Return to Index › Incompetent Isle of Man Bond Company
#1 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-14
WU the unexceptable face of capitalism.

how many road-rage murders would occur in Britain if we all started honking our horns the way the Chinese do.

you must be extradited back to UK. you promote rebelion in china

You let the Chinese down Wu. You let China down Wu. You refuse to hire Americans because they insist on being paid. Why do you hate Americans, Wu?

#2 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-05
Re Incompetent Isle of Man Bond Company

Exactly, drooling is taken as a compliment in China by Chinese women!

Why did Turnoi and Migsy walk away empty handed then hahaha?! Actually that Migsy is not a bad looking bloke and Turnoi distinguished-looking. San Miguel is still in Jinan I think.

#3 Parent expat hubby - 2017-04-05
Re Incompetent Isle of Man Bond Company


#4 Parent expat hubby - 2017-04-05
Re Incompetent Isle of Man Bond Company

Exactly, drooling is taken as a compliment in China by Chinese women!

#5 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-05
Re Incompetent Isle of Man Bond Company

As long as she keeps pounds as pounds. If you can resist spending for six months or a year the pound will come good again. Me, I am going the right way converting everything to pounds and transferring it to UK. Just plummeted again- jolly good show for my plans. Essentially the UK is a good strong country still and will heal.

#6 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-05
Re Incompetent Isle of Man Bond Company

Yes, but it's like pulling teeth!
Never mind, Ill stick at it.

BOC STORY: Yesterday morning, I transferred an annual private pension, arrived 28 March, in GBP, from my account to my wife's account at the BOC. My computer photo had to be taken twice to facilitate the transfer. Early afternoon, a manager at the bank called my wife. The teller had not obtained my 'signature' on one of the bank's forms.

I was asked to return to rectify the teller's error. I did so and wrote my full name in block capitals. The manager thanked me, and I responded that it was no big deal. The young teller was a looker, no doubt about that! I guess the manager didn't give her a hard time!

I suppose if you'd stayed at home and did the transfer on-line you wouldn't have gotten to drool over the teller. Having said that I have not done a transfer myself yet using that usb gadget. Just waiting to get some more money to transfer so don't keep attracting charges.

They seem to do without signatures on forms if you don't actually physically appear in the bank.

#7 Parent expat hubby - 2017-04-05
Re Incompetent Isle of Man Bond Company

Yes, but it's like pulling teeth!
Never mind, Ill stick at it.

BOC STORY: Yesterday morning, I transferred an annual private pension, arrived 28 March, in GBP, from my account to my wife's account at the BOC. My computer photo had to be taken twice to facilitate the transfer. Early afternoon, a manager at the bank called my wife. The teller had not obtained my 'signature' on one of the bank's forms.

I was asked to return to rectify the teller's error. I did so and wrote my full name in block capitals. The manager thanked me, and I responded that it was no big deal. The young teller was a looker, no doubt about that! I guess the manager didn't give her a hard time!

#8 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-05
Re Incompetent Isle of Man Bond Company

At least you#re prising some action from them.

#9 Parent expat hubby - 2017-04-04
Re Incompetent Isle of Man Bond Company

Dear Mrs C


Thank you for your recent faxes and please accept my apologies for any confusion regarding what we can accept to enable you to do a partial encashment.

With regards to your fax of the 9 March 2017 we are still not in receipt of the original. We will let you know when this is received and will action accordingly.

Kind regards


Clearly, it's NOT party time yet!

#10 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-03
Re Incompetent Isle of Man Bond Company

Yes, your driving licence helped you in an unexpected way.
(US English = driver's license. You are definitely American!)
Yes. If by "Americans" you mean U.S. citizens, I do have a U.S."driver's license" and speak English with a U.S. vocabulary.
Your incisive observation skills suggest that you are English or the distant progeny of one of their Empire acquisitions.

He does dance English skillfully.(to steal your word- quite like it) He has to be British at least.

I had a Miami Florida driving licence. My wife has a British licence, unfortunately.

