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#1 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-03-30
Re: Re It will show them

Not blond, Taffy. His hair is orange.

Bill Maher ever said that trump paints his face orange (the tan and the dyed hair) the color of the ass of an orangutan in order to look alpha male.

Maybe you should try a little harder to understand peoples motives. Take my case, I also use hair dye, perhaps in a mistaken attempt to not stand out, in view of my age compared to the ages of others around me. I am open-minded you see and I feel if I were stuck in that lift with Trump over the weekend he would get around to telling me why he paints his skin and touches up his hair(if you say he does) Either way, he may be the president but he can be expected to have some foibles without being a risk to his country. I was going to safe "safe pair of hands" but in true chimp-gang-up mode the American populations seems to be picking on him for appendages he can do little about. Pathetic comes to mind. I don't know who this Bill Maher is but he sounds like the school bully.

The 'stuck in a lift over the weekend' means exactly that. It used to happen a lot. Been films about the dialogue. Actually the Chinese are good at those sort of quality films, where you have to act well to pull it off. i'm saying that because it still eludes me what I was supposed to have said which could have been mistaken. Taffy said what? Must have been serious?

#2 Parent Fifi - 2017-03-29
Re: Re It will show them

Not blond, Taffy. His hair is orange.

Bill Maher ever said that trump paints his face orange (the tan and the dyed hair) the color of the ass of an orangutan in order to look alpha male.

#3 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-03-29
Re It will show them

Patience, Fifi. The old white working-class males are going to lose their health care coverage in the red states if Trump's health bill passes: They will also know how it is not to get medical care when they need it.

I am really not trying to be funny, Fifi, and maybe you wrote this hastily- "old, white and male" does sound a tad racist, sexist and ageist you know. Sounds like you're happy that these whites will get their comeuppance? "They will also know how it is not to get medical care when they need it." I suppose Trump is the quintessential whitey with his blond hair?

#4 Parent Curious - 2017-03-21
Scandinavia: 5 of the world 10 happiest countries

According to the latest World Happiness Report, released Monday by the Sustainable Development Solutions Network for the United Nations, the happiest countries are:
1- Norway
2- Denmark
3- Iceland
4- Switzerland
5- Finland
6- Netherlands
7- Canada
8- New Zealand
9- Australia and Sweden

14- The United States came in 14th place, dropping one place from last year.
16- Germany
19- UK
49- Russia
51- Japan
79- China

Happiness isn't just about money, although it's part of it.

Real gross domestic product per capita is one of the key measurements, said the report.

Others include generosity, a healthy life expectancy, having someone to count on, perceived freedom to make life choices and freedom from corruption, the report's authors argued.

#5 Parent BeenThere - 2017-03-21
Re: the world's table

Yep, workers are poorer while the rich get richer:

Almost one-quarter of workers said they and their spouse combined have less than $1,000 saved for retirement, according to a report from the Employee Benefit Research Institute. Nearly half of everyone surveyed said they had less than $25,000.
#6 Parent Curious - 2017-03-21
Re: the world's table

You are right about Scandinavia (I should have thought about it). Seems to work well there. Unemployed people receive a substantial allowance. And lots of training. Health care for everybody. Thank you for reminding us; we should all keep this model in the back of our minds.

The countries of Scandinavia, though, are very small and rather homogeneous. I wonder if a similar system would work well in a country of 320 million that is not homogeneous.

About the elites, I read a quote from Forbes on this board today (http://www.eslteachersboard.com/cgi-bin/forum/index.pl?read=130688) that "Forbes estimates there are now 2,043 billionaires worldwide, up from 1,810 in 2016. Their average net worth is $3.75 billion": Obviously the number of billionaires, worldwide, is increasing very fast. And their average net value is also increasing very fast if we compare these figures with 10 years ago (with Forbes adding - he he he: "which means Trump is not even worth as much as the "average" billionaire.")

The Scandinavian model would of course require bi-partisan support, something that we may never see again in the US for a couple of generations at least. For example today, about the all important topic of whether or not Russia, our long-time enemy, played a role in the election, there was no bi-partisan questioning of FBI Director Comey: The Dems were after this question, but the GOP was after the leaks: WHO are the traitors who leaked the info that had poor Mike Flynn fired???? It is disheartening. By the way, I hear you when you say that the political and cultural/social divisions between right and left in the US are only a diversion from the big problem which is the elite increasing their wealth at the expense of the rest of the population. But how do you see the role that our enemy is playing in our elections, and in the elections of Europe: Is it much bigger than the class problem? Is it linked to the class problem? Or is it peculiar to the trump-putin dynamic?

#7 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-03-21
Re: the world's table

It works in Northern Europe. Taxation rates that U.S. Republicans would call 'confiscatory'.

If the U.S. had taxation rates and regulatory control of 'loopholes' equivalent to the U.S. in the 1950s and 60s, there would be NO national debt.

The U.S. lost control of its government to elites as their percentage of their wealth climbed relentlessly in Reagan's wake.

In the meantime, we've been distracted by social issues. Guns and trans-gender bathrooms.

Elites wet their boat-shoes on their yachts laughing at us.

