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#1 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-03-10
Re March 8 celebration!

Here, Fifi, your cause is winning: The Wall Street Girl AND the Wall Street Bull are wearing the pink hat on Women's Day.

Keep fighting, Fifi.

Pink seems a bit like a uniform in China for girls. I can't say I've been too happy about friends and relatives forcing pink and frilly clothes on my girl just because she's a girl. Don't get me wrong I wanted her to be a girl.

In the UK I bought my wife a good pair of walking boots so she could accompany me on long walks with a rambling club. She wouldn't wear them because they didn't look feminine enough.

I feel I have lost the battle in in China though since at the moment my girl spends an hour at the sink getting soaked then brings my a silly frilly dress to change into and returns to the sink...very soon needs another frilly pink dress. I protest but she insists.

#2 Parent Curious - 2017-03-09
Re March 8 celebration!

Here, Fifi, your cause is winning: The Wall Street Girl AND the Wall Street Bull are wearing the pink hat on Women's Day.

Keep fighting, Fifi.

#3 Parent Illegitimi non carborundum - 2017-03-09
Re March 8 celebration!

From what I see on the board, ALL of Taffy's posts and all of Silverboy's posts have been deleted. We are talking thousands of posts.

This certainly doesn't seem to be the case.

#4 Parent BeenThere - 2017-03-08
Re March 8 celebration! The Statue of Liberty Goes Dark

The official Twitter account for the Women's March seized the opportunity and tweeted: "Thank you Lady Liberty for standing with the resistance and going dark for #DayWithoutAWoman.

That group is promoting a strike scheduled for International Women's Day on Wednesday. An action meant to recognize "the enormous value that women of all backgrounds add to our socioeconomic system, while receiving lower wages and experiencing greater inequities, vulnerability to discrimination, sexual harassment and job insecurity," according to the Women's March website.
#5 Parent Latina in LA - 2017-03-08
Would like to mention Eleanor Bergstein on the occasion of the March 8 celebrations

Eleanor Bergstein https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eleanor_Bergstein is the woman who wrote the story behind the 1987 movie Dirty Dancing, based on her own adventures as a teenager. I saw this movie 72 times (yep!!) because it has a hidden message that, over the years, I was trying to identify. It finally happened last year. The hidden message is not the beauty of the dancing, the appeal of the music of the 1960's with Cousin Brucie of 77WABC (those of you on the East Coast will right away recognize the melancholy), or the beauty of Patrick Swayze: These are obvious things.

The hidden message is that Baby (the 16 year old who is the hero of the movie, who is what Eleanor Bergstein was at that age) sees something that she wants (Patrick Swayze) and although she is not in his league on the physical level (she is an ordinary looking girl while he is a god), she does what it takes to get him, no matter what.

And she gets him.

Then the dynamic changes between the two of them, and he is the one who says that she is out of his league because of her remarkably positive attitude to life (while he is a loser). Anyway, league or not, we all know that these two can't last long together but this is not the point of the movie. The point is: Go get what you want.

Many women still don't get it. They still rely on guys to give them what they need and want including a great reflexion of themselves as women. And some guys (like we have been reading on this board for years) resent having to pay for dinner when all they want is sex. But on the other side, when a woman shows that she is able to stand on her own, to fight on her own, she is called a feminista by the old timers (including the guy who does not want to pay for dinner) and she is hated as the worst thing that can happen to man-kind (I totally mean the hyphen in: man-kind). This is what Fifi described in her post above.

I get your message Fifi. I am proud of what you did with the old timers ("I slay, I slay") and I wish you a great Women's Day tomorrow.

Below: Bergstein at 71. Like Gloria Steinem, she remains beautiful and vibrant through the decades. Bergstein photo from: https://www.facebook.com/pg/diego.percossipapi/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1073137166052146

#6 Parent Fifi - 2017-03-08
Re: Re March 8 celebration!


Never been exposed to the wrath of older men like on this board. I had read about it, but never experienced it.

Maybe I had always behaved in submissive ways that were not calling the wrath. Now I call it. Bring it on! I will deal with it when it comes.

We need more awareness.

Thank you for your input.

#7 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-03-08
Re March 8 celebration!

Fifi, congratulations on being an instrument of transformation.

"A woman is the full circle. Within her is the power to create, nurture and transform" - Diane Mariechild.

Fifi - 2017-03-07
March 8 celebration!

Hi everybody!

Some 4 days ago, I reported Taffy to the mods for an unfair remark he had made against me. I also asked the mods to do something for Women's Day because there is a lot of misogyny on this board, in my opinion way too much misogyny: It's not thrown on the board to create a healthy dialogue, it's just thrown on the board for entertainment and provocation, and nothing is learned over the months and years. The positions of the misogynists remain the same. They support each other and become bolder. Like one old misogynist poster wrote some 2 weeks ago before all his posts disappeared (for the second time), "I don't forgive and I don't forget". Well, that's your choice, man but an attitude like that creates a stalled evolution in society and in individuals.

However, I am here to report a good news: I was just told that the matter was escalated to the editor of this site. From what I see on the board, ALL of Taffy's posts and all of Silverboy's posts have been deleted. We are talking thousands of posts.

You will notice that the threads are now dislocated because of the absence of those thousands of posts (a lot of posts are left as "orphans" i.e. answering a post that is no longer there). But the board will heal quickly. There will be less noise, less useless confrontation, and hopefully some real learning which is the purpose of a board like this one, in the middle of a site dedicated to learning.

I believe in freedom of speech but speech can't be allowed to hurt classes of people and it has to be appropriate: Speech of hate is better suited for websites of hate. And, put very simply, misogyny is hate.

I don't wish bad things to Taffy's and Silverboy's and Turnoi's deleted posts: They can go to internet heaven. I am totally OK with that.

But this board is not the right place for them. And I am kinda euphoric that the editor thinks the same. Happy Women's Day, Ed.

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