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#1 Parent caring - 2017-03-10
Re Stuff for geeks

The intriguing thing is that the Trump-Putin cooperation is to bring trillions into both economies, improve lives of millions of people and empower the Yankees and Russkies armies. How so many people fail to comprehend conspiracies when a suspect is put into the White House post or when a large plane with dubious passengers and cargo out of Malaysia disappears for ever is truly interesting. Clearly, we're living in the Rothschild, Trump, Gates and Putin age out of which money, weapons, technology and real estate flood the world on a verge of collapse. Somehow, the human beings will notice when worst comes to worst and we won't need wiki or Pamela Anderson leaks to tell us that humans are about to be reduced instead of their females' breasts enlarged.

Arthur - 2017-03-10
Stuff for geeks

Fascinating stuff: The FBI's counterintelligence team is investigating the relationship between a server of a Russian bank called Alfa Bank and a server belonging to the Trump Organization.

Internet data shows that last summer, a computer server owned by Russia-based Alfa Bank repeatedly looked up the contact information for a computer server being used by the Trump Organization -- far more than other companies did, representing 80% of all lookups to the Trump server.

But for those who have studied the data, the activity could suggest an intent to communicate by email during a period of time when ties between the Trump Organization and Russia are being closely scrutinized because of Russia's alleged involvement in hacking the emails of the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton campaign chief John Podesta.

Last year, a small group of computer scientists obtained internet traffic records from the complex system that serves as the internet's phone book. Access to these records is reserved for highly trusted cybersecurity firms and companies that provide this lookup service.

These leaked records show that Alfa Bank servers repeatedly looked up the unique internet address of a particular Trump Organization computer server in the United States. What puzzled them was why a Russian bank was repeatedly looking up the contact information for mail1.trump-email.com. From May 4 until September 23, the Russian bank looked up the address to this Trump corporate server 2,820 times -- more lookups than the Trump server received from any other source.

This server behavior alarmed one computer expert who had privileged access to this technical information last year. That person, who remains anonymous and goes by the moniker "Tea Leaves," obtained this information from internet traffic meant to remain private. It is unclear where Tea Leaves worked or how Tea Leaves obtained access to the information.

Follows a series of possible explanations by the Trump organization and other parties involved.

More scary is the following:

Fear has now silenced several of the computer scientists who first analyzed the data. Tea Leaves refused to be interviewed by CNN and is now "hiding under a rock," according to an intermediary contact.
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