Return to Index › Story shows worldwide impact of a rumor about a Chinese government decision
#1 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-15
Re: Re Story shows worldwide impact of a rumor about a Chinese government decision

It depends on how the US and South Korean forces go about rapidly destroying all the North Korean artillery pieces already in place. Yes, there will be a level of South Korean casualties, I agree with your analysis to some extent.

This would have to be done extremely swiftly and by surprise and obviously using multiple waves of fast moving fighter jets. Then destroy all their airfields and jets with another wave.

That would be the first thing to do. And very shortly after hit the leadership with those MOABS and assorted bunker busters.

The thing is, does the North Korean military really have a serious nuclear capability? If the answer from the "experts" is yes, then they will need to be
taken out regardless of any collateral damage. We can't risk a nuclear exchange from a man who is totally nuts.

#2 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-15
Re: Re Story shows worldwide impact of a rumor about a Chinese government decision

Not saying to kill average North Korean's, just the "leaders" of that country. The leaders of the free world have a moral responsibility to get rid of the fat little shit as you called him. I'll bet many Nazi style concentration camps will be found when NK is eventually liberated. We got rid of Saddam (although I'll admit not for totally altruistic reasons ) and he had all sort of bodyguards and disguises. Just watching the military parade in Pyongyang on TV, this hideous little man needs to go.

#3 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-04-15
Re: Re Story shows worldwide impact of a rumor about a Chinese government decision

Even if he was assassinated, half of South Korea would also be destroyed.
DPRC's conventional forces have been specifically designed to destroy the South. -

#4 Parent Fifi - 2017-04-15
Re: Re Story shows worldwide impact of a rumor about a Chinese government decision

The little fat piece of shit of North Korea is constantly in hiding, moving from place to place. It would be hard, even for the mother of all bombs, to catch him without killing half the population of NK

#5 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-15
Re: Re Story shows worldwide impact of a rumor about a Chinese government decision

Trump should order the launch of a few more of those MOAB's (mother of all bombs ) to get rid of Mr Kim Jong Wanker or whatever his name is and his cronies in P, yang. Obama pussyfooted around with that little goon for way too long. Time to get rid of him and friends once and for all. Assad also needs to go. Western leaders grow some balls and LEAD for a change.

#6 Parent Fifi - 2017-04-15
Re: Re Story shows worldwide impact of a rumor about a Chinese government decision

"his pussygroping soul"
ha ha ha ha

#7 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-04-15
Re: Re Story shows worldwide impact of a rumor about a Chinese government decision

Afghanistan and Syria do not have the wherewithal to annihilate their neighbors.
North Korea could destroy Seoul with conventional weapons in a matter of hours.
I too fear that Combover Don would be willing to sacrifice Seoul in an effort to 'feel the love' of his electorate.
Lord knows his pussygroping soul was sacrificed decades ago.

#8 Parent Curious - 2017-04-15
Re: Re Story shows worldwide impact of a rumor about a Chinese government decision

Combover Don saw that the media LOVED the launch of his Tomahawk missiles from aircraft carriers.

So, he went for the mega bomb in Afghanistan.

He uses those things that go boom in the night as a diversion from his mediocre performance in domestic affairs.

His base of hillbillies love those displays of masculine power: America is becoming great again!!!

I am afraid he will keep doing it.

#9 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-04-15
Re Story shows worldwide impact of a rumor about a Chinese government decision

I do not understand why anyone on this forum would want to help
further the interests of China and it's "government".

SB, if it is 'in the interest' of China to have students that speak English, than every FT in China is furthering that interest to some degree.

The Chinese people that I come in contact with every day for over a decade are often lovely, sometimes annoying, and rarely offensive, just like people I have met in the U.S., Europe, Canada, and everywhere else I have traveled.

I believe that all governments reflect their own interests and/or the interests of the elites.

As Donald's nuclear fleet approaches Korea this weekend, I hope that Little Kim and Combover Don behave like sane adults.

#10 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-14
Re Story shows worldwide impact of a rumor about a Chinese government decision

It is sick that any military would put the interests of a government ahead of the people they should be defending. I do not understand why anyone on this forum would want to help further the interests of China and it's "government".

#11 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-14
Re Story shows worldwide impact of a rumor about a Chinese government decision

Yup, you are right, I remember reading that PLA officers have to pledge allegiance to defending the CCP cadres only, not the nation or the people.

Ah I see, but wouldn't 'The Cadre' remonstrate "Same difference, we are the nation and the people?!"

#12 Parent The Great Dictator - 2017-04-14
Re Story shows worldwide impact of a rumor about a Chinese government decision

Yup, you are right, I remember reading that PLA officers have to pledge allegiance to defending the CCP cadres only, not the nation or the people.

#13 Parent The Great Dictator - 2017-04-14
Re fascination with the neighbor's trash

Demonstrations are the healthy sign that a society is moving forward in spite of the (often) outdated traditions.

