Return to Index › Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich
#1 Parent Latina in LA - 2017-03-24
Life is not easy when you don't represent the majority

He is trying to force his will on a new health care law that would deprive 24 million of Americans of health care in the next 9 years, while only 37% of the US population approves of his job performance. We can see the results at first glance on his face in his photo of today on the BBC: He seems quite "low energy" and pulled in all directions. If he is not impeached soon, he won't last long according to what I see. Good riddance.

#2 Parent Curious - 2017-03-21
A serious danger in our time: Trumpism’s attack on reality

Just read a most interesting NYT article by Joel Whitebook (director of the Psychoanalytic Studies Program at Columbia University) called "Trump’s Method, Our Madness" that starts this way:

Sometimes, when psychoanalysts begin treatment with a new patient, they quickly find themselves feeling that they can’t make sense of what is going on. The patient’s statements and behavior simply don’t add up, and the flurry of dissociated statements and actions can quickly begin to produce something like a disorienting fog.

Most seasoned clinicians will have learned that they shouldn’t attribute this confusion, which is typically accompanied by a distinct form of anxiety, to their lack of skill. Instead, adept clinicians take the experience itself and the accompanying anxiety as significant data, indicating that they are dealing with, if not psychosis in the strict diagnostic sense, at the very least something in the vicinity of psychotic-like phenomena.

Just as disorientation and bewilderment tell analysts something significant about what they are experiencing in the clinical setting, so too our confusion and anxiety in the face of Trumpism can tell us something important about ours. I am suggesting, in other words, that Trumpism as a social experience can be understood as a psychotic-like phenomenon.

This is not a question of Donald Trump’s personal psychopathology, alarming as that question may be. The point is, rather, that Trumpism as a social-psychological phenomenon has aspects reminiscent of psychosis, in that it entails a systematic — and it seems likely intentional — attack on our relation to reality.

And then he goes to explain how it works:

As opposed to the Soviet Union or contemporary North Korea, Surkov [the “puppet master” of Putin] does not seek to generate and maintain the regime’s power exclusively through the exercise of overt terror (though there is plenty of that). On the contrary, his “fusion of despotism and postmodernism” comprises “a strategy of power based on keeping any opposition there may be constantly confused,” creating “a ceaseless shape-shifting that is unstoppable because it’s indefinable.” To keep his opponents off-balanced and powerless, he might, for example, sponsor “nationalist skinheads one moment” and “human rights groups the next.” In a similar vein, Surkov could have provided the seating arrangements for the N.S.C. [National Security Council], where Bannon, a right-wing white nationalist who has provided a platform for anti-Semites, sits on one side of Trump, and his son-in-law Jared Kushner, an orthodox Jew, sits on the other.

As long as Steve Bannon and his colleagues continue to destabilize our sense of reality, and their opponents fail to recognize how these techniques work, those who oppose him will continue to stumble.
#3 Parent Arthur - 2017-03-20
Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich

Courage Fifi, it's just a matter of time:

1- trump's approval ratings are down to 37%. That's a first for a new president!!! There is no reason in sight to believe that his ratings should improve soon, mostly when his voters start discovering what is in store for them in the new health care bill.

2- trump's wealth, according to Forbes, is going down:

The magazine put his net worth at $3.5 billion, down $1 billion from the rankings it issued a year ago.

As a result, his position on the Forbes' ranking dropped 220 spots, leaving him tied with 19 others as the 544th richest person in the world.

Ironically [Forbes Billionaires List] comes out the same day that Trump is meeting with Bill Gates, who is the world's richest man for the fourth straight year, according to Forbes. The Microsoft (MSFT, Tech30) founder's net worth is $86 billion, up from $75 billion last year.

Warren Buffett reclaimed the No. 2 spot on the list for the first time since 2014, with a net worth of $75.6 billion, up from $60.8 billion in 2016. Amazon (AMZN, Tech30) founder Jeff Bezos rose to No. 3 on the list for the first time, thanks to the jump in in Amazon shares, which boosted his net worth to $72.8 billion.

