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#1 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-03-17
Re imminent domain

When will the real Silverboy be in Pattaya?

#2 Parent asd - 2017-03-14
Re imminent domain

Imitation is the finest form of flattery is it not?

#3 Parent The Real Silverboy - 2017-03-14
Re imminent domain

I am the real Silverboy. I had not planned to post on here till this Friday or Saturday. I don't appreciate that someone is impersonating me on here. You are an imposter.

Even though I generally agree with what this poster has written he/she is still an imposter. It is not right that other posters on here will think it is really me when it is not. It makes no difference if the other posters like my posts on here or not.

I think people on here who impersonate other posters on should be banned. That also includes people who try to impersonate, Fifi, Curious, FT in PRC, whoever. The statements on here from either right-wing or left wing posters should ONLY represent those individual posters.

You may think you are doing me a favor or this is funny, you are not, it is not funny. I am contacting the mods on here to have those two fake Silverboy posts removed.

Next time I might post a pic with my post to prove it's really me.

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