#11 Parent expat hubby - 2017-04-03
Re Incompetent Isle of Man Bond Company

Nope, I'm not English.

However, my English is reasonably good, good enough to teach English in China, I think.

#12 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-04-03
Re Incompetent Isle of Man Bond Company

Yes, your driving licence helped you in an unexpected way.

(US English = driver's license. You are definitely American!)

Yes. If by "Americans" you mean U.S. citizens, I do have a U.S."driver's license" and speak English with a U.S. vocabulary.
Your incisive observation skills suggest that you are English or the distant progeny of one of their Empire acquisitions.

#13 Parent expat hubby - 2017-04-03
Re Incompetent Isle of Man Bond Company

Yes, your driving licence helped you in an unexpected way.

(US English = driver's license. You are definitely American!)

#14 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-04-03
Re Incompetent Isle of Man Bond Company

I was successful in convincing the BOC to accept a transfer with my middle initial instead of full middle name (as is provided in the passport and generally required by BOC) by providing my U.S. driver's license which fortunately also uses my middle initial.
It was, however, a struggle involving several bank managers and my often inadequate Chinese language ability.

#15 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-02
Re Incompetent Isle of Man Bond Company

Forewarn the TT provider you will use not to use your abbreviated name!

I think western banks transfer by TT to each other on behalf of their customers accept abbreviated names, but the BOC won't!

Ah yes.
#16 Parent expat hubby - 2017-04-02
Re Incompetent Isle of Man Bond Company

Forewarn the TT provider you will use not to use your abbreviated name!

I think western banks transfer by TT to each other on behalf of their customers accept abbreviated names, but the BOC won't!

#17 Parent expat hubby - 2017-04-02
Re Incompetent Isle of Man Bond Company

I think for TTs from western banks to your Chinese bank account there will be a form from your western bank required to be filled in by yourself.

Full name, your Chinese bank account number, the postal address and swift code of the head branch of your bank in that province will be necessary. Your branch need not be the head branch. Only head branches have swift codes. Fixed fee = 20 GBP/transfer. You could transfer 20,000 GBP FOR 20 GBP. Allow 3-4 weeks for the transfer to arrive from the time you send your transfer request form by air mail letter to your TT provider back home. Sell part or all of your GBP at your branch for RMB whenever you wish to do so. No fee for currency conversion.



#18 Parent expat hubby - 2017-04-02
Re Incompetent Isle of Man Bond Company

Forgot to say, if they ask you to sign your name, and you sign as BDTaffy, that will be rejected. However, in block capitals as BOYO DRAINSTORM TAFFY will be accepted by the BOC as YOUR SIGNATURE!

#19 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-02
Re Incompetent Isle of Man Bond Company

If you have a BOC account that accepts GBP in the form of a TT = telegraphic transfer and the western initiator of a TT abbreviates your name, the BOC will do nothing. For example, Boyo Drainstorm Taffy will be ok, but B D Taffy won't. You'll have to wait until the TT is returned to your country and until your western bank then issues a replacement TT using your name as depicted on your passport.

Even though your account number matches that submitted by your TT provider, 1806511293807, for example, the BOC won't bend their rules!

Even worse, they won't inform you of the arrival of the faulty TT because the names don't match exactly.


Is there anything we can do to stop that careless clerk from making that error in the first place? I'm not as knowledgeable as I should be about transferring cash etceteras.

What's your experience simply transferring money online between a British High Street banks and say Bank of China. I have only transferred from Santander to BOC and poised to try the other way around.

#20 Parent expat hubby - 2017-04-01
Re Incompetent Isle of Man Bond Company

If you have a BOC account that accepts GBP in the form of a TT = telegraphic transfer and the western initiator of a TT abbreviates your name, the BOC will do nothing. For example, Boyo Drainstorm Taffy will be ok, but B D Taffy won't. You'll have to wait until the TT is returned to your country and until your western bank then issues a replacement TT using your name as depicted on your passport.

