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#1 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-13
Re: White Russian Bromance

Certainly many men are scared of being violated by other men, especially by a lady boy in the case of Thailand.

#2 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-04-12
Re: White Russian Bromance

Arthur, my meaning is that most heterosexual men are more disturbed about being personally sexually assaulted by a man than by the idea of a woman being sexually assaulted by a man.

I have no ability, nor right, to characterize the feelings of gay men or woman.

After participating in a number of heterosexual relationships, I feel I have some standing to comment on what heterosexual men feel.

#3 Parent Arthur - 2017-04-12
Re: White Russian Bromance

"Men are, however, much more sensitive and disturbed by the idea of themselves being sexually assaulted."

Don't know if we are MORE sensitive and disturbed by this idea, but we certainly are.

#4 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-04-12
Re: White Russian Bromance

Yes, well, we should be careful about insulting Gays

Neither Putin nor Tillerson are gay. Violent sexual assault, even of the anal variety, is certainly not limited to gay men. Statistics tell us that women are much more likely to be the victims of sexual assault, almost always, of course, perpetrated by men.

Men are, however, much more sensitive and disturbed by the idea of themselves being sexually assaulted.

This gender sensitivity is the target of my post, not the consensual expression of sexual intimacy between members of the same sex.

#5 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-11
Re: White Russian Bromance

And I must confess to being all too amused by the idea of men abusing each other in scatological detail.
Not my finest quality, of which I already have too few.

Yes, well, we should be careful about insulting Gays because some fundamental religions is very pleased for us to turn against our own people. Gays and women fought hard and and long for rights. I would say to Fifi also that it's not me living in the dark ages. Gays and women are my own people. But we should all do as our consciences allow us.

#6 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-04-11
Re: White Russian Bromance

haha-sussed it out eventually. I'm bound to say that I have never understood or found sex
jokes amusing, so it was wasted on me. Nothing against the joke mind-just not my thing

And I must confess to being all too amused by the idea of men abusing each other in scatological detail.
Not my finest quality, of which I already have too few.

#7 Parent Fifi - 2017-04-11
Re: White Russian Bromance

Slowly, painstakingly emerging from the Victorian era, Taffy.

It's a healthy process.

Living in a tomb is not.

#8 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-11
Re: White Russian Bromance

nternal :o)

Uh-Ho! What does the ':o) mean-some sort of office error? Coffee spill on desk? I warn you, I am a bit of a Sherlock Holmes.

Silly me, hardly holmes-like- more smut-like. Funny I'm sure but I didn't see it all day. I only learned what 'Bromance' means recently, but thought it was non-penetration?

#9 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-11
Re: White Russian Bromance

:o) is a secret code.
Some people know...

haha-sussed it out eventually. I'm bound to say that I have never understood or found sex jokes amusing, so it was wasted on me. Nothing against the joke mind-just not my thing.

#10 Parent Fifi - 2017-04-11
Re: White Russian Bromance

:o) is a secret code.
Some people know...

#11 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-11
Re: White Russian Bromance

internal :o)

Uh-Ho! What does the ':o) mean-some sort of office error? Coffee spill on desk? I warn you, I am a bit of a Sherlock Holmes.

#12 Parent Fifi - 2017-04-11
Re: White Russian Bromance

internal :o)

FTinPRC - 2017-04-11
White Russian Bromance

Putin crept silently into Tillerson's plush Moscow Suite, clad only in a Sable loin cloth from which two Faberge eggs dangle provocatively. Tillerson, splayed on the King sized bed, snores blissfully, unaware that at any moment an international, yet internal, rapprochement will occur...

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