#8 Parent Curious - 2017-03-21
Re: the world's table

"Equitable distribution of wealth"
It was tried in the USSR. In China. Did not work well. What model do you have in mind?

#9 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-03-21
the world's table

You express yourself well; I understand.

My views about wealth are not 'middle of the road'.

I cannot sit at a dinner table and gorge myself while someone else at the table does not have anything to eat.

I believe that is more than a metaphor; it is the core of morality. Once every human has food, housing, healthcare and education, then, and only then, can any human justifiably have more than he can eat, more beds than he can sleep in, plastic surgery... more money than he can ever spend.

Enormous wealth is immoral in a world where children still starve.

Equitable distribution of wealth is no longer untenable. It is a choice that we should make. And people do not generally peacefully divest themselves of wealth.

#10 Parent Arthur - 2017-03-20
Re: Re It will show them

I agree with the first 3 sentences. In fact, they give me a lot to think about. Thank you for that.

But I totally disagree with the 4th sentence "Until the day when ALL U.S. citizens decide to unite to eviscerate the Soros, Koch, Zuckerberg, Walton, Gates, et al, nothing will change." when it comes to Soros, Zuckerberg and Gates. And I shop at Walmart all the time, I would not if I thought that Sam was bad or his children are bad. I obviously could not be happy in a communist regime, as I am OK with some people - who are not at the top of the party hiererarchy - becoming rich. But it has to be monitored and limited when it goes too far; estate taxes can do part of that. I am using simple words to express a feeling more than a structured thinking; sorry for not being as articulate as you are.

#11 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-03-20
Re It will show them

Anger at Trump voters is as nonsensical as their anger at gay marriage, abortion and immigration..

For over 50 years, the .01 elite of the U.S. has drained social services and employment from U.S. society and transformed it into consolidated capital.

These vampire elites, Democrat and Republican puppeteers both, are quite happy to see your anger at 'hillbilly town' and equally pleased with poor white anger at liberal culture.

Until the day when ALL U.S. citizens decide to unite to eviscerate the Soros, Koch, Zuckerberg, Walton, Gates, et al, nothing will change.

#12 Parent Arthur - 2017-03-20
Re: Re It will show them

Am in total agreement.

The old white rural trump supporters voted themselves outa health care.

Read a few article in the last couple of days where they say they hope trump won't cut their poverty alleviation programs (training, heating, food, transport, etc) and their medicaid. Some still don't want to believe that trump could do that. But it's already all mentioned in detail in his health care bill: In order to cut the taxes for the rich, trump has to cut the programs for the poor.

The good thing is that the bill won't probably pass next Thursday because of 2 extreme groups with opposing interests within the GOP: the moderates (which are considered "extreme" in the GOP) who want to protect existing health care coverage for the poor (and are afraid not to be re-elected in 2018), and the ultra conservatives who want a very cruel bill against the poor (that's the Tea Party group).

Frankly, I find it hard to have a good heart and not to feel a little glee at the idea of them losing whatever little social net/protection they presently have: They so deserve it. Hillary would have kept all their programs in place. But they preferred to vote for a self described billionaire (we have not seen his tax records yet): The results were so predictable!

#13 Parent CaffeinatedWandress - 2017-03-20
Re It will show them

That is so true. I am honestly sick of reading articles that say something along the lines of,'the majority of residents in this angry white hillbilly town voted for Trump. Now, most of them may lose their healthcare.' The authors clearly expect me to feel pity; all I feel is schadenfreude.

Trump is affecting the whole country. He is affecting the whole world. If his idiot voters get the rug pulled out from under them, at least it was a consequence of their own stupid, self-involved little choices.

And, frankly, yeah, it is high time for white, Christian, heterosexual, cisgender, males of a certain age in the USA to take a hit...probably for the first time in their lives.

#14 Parent Latina in LA - 2017-03-19
Re It will show them

Patience, Fifi. The old white working-class males are going to lose their health care coverage in the red states if Trump's health bill passes: They will also know how it is not to get medical care when they need it.

Fifi - 2017-03-19
It will show them

A Texas lawmaker has proposed a bill that would fine a man $100 each time he masturbates.

The bill also imposes a 24-hour waiting period if a guy wants a colonoscopy or a vasectomy, or if he's in the market for some Viagra.
Rep. Jessica Farrar, a Democrat, knows her bill isn't going to get very far. But she proposed it last week to make a point and give male lawmakers a taste of their own medicine.

Farrar has long been an advocate of women's health in a state that has made it extremely difficult for women to get abortions. And the bill, by pointing out a sexist double standard, is meant to shine a light on the obstacles women deal with when it comes to their health care.

"Let's look at what Texas has done to women," Farrar told CNN. "What if men had to undergo the same intrusive procedures?"

Farrar's bill would penalize men for masturbation because such behavior is a failure to preserve the sanctity of life and "an act against an unborn child."

And Rep. Farrar added:

Texas has the highest maternal mortality rate in the developed world.

This is what happens when you let the old dinosaurs control the lives of women.

The Republicans responded to her the same way the old white bitter men used to reply to Liberals on this board.

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