Return to Index › You dems deserve every second of the Trump presidency
#1 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-01
Re You dems deserve every second of the Trump presidency

56% of the population DISAPPROVE of trump's job at the White House.
It might be OK for you, but it is not for us.

Well 100 percent of our beautiful new premier, Teresa May, disapproved of Brexit and voted against Britain leaving Europe. However, she understands that if you want to change a voting system you have to do just that and not argue to the point of treason the redemption of a voting system set in place. I suggest you get behind Mr Trump and support him even if you don't like it.

I notice you say "56percent of the population" What's that 56percent comprised of? Blooming foreigners no doubt rightly upset that their sponging days are threatened.

#2 Parent Curious - 2017-04-01
Re You dems deserve every second of the Trump presidency

56% of the population DISAPPROVE of trump's job at the White House.
It might be OK for you, but it is not for us.

#3 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-01
Re: You dems deserve every second of the Trump presidency

A city in China's restive western region of Xinjiang has banned people with head scarves, veils and long beards from boarding buses, as the government battles unrest with a policy that critics said discriminates against Muslims.
Xinjiang, home to the Muslim Uighur people who speak a Turkic language, has been beset for years by violence that the government blames on Islamist militants or separatists.
Authorities will prohibit five types of passengers — those who wear veils, head scarves, a loose-fitting garment called a jilbab, clothing with the crescent moon and star, and those with long beards - from boarding buses in the northwestern city of Karamay, state media said.

Bravo for China. I would say it discriminates against people who might want to blow us all to smithereens on those buses. It also discriminates again people who want to throw homosexuals off of tall buildings for merely loving one another and or having sex. It discriminates against women all the world over and provides a link with a primitive and evil past.

#4 Parent Curious - 2017-04-01
Re: You dems deserve every second of the Trump presidency

I read about this today. It sounds indeed like something that trump would do here if he could (he can't):

A city in China's restive western region of Xinjiang has banned people with head scarves, veils and long beards from boarding buses, as the government battles unrest with a policy that critics said discriminates against Muslims.

Xinjiang, home to the Muslim Uighur people who speak a Turkic language, has been beset for years by violence that the government blames on Islamist militants or separatists.

Authorities will prohibit five types of passengers — those who wear veils, head scarves, a loose-fitting garment called a jilbab, clothing with the crescent moon and star, and those with long beards - from boarding buses in the northwestern city of Karamay, state media said.

#5 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-01
Re: You dems deserve every second of the Trump presidency

You are the living proof that it's essential to maintain Obamacare because a person like you has to be taken care of: you need assessment, treatment and medication.

Morning Fifi
I'm not here to say inflammatory things like 'Obamacare is a Scroungers Charter. No, I'm going to stay out of American business and I suggest you do the same. We can just sit on the sidelines and snigger from time to time hahaha- only joking.

No, why I answered you, Fifi, is because I couldn't see anything in that other posters post to suggest in any way he needs psychiatric care. If we don't watch it, it's a slippery slope to get us back to the dark old days where everything bar the kitchen sink was hurled against an opponent- even to the extent of calling the poor innocent a paedophile to get shot of him. This is a rare area where me an SB do not agree. Just saying like. We should ask Wu what he thinks of obamacare- he could ask his son, We just keep schompt. How do you spell that word- always forgetting?????

Have a gay weekend.

#6 Parent AlexInHohhot - 2017-04-01
Re: You dems deserve every second of the Trump presidency

Xi is going to fix the minorities of Xin Jiang the same way Trump is going to fix the minorities of America. The world is changing, Fifi.

#7 Parent Fifi - 2017-04-01
Re: You dems deserve every second of the Trump presidency

You are the living proof that it's essential to maintain Obamacare because a person like you has to be taken care of: you need assessment, treatment and medication.

AlexInHohhot - 2017-03-31
You dems deserve every second of the Trump presidency

You hypocrites, you are the same as the Republicans, your 2016 candidate was a pro-Wall Street pol. I enjoy watching your programs go down one by one.

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