Even though your account number matches that submitted by your TT provider, 1806511293807, for example, the BOC won't bend their rules!

Even worse, they won't inform you of the arrival of the faulty TT because the names don't match exactly.


#21 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-01
Re Incompetent Isle of Man Bond Company

She's annoyed about all the BS, but she realises bankers are wankers.

I'm the one dealing with the bond company on her behalf. I compose the emails, faxes and letters. She signs and dates them.
Tell a Friend

You'll need to hold a party to celebrate when it's finally resolved.

Santander and Bank of China have been trouble-free for me. I was a bit concerned about getting money out of China but find you don't have to go anywhere near the banks or speak to anybody to do that. OR SO WE'VE BEEN ASSURED. They have given us a machine you plug into USB to do it, but we haven't used it yet. Maybe have a go next weekend. The pound has taken another dive- but good for me. Before Brexit I was expecting that the pound would suffer far more than it has; so healthy considering. I shouldn't take too much out of the UK yet

#22 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-01
Re Incompetent Isle of Man Bond Company



hahaha- yes I have done that with that word and then again shortly afterwards.

#23 Parent expat hubby - 2017-04-01
Re Incompetent Isle of Man Bond Company

She's annoyed about all the BS, but she realises bankers are wankers.

I'm the one dealing with the bond company on her behalf. I compose the emails, faxes and letters. She signs and dates them.

#24 Parent expat hubby - 2017-04-01
Re Incompetent Isle of Man Bond Company



#25 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-01
Re Incompetent Isle of Man Bond Company

FAO: N P from J C, (surname J)
Further to my fax of 31 March 2017 to you necessitated by your email received by me on 29 March 2017, I send you this fax re your assertion therein " to ensure that this is a VALID request".

First, my husband had previously written a letter by hand on my behalf (*), posted to 360, conveying my instructions to yourselves to cancel the PSR of 22/12/2016 if that PSR letter had not been actioned by yourselves by the date of receipt of (*), and replace it by a subsequent PSR, enclosed together with (*). As nothing had been actioned by 360, I called 360, and when my husband asked about the 2 PSRs, he was told on the phone that both PSRs could not be processed because "I am NOW required to use 360's PSR forms instead of my PSRs on my previously designed forms".

Another point, I had sent my current passport and other documentation to 360 previously to confirm my identity.

(**) Along with those I had sent a PSR which was immediately actioned without requiring a subsequent tel call from me to 360.

Next point, when my passport was returned to me by 360, there was merely a "with complements" letter accompanying it, nothing saying that 360 trusted my details! However, as the PSR that had accompanied my passport had been immediately actioned, I justifiably assumed that there was indeed trust by yourselves.

Finally, due to (**) I expect 360 to process my PSR letter of 9th March 2017 forthwith, which I assume is now at your office, and is the PSF referred to by E C in his email below:

2017年03月09日 22:22 (星期四)
Dear Mrs C Bond: XXXXXXXM – J C
We have received the Partial Surrendered form via Fax.
In order for us to proceed we will require the original form posting to our office. I look forward to receiving this shortly Kind regards Eddie

Signature:_____J C____________________Date____1/4/2017____________

Bloody Hell- how's the wife holding up with all this? Or is she blissfully unaware and you just get her to sign here and there?

#26 Parent expat hubby - 2017-04-01
Re Incompetent Isle of Man Bond Company

FAO: N P from J C, (surname J)
Further to my fax of 31 March 2017 to you necessitated by your email received by me on 29 March 2017, I send you this fax re your assertion therein " to ensure that this is a VALID request".

First, my husband had previously written a letter by hand on my behalf (*), posted to 360, conveying my instructions to yourselves to cancel the PSR of 22/12/2016 if that PSR letter had not been actioned by yourselves by the date of receipt of (*), and replace it by a subsequent PSR, enclosed together with (*). As nothing had been actioned by 360, I called 360, and when my husband asked about the 2 PSRs, he was told on the phone that both PSRs could not be processed because "I am NOW required to use 360's PSR forms instead of my PSRs on my previously designed forms".