The 2017 list is longer than it's ever been before -- Forbes estimates there are now 2,043 billionaires worldwide, up from 1,810 in 2016. Their average net worth is $3.75 billion, which means Trump is not even worth as much as the "average" billionaire.

So, Fifi, let's just wait for his approval ratings to fall to 5% (it's going there), for the impeachment (it's unavoidable), and for his wealth to fall off Forbes' list.

#4 Parent Fifi - 2017-03-17
Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich

Of interest to teachers: Orange Hood's new budget would cut the following:
- After school and summer programs
- Aid for poor college students
- Public services like AmeriCorps

He would cut $9B from the 2017 budget of the Dept of Education (a decrease of 13.5%, 20 programs including Striving Readers, Teacher Quality Partnership and Impact Aid support payments for federal property and international education programs).

But students are not the only losers; these programs would also be cut:
- Heating assistance for low-income people
- Meals on Wheels
- Nutrition for pregnant and nursing women
- Emergency food assistance
- Legal services

#5 Parent Silverboy - 2017-03-16
Re: Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich

This is what is wrong with people who think this way. You are defending illegal immigrants in your own country. Do you ever see people in China, Korea or Japan defending illegal residents in their countries? NO, their governments even encourage people to report illegals. You can get in big trouble in China or Thailand just for overstaying on a tourist visa. However if Trump or the Australian government cracks down on illegals they are "evil". Hypocrisy and double standards from the left again. Where is your outrage towards the Chinese or Japanese? Or is "racism" only caused by white people?

#6 Parent Silverboy - 2017-03-16
Re: Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich

Never said Trump was a hero. He is a refreshing change to mainstream politicians though. Sure, he will make mistakes and tell a few lies as all politicians do. As for the fifty dollars, that is about 1300 baht, yes, I can think of plenty to do with that. Yes, Australia should scrap it's foreign aid program. There are many problems that need to be sorted out here first.

#7 Parent BeenThere - 2017-03-15
Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich

You are not alone, Fifi.

The pic below is for you.

#8 Parent BeenThere - 2017-03-15
Re: Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich

One big difference between the racism of Asian countries and the racism of the US: The US is a new country that was created on the basis of religious freedom and immigration. It became a melting pot of diverse immigrants. "Melting pot" has a lot of meaning in the US. trump is trying to change that.

Silverboy: I just read that the right-wing white supremacist guy of the Netherlands was defeated today. It is a center-right party that won. This goes against your prognostic that the far right is winning world wide. I think Europe is looking at what is going on in America and is afraid of going the same way (understandably so).

#9 Parent Silverboy - 2017-03-15
Re: Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich

Asians are not only racist, they are inherently racist. The Chinese government actively encourages racism. The Koreans and Japanese likewise. You will not find anyone on here except myself saying this. Only Trump is a racist according to most posters on here. I don't think Western people are racist. We have been way to tolerant for decades. Vancouver in Canada for instance has been taken over by Chinese. This is not because Chinese are "smart", it is because the Canadian government is stupid. As for homophobia, still a problem, but nothing like it was in the late 80's and early 90's. It is ironic that a city like Sydney which is very open and has a large gay scene like San Francisco had a gay bashing problem up till 20 years ago.

#10 Parent BeenThere - 2017-03-15
Re: Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich

I listened to half of the interview; many of the things he says are true. I will listen to the second half this evening, but so far I would recommend it.

#11 Parent Curious - 2017-03-15
Re: Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich

I was reading a chat this morning on the NYT where people involved in ethics-related agencies and civil society groups were discussing the ethics requirements that apply to the government. I felt good because there are a lot of smart and competent people who - as I type - are actively monitoring what is going on at the White House, spreading information and suing the administration based on various laws and on the constitution. I felt a prudent optimism that trump can't destroy our values, our institutions, our reputation: The "check and balance" mechanisms are at work.

#12 Parent Latina in LA - 2017-03-15
Re: Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich

I am a Latina in LA as my handle says. Arthur, I feel the same. Mostly since Nov 8 when the worst in half the population started roaring (before, the worst was present, but it was only whispering). I am not an immigrant but I know a lot of immigrants, many of them "illegal" and I can tell you the fear they are feeling right now does not make America great. It makes America very small.

