Return to Index › Your income vs. your taxes in 18 countries
#1 Parent AlexInHohhot - 2017-04-01
Re: Your income vs. your taxes in 18 countries

If those figures are true, my country, at 23%, is better than I thought.
We get quite a lot of services for that 23%; it's easy to see when we compare with Inner Mongolia for example.

#2 Parent Wu - 2017-03-31
Re: Re Your income vs. your taxes in 18 countries

your wife pay taxes in china?
what is your city?

#3 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-03-30
Re Your income vs. your taxes in 18 countries

Good to see you back, Trumpsey. I find you good reading.

#4 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-03-30
Re Your income vs. your taxes in 18 countries

It's notoriously difficult to compare taxation levels, even domestically. The U.S. figure is for Detroit for single/no dependents and includes social security contribution.
Read Piketty's chapters on taxation in "Capital in the 21st Century" and your head will spin.
It is not coincidental that U.S. tax policy is impenetrable. The Wizard needs a curtain.

#5 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-03-30
Re Your income vs. your taxes in 18 countries

I thought some of you would find this (one year old) chart interesting.
I was a bit surprised to see such a high % for Belgium and Germany while they don't seem to be complaining too much...
France used to be higher; I remember during my visits to Paris in earlier times, the Value Added Tax (la TVA) used to be 33%.
I was also surprised to see that the US pays 2% more taxes than Canada.
China is at 11%.
No taxes in India....

I found the other countries of Scandinavia at http://www.oecd.org/tax/tax-policy/taxing-wages-sweden.pdf

Surprised to see the UK 23 odd percent tax. Such a small country bristling with nuclear submarines and aircraft carriers- where does the money come from? When the yanks say "get your arses into gear you limey bastards we have a war to fight!"-we always seem to raise thousands of tanks and do as we're told.

i wonder how much tax the wife pays in China? With commission she gets £5,500 net ,give or take about 300 every month. Quite a lot for a Chinese but if you speak 3 languages fluently (4 including Mandarin) and you have lived in UK for 7 years you don't settle for scrag-end.

Curious - 2017-03-29
Your income vs. your taxes in 18 countries

I thought some of you would find this (one year old) chart interesting.
I was a bit surprised to see such a high % for Belgium and Germany while they don't seem to be complaining too much...
France used to be higher; I remember during my visits to Paris in earlier times, the Value Added Tax (la TVA) used to be 33%.
I was also surprised to see that the US pays 2% more taxes than Canada.
China is at 11%.
No taxes in India....

I found the other countries of Scandinavia at http://www.oecd.org/tax/tax-policy/taxing-wages-sweden.pdf

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