Another point, I had sent my current passport and other documentation to 360 previously to confirm my identity.

(**) Along with those I had sent a PSR which was immediately actioned without requiring a subsequent tel call from me to 360.

Next point, when my passport was returned to me by 360, there was merely a "with complements" letter accompanying it, nothing saying that 360 trusted my details! However, as the PSR that had accompanied my passport had been immediately actioned, I justifiably assumed that there was indeed trust by yourselves.

Finally, due to (**) I expect 360 to process my PSR letter of 9th March 2017 forthwith, which I assume is now at your office, and is the PSF referred to by E C in his email below:

2017年03月09日 22:22 (星期四)
Dear Mrs C Bond: XXXXXXXM – J C
We have received the Partial Surrendered form via Fax.
In order for us to proceed we will require the original form posting to our office. I look forward to receiving this shortly Kind regards Eddie

Signature:_____J C____________________Date____1/4/2017____________

#27 Parent Arthur - 2017-04-01
Re: Re Incompetent Isle of Man Bond Company

You can't threaten people like that, Mr Chinese. i know you do it at your school all the time, but this site is not a Chinese website. You can't call your son in Beijing and have him blacklist this site if the moderators chose to eradicate your post, because this site is not based in China, understand?

#28 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-01
Re: Re Incompetent Isle of Man Bond Company

life in China can be stressful

My other son work in beijing, i think intelligentia it is call. you have said enough bad things about china. will stop.

Oh well, I had better try and watch my tongue then, Wu.

Yes, I know, you Chinese can be sensitive about "Tomb Day" So I will watch my P's&Q's about that one in future. Will you give your foreigners the two full days off, Monday and Tuesday? My two are off to the village, so I will get some peace and quiet. Last night she decided apropos of nothing that I should have a pony tail. How do you tie one of those up yourself, especially as my one is a bit of a short runt at the moment? Save money with a pony tail.

#29 Parent Wu - 2017-03-31
Re: Re Incompetent Isle of Man Bond Company

life in China can be stressful

My other son work in beijing, i think intelligentia it is call. you have said enough bad things about china. will stop.

#30 Parent Wu - 2017-03-31
Re: Re Incompetent Isle of Man Bond Company

how many road-rage murders would occur in Britain if we all started honking our horns the way the Chinese do.

you must be extradited back to UK. you promote rebelion in china

#31 Parent expat hubby - 2017-03-31
Re Incompetent Isle of Man Bond Company


#32 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-03-31
Re just the fax please

Skype makes regular phone calls too. Not free. But just a few cents. Quality is very good and for a few dollars a month they will provide a dedicated phone number.

Oh, thanks for putting me straight. I always (for many years) advise (to date nobody has taken this advice) people to use www,internetcalls.com and it's very rarely I need to pay for an international call (then only parts of pennies) be it landline or cellular. Which reminds me for some reason I ended up with credit on phoning from PC using skype a few years ago- but not for long as they sent e-mail saying "use up your credit or lose ir" That doesn't happen with Internetcalls. I mainly use it from my kindle fire when away from home. They have a website but for some reason can't get it today- but this(see pic) will do. Have a look at it at least Trumpsey.

#33 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-03-31
Re just the fax please

Oh no, I wouldn't be able to afford The skype telephone, Trumpsey. Have a look at this, you go on their webpage and make a free call to test the quality. I am adamant to succeed in convincing somebody, anybody, one day. I think that Skype has a staid and secure feel about it, and I come across as somewhat capricious, flighty, degreeless loser.

#34 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-03-31
Re just the fax please

Skype makes regular phone calls too. Not free. But just a few cents. Quality is very good and for a few dollars a month they will provide a dedicated phone number.

#35 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-03-31
Re Incompetent Isle of Man Bond Company

Exactly, and as the calls are recorded for 'training purposes' one should be careful not to be abusive or rude. Even though they make one angry. When one is told they can't hear what one says, it's ok to bawl as loud as you can. That'll be ok.