#13 Parent heretosay - 2017-03-15
Re: Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich

Some countries in Asia do not deserve to be getting foreign aid.

The total fall in Australian aid from 2014 to 2016 has saved about A$50 per Australian. Restoring at least this amount to the foreign aid budget from 2017 would do little to hamper budget repair and would substantially repair Australia’s international standing.

More importantly, it would enable Australia to play the part that it should as the OECD’s seventh-most-prosperous nation in financing humanitarian and development assistance in the Asia-Pacific region and beyond.
(from "Savage budget cuts pull Australia down in foreign aid rankings"
May 4, 2016 2.03am EDT
Robin Davies

I don't have to ask where you'll spend that whopping $50 you've saved.

Asian people are self-serving. They don't want foreigners in their countries. The Chinese
don't want foreigners in their country.

Care to back that up with what you've discovered through valid research? Oh wait, that's right, you don't bother with research. Rather, you give weight to your own opinions. Opinions based on bias earn no respect.

"China's aid splurge in the Pacific"
Daniel Flitton

China's influence is growing in Australia's backyard, with new research showing Beijing has almost matched the US, Japan and New Zealand as an aid donor to tiny Pacific island nations.

There is nothing wrong with what Trump is doing
in regard to border issues anyway.

I would be shocked if you believed otherwise because, aside from the fact that Trump is your hero, the following applies as well:

“The most self-absorbed people display an ironic pension for the smallest minds and the largest mouths.”
― Aaron W. Matthews

#14 Parent Arthur - 2017-03-15
Re: Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich

Good point about us being called racist when we want to protect our culture, while in Asia, protecting one's culture is considered a sacred right. However in my case, being gay, I abhor America's culture of homophobia. I have been a victim of homophobia twice (plus countless slights here and there) and I say: To hell with the culture, just bring justice and fairness instead.

#15 Parent Silverboy - 2017-03-15
Re: Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich

Some countries in Asia do not deserve to be getting foreign aid. I hope China is still not getting any, I would be horrified if they still are. Thailand and Indonesia don't deserve any either. Yes, Western governments should cut back on foreign aid. Asian people are self-serving. They don't want foreigners in their countries. The Chinese don't want foreigners in their country. I will even admit people in Pattaya don't really want foreigners there, even though they welcome us with open arms. I will still take what they have to offer. Most of them just want wealthy ex-pats money. It is the same in China. When Asians restrict immigration they are "protecting their culture". When we do it we are "racist". There is nothing wrong with what Trump is doing in regard to border issues anyway. The Japanese and Koreans are very tough on border security. The problem is that Trump has singled out certain countries. Cut back on all immigration if you really want to be serious. BTW, I wonder what happened to this "bomb the shit out of ISIS" rhetoric from Trump. That really was a bullshit statement from him.

#16 Parent Simon - 2017-03-15
Re: Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich

Thomas Frank asks how America's Democrats got it so wrong.

A great listen - link below:


#17 Parent Fifi - 2017-03-15
Re: America is business of Americans

Taffy, I recognize your smell (it's not a pleasant way to start a day)

#18 Parent workshy finder general - 2017-03-15
America is business of Americans

I personally did not vote for trump but I will say this, if you are an American born and bred and you are a hard working tax payer, then that is the only justification for putting in your oar and voicing an opinion. Do not get me wrong, you probably fit that bill. Just sayin. What do you think? There seems to be too many pretend Americans, workshy bums around who feel they have more rights than proper Americans.The voting system has spoken I say.

#19 Parent Curious - 2017-03-15
Re: Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich

This thinking is at the base of today's order by the White House to the State Department to cut in half its foreign aid (including USAID).

I know that foreign aid has been pouring into Africa, for example, for a century at least: Billions of dollars; and in most beneficiary countries, we still can't see any tangible and long-lasting results. Africa is a black hole.

