Return to Index › Weighed, pruned, and cellophane wrapped English
#1 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-10
Re Weighed, pruned, and cellophane wrapped English

PC means to lie and not tell the truth about about specific inferior races, cultures, and "religions". Only people with no balls ever worry about "offending" other "cultures" and "minorities". Time to put a stop to PC madness!

Alias Taffy - 2017-04-10
Weighed, pruned, and cellophane wrapped English

This PC world is getting more and more bizarre. It has come to my attention that the PCers and foreigners wish to severely prune English in case their fellow foreigners misunderstand something that was said or take it in the wrong context. The goal of teaching foreigners English is to enable them to understand the language without it being specially weighed, pruned, and cellophane wrapped for delicate tastes.

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