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#1 Parent Fifi - 2017-03-15
Re: Re imminent domain

Go to hell, Wu.

#2 Parent Wu - 2017-03-15
Re: Re imminent domain

Please Can we come back to hiring english Teachers? Why so few teachers and so many schools want them. Why english teachers not coming enough to China?

#3 Parent Arthur - 2017-03-15
Re imminent domain

What about Wilders in tomorrow's Dutch election: Is the Netherlands going to the political right also?

#4 Parent Curious - 2017-03-13
Re: imminent domain

What you are saying is that in the 1930's and 1940's, Mussolini, Franco and Hitler were controlling their industries, right? i.e nobody could find work unless they were officially/outwardly supporting the dictators? Then, it must have felt almost impossible for the citizens of those countries to get rid of those dictators. Those citizens needed help from outside: Britain, US and Russia.

Stalin was also controlling Russia's industries.

#5 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-03-13
Re: imminent domain

Is it how the world turns fascist?

Prosaic fascism is no longer possible because nation-states have lost control of domestic industries. Trump cannot dictate to Big Oil or Big Pharm or Big Silicon; they maintain their choke-hold on Washington Consensus Capitalism.

Perhaps though there is a Bannonesque change occurring in Western societies. The nature of that is yet to be seen. Demographics ensure that white nationalist voters will never again control a U.S. election. Revolutions however do occur in the streets and are minority initiated. For the Trump supporter it is 'if not now, when?' time.

I could say that it "could get very ugly". But the status quo already is.

I believe that the U.S. military and state police are insulated enough from 'Deep State' opponents to maintain peace and to violently protect the gated communities in Greenwich and Newport Beach.

And so it goes.

#6 Parent Curious - 2017-03-13
Re: imminent domain

The Dutch are turning right with Wilders. Let's see on Wednesday. If this guy is elected, then we are witnessing a trumpshit movement throughout all the West: First Brexit, then trump in America, then this Wilders guy, then Le Pen in France.

Is it how the world turns fascist? Is it how it happened in Europe in the 1930's.

Your thoughts?

#7 Parent Curious - 2017-03-13
Re: imminent domain

"I fear that Trump's wrath has banished California, revoking its statehood, quarantining its internet, its utilities, its righteous liberal citizens and, by proxy, silencing this forum's moderators and contributors."

Ha ha ha. If all the contributors are like me, they are taking a break from all the misogyny and hate against immigrants/refugees that we have been reading on this board in the last 1/2 year. Nobody is posting, it's my feeling, because we are all breathing deep... I can't talk for others of course but in my case, I am breathing deep. Healing. When I restart posting, I will be stronger.

I fear for America, FT.

Breet Bharara was a pillar. One of "the 7 pillars of wisdom" of America. And boom! Just like that! Gone!

Gone, Baby, Gone!

This board is totally insignificant but wait 1-2 years when the full war on freedom of speech rages towards all the confines of the world and the ogre goes after anything that moves with his apparatchiks.

California still has a lot of wild west testosterone and pink pussy hats. We will prevail. But the fight will be real, at all levels. Thanks god we have Governor Brown and strong people of the next generation with 81% popular support like Eric Garcetti. They will prevail.

One of their best allies will be the self-inflicted wounds of the ogre. He can't go one week without shooting himself in the dick. But what will really get him is the people of the red states who voted for him because he promised them jobs (often: coal jobs) and who are soon going to lose Obamacare. Look at the map below: That's the map that elected him. When they realize they have been screwed, they will turn against him. But the fantasy will persist for a few more months until the tide starts turning.

Meanwhile, we need more people like Senators McCain and Graham; we need 3-4 more and the Republican majority in the Senate is gone.

The main enemy, in my opinion, is the idea that this administration is just like any other administration and that we have to wait for the next election. The idea that we lost, that's all, and we have to accept it. But no! This administration is against democracy, against women, against non-whites, against science, against the environment, against the non-rich, and most importantly against truth.

We will resist and we will support those who resist.

FTinPRC - 2017-03-13
imminent domain

I fear that Trump's wrath has banished California, revoking its statehood, quarantining its internet, its utilities, its righteous liberal citizens and, by proxy, silencing this forum's moderators and contributors.

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