But US foreign help worked in Europe for reconstruction (the Marshall Plan) after WWII. You will probably agree with me that it was a very good thing: It re-created a new market for American goods and it kept Russia's influence under control. The Russians were the first to enter Hitler's bunker, not the Americans; they could have used their major role in Germany's defeat as a way to grab Western Europe (the way they did with Eastern Europe) if the US had not been active in reconstructing Western Europe.

Do you know if foreign aid worked in Asia where some countries were in bad shape after the Japanese occupation for example: Did foreign aid help them to recover?

Japan created its own development bank many decades ago as a way to keep some control over the poorest countries of Asia: Did it work?

#20 Parent Silverboy - 2017-03-15
Re: Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich

I realized that as Westerners we must put the interests of our own countries first. It is not the responsibility of people in the USA and Australia and England to help people in Asia and Africa. Charity begins at home.

#21 Parent Fifi - 2017-03-15
Re: Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich

What made you change from left wing to right wing?

#22 Parent Silverboy - 2017-03-15
Re: Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich

In Australia we have the Medicare system that was introduced by the Hawke-Keating ( I think ) left-wing government in the mid 80's who I actually used to vote for. It works well IMO.

Private medical insurance on the other hand in too expensive. I had it up till 2007 when I was married, but premiums were 3600 dollars a year at the time. I had it for eight years and used it twice for some dental work.

Could only claim a 30 per cent rebate anyway, basically a rip-off.

#23 Parent Fifi - 2017-03-15
Re: Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich

What you say is that because we remain divided politically (Dems vs GOP), we lose focus and we don't see and address the real problem which is the very rich vs the rest of us.

Makes sense since it is widely documented that since the 70s or 80s (maybe it started with Reagan), the rich are getting much richer and the poor poorer (the average American now doubts that the American Dream is possible for their children).

#24 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-03-15
Re: Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich

I can't take my (ex) friends'
conservative ideas: They cut me to the bone.

Most of your conservative friends, unless they are very wealthy, have ample reason to complain about the U.S. economy, services and political system.

You will see both parties and the media focusing again on those

fundamental values that differ between the two groups
because they are the reason that we fail to be able to unite as one people against the elites.

The U.S. elites have been successful in silencing class conflict by instigating social values conflict. Trump did play the 'class card' but once elected never mentioned the poor.

The word poverty never passed Hillary's lips.

How could a revolution happen to/with/from/by such fat (with a large
proportion of obesity) and comfort-addicted people?

Revolutions are made by the young. And they are cumulative. I was in Paris in 2009 when the Nurses lay on the commuter train tracks, shutting down the city for wage gains.

Now I do not predict a revolution in the U.S. It is a stable police state. But one important change has occurred since I followed Mark Rudd, a.k.a Shmuel Rudinsky, down the stairs at Columbia into Harlem in the late 60s: Social Media.

For better or worse, Bannon is a revolutionary theorist and a social media maniac.

The results of oppressive change are unpredictable. Let's hope.

#25 Parent Fifi - 2017-03-15
Re: Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich

Yes, a lot of the poor people voted for Trump.

I found interesting a map of health care coverage that Curious posted a few days ago at http://www.eslteachersboard.com/cgi-bin/forum/index.pl?read=130554 called "Trump voters would be among the biggest losers in Republican's Obama Care replacement plan." The Trump voters basically voted themselves out of health care.

Because they are stupid (I know I am using harsh words, but I mean it, I am so pissed at them), it does not mean that they should be deprived of affordable medical care. In Europe, medical care is available to all. In Canada also. How is it in Australia?

#26 Parent Silverboy - 2017-03-15
Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich

You were telling me that poor people did not vote for Trump not long ago. You lack consistency. One thing I will say is that is seems only people in New York, LA, Seattle, San Francisco and Washington are getting rich or richer in the USA. The rest of the country is going nowhere or backwards. A bit like Sydney and Brisbane in Australia, people are doing well if they own their house and have a bit of capital on top of that. If you are one of the have nots and have rent or mortgage stress life is tough.

