part of the 'forum community'.

There is a significant divide between adversarial argument and hate speech. As an example, Silverboy's perspective on male/female relationships is worthy of consideration, but accusations about the nature of women in general or women members of a particular race or nationality are not welcome, in my opinion, by many forum participants.

Taffy's views on immigration policy in England is protected speech and is broadly supported. General accusations about the nature of any religion or race is not useful and can be construed as hate speech.

I too have periodically crossed that line between communication and invective. The moderators in their wisdom have chosen not to accept several of my 'contributions'. No doubt Taffy would suggest that they have not edited my writing often enough. He may be correct.

I personally value the time and effort that Silverboy and Taffy have invested in the forum. I hope they will continue to contribute.

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