In contrast, one can shout the odds face to face at the BOC and get away with it. In the west, one would be in hot water for such behavior.

Different country, different culture!

Yes, I suppose that's culture. I was just thinking how many road-rage murders would occur in Britain if we all started honking our horns the way the Chinese do. Where i live[in China] from time to time you get really bad hen-arguments complete with blood-curdling screams- never ends in violence though..Wherever you live it is always better for the wife to confront the enemy.

#36 Parent expat hubby - 2017-03-31
Re Incompetent Isle of Man Bond Company

Exactly, and as the calls are recorded for 'training purposes' one should be careful not to be abusive or rude. Even though they make one angry. When one is told they can't hear what one says, it's ok to bawl as loud as you can. That'll be ok.

In contrast, one can shout the odds face to face at the BOC and get away with it. In the west, one would be in hot water for such behavior.

Different country, different culture!

#37 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-03-31
Re just the fax please

Get a Skype number. Set your alarm clock. Make the call.

Good idea, he could try, but maybe this Isle of Man tax-haven concern wouldn't be into participating in skype chats. But worth a try.

What about 'caring' poster- I hope all them bad vibes (no name no pack drill) didn't frighten him away. Caring is a good poster actually. He has his own style it's true-but very good.

#38 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-03-31
Re Incompetent Isle of Man Bond Company

Anyway, I must get them weaned off the phone because they won't then be in a situation to be obstructive coz of a bad telephone line and my wife's poor English.

Ah, good thinking.

#39 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-03-31
Re Incompetent Isle of Man Bond Company

certainly sound like they all need retraining to bring their responses in line.

#40 Parent expat hubby - 2017-03-31
Re Incompetent Isle of Man Bond Company

They won't action a partial or full encashment on the basis of a fax coz the signature on it could be forged. They require a letter. Fair enough.

I don't think phone calls are necessary, given that:

1) they only action transfers on originals of encashment forms received by post.

2) they can e-mail my wife and she can fax them, or the reverse situation, as a means of resolving problems.

Anyway, I must get them weaned off the phone because they won't then be in a situation to be obstructive coz of a bad telephone line and my wife's poor English.

#41 Parent expat hubby - 2017-03-31
Re Incompetent Isle of Man Bond Company

They've already contradicted themselves during previous tel calls. One employee said that they wouldn't accept faxes from my wife. Another said they would. Another said she can't email them. Another said she can!

Of course, they needn't trust me as the bond is in my wife's name. On the phone they act the daft laddie. I wonder if they dislike the money being in my wife's name coz she is Chinese and she has poor English.

Anyway, I'll sort it all out for her.

Their partial encashment/full encashment (= bond surrender) form has a box which says 'Please give reason for encashment. This is for our information only and is not a mandatory requirement'.

They should mind their own business. Bloody cheek!

#42 Parent Fifi - 2017-03-31
Re: just the fax please

He he he

#43 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-03-31
just the fax please

Get a Skype number. Set your alarm clock. Make the call.
Don't forget to put your teeth back in.

#44 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-03-31
Re Incompetent Isle of Man Bond Company

Having reread your post, they obviously won't be doing you any favours. Difficult to see how you could have been more prepared for all this. Keep us updated, please. The blocking of your e-mail sounds like a ploy to keep the workload down rather than a security precaution of any kind.They will want to earn money from phone calls from you. That '01624' Isle of Man code- is that ordinary tariff?