#27 Parent Arthur - 2017-03-15
Re: Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich

"In my humble opinion, the infection of U.S. society has progressed beyond political change": Food for thought. I once corresponded with a seasoned journalist who explained to me that Republicans and Democrats, in many-many regards, are the same. As you say.

But not in all regards: Liberals cringe way too much when they watch the news since the election. There are many fundamental values that differ between the two groups.

What I personally know about your "beyond political change" is what I intuitively feel about the divide in the US at the moment. Since the Nov 8 election, I have broken (nicely, gently though) decades-old relationships because I can't take my (ex) friends' conservative ideas: They cut me to the bone. I hurt when I am with them and I hurt afterwards because their ideas and words play in my mind as I find myself mentally arguing with them while washing the dishes or making the beds. It had to stop; I don't consciously tolerate the divide inside my own psyche (or as little as possible). And I don't care at all if my conservative ex friends feel the same towards me: It's OK. What is not OK is the communication between us that bring the "clashes of civilizations". The solution is no more communication. I assume it is the same with most people in the country (stats say so and I observe the same in the media): The divide is not temporary, it's not artificial, it's not superficial. It's not something that a good bottle of wine can push aside. It's real. It's deep. It's unconditional (except maybe in the case of an alien or a Russian invasion where we would automatically and quickly reunite). And it's here to stay.

I am curious about your mention of revolution. I know it happened in 1775-83 but, then, America was like an adolescent looking for his identity. Today America is an old man on a sofa watching TV. How could a revolution happen to/with/from/by such fat (with a large proportion of obesity) and comfort-addicted people? We are no 1970s Belfast.

#28 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-03-15
Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich

It's ironic that a bunch of poor older folks in the rural areas voted for trump because he
told them he would decrease the cost of health care.

Yes, the Republicans and Trump suck. But the concentration of wealth in the U.S. continued unabated during Democratic administrations. Hillary was the preferred candidate of the majority of the elites.

Seeing Trump as the problem with U.S. government is like blaming the can of Pepsi when the Vending Machine takes your money after you pushed Coke. It's the machine. The machine of campaign finance, "money as speech", "corporate human rights", revolving door patronage, the electoral college and gerrymandering.

Trump is just the current spawn, worse than Reagan and Bush perhaps, but child of the same demons.

In my humble opinion, the infection of U.S. society has progressed beyond political change. Sepsis requires revolutionary acts.

Fifi - 2017-03-14
Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich

Hi guys! Been busy with the Resistance but I have to tell you: The bi partisan Congressional Budget Office, a respected body in the US Congress, says that in 10 years, the number of Americans excluded from the existing health care system (Obamacare) by the new trumpcare bill that is presently being debated by the Republicans would be 24,000,000. That's in addition to the 28,000,000 that are still presently uninsured for a grand total of 52,000,000 uninsured Americans in 10 years. Forum visitors from Europe, where health care is available to all, must find these numbers incomprehensible.

Paying premiums would not be mandatory under trumpcare, meaning that young people - who are rarely sick - would chose not to pay, leaving the older segment of the population alone to pay. For example, the Budged Office says "a 64-year-old making $26,500 per year would pay $14,600 under the proposed American Health Care Act."

The trumpcare bill would allow the insurers to charge the old folks FIVE TIMES more than they charge the young people (presently, it is 3 times).

Meanwhile, the rich would get a tax break of $346 BILLION during those 10 years because trump would eliminate the tax that they have to pay for health care.

It's ironic that a bunch of poor older folks in the rural areas voted for trump because he told them he would decrease the cost of health care. They believed him in November 2016 as if we were still living in the 1950s. How long will they believe him, how long will the propaganda work? I suspect that the moment the old folks are being told by their health care providers that they are no longer covered for this and that and maybe for anything, they will stop believing, no matter what propaganda is being thrown at them. The poor people of Russia believe Putin when he says that Russia has to take Crimea back and Ukraine back and has to get involved big time in Syria, although the poor are almost starving. I don't think that the poor Americans are that gullible. But we will see.

For those who say that the Republican party won the election and that we should all accept it and and that we should all shut up, I say: Fuck You! This is not the type of society that we want to live in.

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