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#1 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-10
Re Multiple US strikes on Syria tonight

Modern weapons are expensive, and they not only protect the rich nations but also stimulate their economies.

Good thinking, Caring. The UK has only built two new carriers and it should be more to boost the economy. The sections were made in different parts of UK and shipped to Scotland where they know how to put them together.

#2 Parent caring - 2017-04-09
Re Multiple US strikes on Syria tonight

Modern weapons are expensive, and they not only protect the rich nations but also stimulate their economies. Moreover, few countries have the privilege to own/produce such arms which is why they are so influential on the world stage. Governments that cannot get the official rights to join in this level have a choice to follow with the few privileged ones or go on their own risking sanctions and economic downturn. Judging any leader for WMD is highly subjective given the current state at which the world stands today.

The present US dictator, who owes the arm producers for their votes, has only justified the arguments of North Korea, Iran and some other nations that are to follow up in their new military programs. The whole rich White House propaganda will probably drive up the stock market a little bit again as well as it will most likely open the door to new international conflicts to invest in further. How far this can go remains to be seen.

The current Chinese and Russian dictators that are racing to catch up with the so fancy American technology are in the situation in which they have to stand up to their "enemies" in order to keep their systems running too. The "fate", which you are refering to, awaits us all equally for the guns of today aren't the guns of yesterday. So, the irony of having invested our efforts and money in something that may kill us looms.

Trump did the right thing in this case. The same fate should await the Chinese or Russians if they use chemical weapons against their "enemies".
#3 Parent Curious - 2017-04-08
Re: Re Multiple US strikes on Syria tonight

I can't believe these 2 titles on CNN (which is usually not pro-trump - and makes a lot of money in the process):

China agrees to help resolve trade issues and N. Korean tensions, US says.

Trump, Xi have 'candid,' 'positive' talks in Florida.

The child with the machine gun is getting a lot of attention. And a lot of visitors (world leaders keep going there, while trump does not go to any country). trump might be more crazy than the fat kid of north korea and might be able to achieve something that a prudent, rule-abiding and rational president would not.

Something is for sure: Political news have NEVER been so interesting.

#4 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-04-08
Re Multiple US strikes on Syria tonight

A child with a machine gun will occasionally shoot a burglar.

#5 Parent BeenThere - 2017-04-08
Re Multiple US strikes on Syria tonight

Great article by Nicholas Kristof (NYT), Curious, that explains in detail the ambiguity that you may feel about Trump's intervention of yesterday:

President Trump’s air strikes against Syria were of dubious legality. They were hypocritical. They were impulsive. They may have had political motivations. They create new risks for the United States.

But most of all, they were right.

I’m deeply suspicious of Trump’s policies and competence, but this is a case where he is right and Barack Obama was wrong.

One of Trump’s problems is that he has lied so much and so often that he doesn’t have credibility at home or abroad in a foreign crisis like this. I likewise find it unnerving that he came to the right decision in an impulsive way, changing policy 180 degrees after compelling photos emerged of children gassed in Syria. Should a president’s decisions about war really depend on the photos taken?

For all the legitimate concerns about the risks ahead, now again we just might have a window to curb the bloodshed in Syria. I’m glad Trump took the important first step of holding Assad accountable for using chemical weapons. But it’s all going to depend now on whether Trump, who so far has been a master of incompetence, can manage the far more difficult challenge of using war to midwife peace.

#6 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-08
Re Multiple US strikes on Syria tonight

Trump did the right thing in this case. The same fate should await the Chinese or Russians if they use chemical weapons against their "enemies".

#7 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-08
Re Multiple US strikes on Syria tonight

It is time to get rid of Assad, that goon in North Korea, that little pipsqueak running China, and anyone else in charge of any other rogue state.

#8 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-07
Re Multiple US strikes on Syria tonight

I have to admit tonight that I am somewhat/somehow impressed to a certain degree tonight. I felt helpless when the previous administration

You're a thinking person, Curious, and have a right to change your mind. Trump will come up trumps and even Fifi will have his picture next to The Virgin Mary above her bed. Let's hope this intervention doesn't harm him.

Personally I feel we should keep out of other countries' businesses. Fair enough to drop bombs to knock out nuclear installations mind. Trump should concentrate on why he was elected- to get rid of all the Muslims and trouble-makers from his own shores. I worry about all the extra refugees this might create- that they head for the UK.

Curious - 2017-04-07
Multiple US strikes on Syria tonight

There were Russians and Syrians. The big question at 8:00PM PST is: How will Russia respond?

We will see tomorrow. Might be the beginning of WWIII. Or if Russia and trump were in cahoots during the campaign and Russia really want the US sanctions to be lifted by trump who really wants to lift the sanctions, then the population of Syria might benefit.

Those of you who have read my posts in the last year know what I think of trump, but I have to admit tonight that I am somewhat/somehow impressed to a certain degree tonight. I felt helpless when the previous administration draw a line with Assad but did not proceed to enforce it. Of course they had very good reasons not to enforce it as US soldiers' lives were at risk, plus the risk of escalation plus the bigger reality that nobody wins in the Middle East. But still, I was feeling helpless. Let's see if the better feeling of this evening justifies what will happen in the coming days and years in the Middle East.

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