#45 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-03-30
Re Incompetent Isle of Man Bond Company

J C is a Chinese citizen in China. Her hubby is from the UK; He is an expat residing in China with her. Bond company can't be e-mailed as e-mails from her to them are blocked at their end! However, they do email her, but they don't fax her. The PSR form that is mentioned in the emails from EC and LG
is 360'S form, distinct from the 22/12/2016 form. The 2017 PSR from my wife completed on their form is a separate PSR request, still to be processed! It was posted to them by air mail on 9th March. Below is her most recent fax to that company, edited by me where necessary.
FAO: N P from J C, (surname J)

In the light of the three most recent e-mails received from 360 Degrees by me, shown below, please be aware that I am NOW required to use 360's PSR forms instead of my previously designed forms, such as the 22/12/2016 PSR which you have referred to in your email below. SO, PLEASE BIN MY 22/12/2016 PSR. No need for tel calls between ourselves about that old PSR, in my view. Do you agree? Besides, my poor English makes it very difficult for me to communicate with 360 staff during long-distance calls. Please e-mail me to confirm that my fax has successfully dealt with this matter. If you need the original fax page to be posted to you, I shall happily do so. Awaiting your next email to me to: j@163.com Kind regards,
SIGNED J C DATE 31/3/2017

2017年03月29日 19:05 (星期三)XXXXXXM We have received a partial surrender request for you however this is dated 22 December 2016. To enable us to ensure that this is a valid request we will need to speak to you in this regard. Could you please confirm a convenient time to call you and a valid telephone number, the call will have to be placed within our office opening hours of 9am to 5pm (UK time) Monday to Friday. We look forward to hearing from you. Kind regards N P

2017年03月09日 22:22 (星期四)We have received the Partial Surrendered form via Fax. In order for us to proceed we will require the original form posting to our office. I look forward to receiving this shortly Kind regards E C

2017年03月07日 17:12 (星期二)These are the email addresses to use. Please see attached the correct form to use for a partial encashment form. If you require any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact us by telephoning 00 44 (0) 1624 638888 or e-mailing at iomcss@rl360.com Kindest regards L G

This is a post interesting enough for me to take the trouble to read again after breakfast to take it all in. One thing is sure life in China can be stressful because of problems communicating with your own country and sovereign territories.

I myself am a bit better prepared this time away from UK- made sure there was plenty of credit in Tesco mobile so I can receive transaction pins, things like that.

expat hubby - 2017-03-30
Incompetent Isle of Man Bond Company

J C is a Chinese citizen in China. Her hubby is from the UK; He is an expat residing in China with her. Bond company can't be e-mailed as e-mails from her to them are blocked at their end! However, they do email her, but they don't fax her. The PSR form that is mentioned in the emails from EC and LG
is 360'S form, distinct from the 22/12/2016 form. The 2017 PSR from my wife completed on their form is a separate PSR request, still to be processed! It was posted to them by air mail on 9th March. Below is her most recent fax to that company, edited by me where necessary.
FAO: N P from J C, (surname J)

In the light of the three most recent e-mails received from 360 Degrees by me, shown below, please be aware that I am NOW required to use 360's PSR forms instead of my previously designed forms, such as the 22/12/2016 PSR which you have referred to in your email below. SO, PLEASE BIN MY 22/12/2016 PSR. No need for tel calls between ourselves about that old PSR, in my view. Do you agree? Besides, my poor English makes it very difficult for me to communicate with 360 staff during long-distance calls. Please e-mail me to confirm that my fax has successfully dealt with this matter. If you need the original fax page to be posted to you, I shall happily do so. Awaiting your next email to me to: j@163.com Kind regards,
SIGNED J C DATE 31/3/2017

2017年03月29日 19:05 (星期三)XXXXXXM We have received a partial surrender request for you however this is dated 22 December 2016. To enable us to ensure that this is a valid request we will need to speak to you in this regard. Could you please confirm a convenient time to call you and a valid telephone number, the call will have to be placed within our office opening hours of 9am to 5pm (UK time) Monday to Friday. We look forward to hearing from you. Kind regards N P

2017年03月09日 22:22 (星期四)We have received the Partial Surrendered form via Fax. In order for us to proceed we will require the original form posting to our office. I look forward to receiving this shortly Kind regards E C

2017年03月07日 17:12 (星期二)These are the email addresses to use. Please see attached the correct form to use for a partial encashment form. If you require any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact us by telephoning 00 44 (0) 1624 638888 or e-mailing at iomcss@rl360.com Kindest regards L G

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