China is very much stuck in its old ways and even though there are some youth out here who try to appear "cool", they are only pretending to be, the appearance is here (hip hop clothing, caps, etc...) but the substance of what makes young people around the world "cool" (to go against traditions, to create their own subculture, etc...) simply does not exist in China. These young guys and girls always fall back in line and end up submitting to their elders' will and views on what life should be, they have no backbone and no guts to stand up to outdated traditions.

So I can't help but laugh when I see young Chinese acting cocky as if they were hip and cool, they are not, just because you wear a NY cap and hoodies does not mean you are cool, the appearance is nothing without the actual substance, period.

In the end, this lack of substance is the very reason why China has zero soft-power which is surprising for a country and an economy of its size, very few people abroad actually think that China is "cool" and most of them are ethnically Chinese.

#14 Parent Fifi - 2017-04-12
Re: Re fascination with the neighbor's trash

Sending a Lord Tennyson blessing your way, FTinPRC

#15 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-04-12
Re: Re fascination with the neighbor's trash

Several. But love is always worth the risk of pain.
I'm always a very happy individual, Fifi. Thank you for your concern.

#16 Parent Fifi - 2017-04-12
Re: Re fascination with the neighbor's trash

12 years is a long time. I feel a heartbreak had happened.

#17 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-04-12
Re fascination with the neighbor's trash

Like I said, in the USA and Australia for example we can freely protest. Women can openly
demonstrate in the street without consequence.

That is true. Public demonstrations of protest are healthy for a country and are too severely restricted in China.

#18 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-04-12
Re Story shows worldwide impact of a rumor about a Chinese government decision

Many people do not know that the Chinese military does not even exist to defend Chinese

I certainly don't know that. Do you have a source or citation?

#19 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-11
Re Story shows worldwide impact of a rumor about a Chinese government decision

I think basically that China only exists to serve it's own interests, or that of it's corrupt government, "The Party".

Many people do not know that the Chinese military does not even exist to defend Chinese nationals. The cities can all be burnt to a cinder, as long as the primary CPC leadership structure remains in place.

NO, democratic and freedom loving nations in the West should NEVER align themselves with countries like China and their "values".

#20 Parent Fifi - 2017-04-12
Re: Re fascination with the neighbor's trash

How can you compare America with Pakistan or Iran or even China

#21 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-11
Re fascination with the neighbor's trash

The Chinese, Saudi's, Pakistanis, Iranians etc have been doing things ten times worse than Trump for decades.

Like I said, in the USA and Australia for example we can freely protest. Women can openly demonstrate in the street without consequence.

Try that in China, Pakistan, Iran, etc, see how far you get.

#22 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-11
Re fascination with the neighbor's trash

Think about what, SB?

trump is a disgusting pig that is taking our rights away, don't you see?

We don't have any rights in America to take away, Fifi. Just let the Americans worry about Trump. But if at any stage the Americans don't want him, he can replace the incumbent in 10 Downing Street or Buckingham Palace.

#23 Parent Curious - 2017-04-12
Re: Re fascination with the neighbor's trash

You wrote GFY

You made my day.

You made my week.

#24 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-04-12
Re fascination with the neighbor's trash

Cherry-Picking does not go down well on this board!

Hubby, pray tell: who goes down well on this board? You?

You should have copied the whole post and answered it point by point.

Then you should have added any other points you felt were worth making..

Why is that? You seem to be under the misconception that you speak with some authority. I trust that your Chinese wife does not submit to your pedantic erroneous rants. GFY.

#25 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-04-12
Re fascination with the neighbor's trash

Chinese nationals do not find "consensus" and they have zero say in how their
country is run.

Silverboy, I wrote that they struggle to find consensus. Nations are never unitary in their thinking. The thousands of people in the party congress are chosen locally, many of course are party members, but party members in China are in the millions. Many of course are somewhat or entirely corrupt, but that is not unlike my own homeland. I feel that "zero say" is not correct. I do agree that power is not widely enough distributed in China, but I feel the same about the U.S.

The Chinese media is state owned. There is only "one voice" in China, many Chinese
told me this when I lived there.

The U.S. media is corporate owned. Chinese social media is alive and well, but yes: controlled in content. I agree that a free press is very important and that the west is superior to China in that regard.

China is not a dictatorship? A country where people are imprisoned for even slight forms of
dissent IS a dictatorship.

Per capita the U.S. has the world's most imprisoned population. Dictatorship refers to the consolidation of power within one person that is not distributed in a legislative body or checked by a judiciary. Few political scientists would characterize China as a dictatorship.

Chinese people also can't
and don't vote, so the Chinese government has no mandate and zero legitimacy. Nobody put
the communists in power, they put THEMSELVES in there.

On the local level Chinese vote directly for village officials. I do not accept the concepts of mandates and legitimacy. Power controls all societies which then are variably successful in deluding their citizens. The Chinese communist party has always been comprised of Chinese citizens who have seized their country from the Kuomintang and have maintained power in the same way that all government maintain power, education, fear and coercion. The U.S. seized the continent from the native Americans, built their society on slavery and cheap immigrant labor, and has waged an endless military industrial imperialism against the weaker nations of the world. The U.S. has been enormously successful in selling the 'narrative' of freedom, justice, and U.S. exceptionalism to its poorly educated citizens who all to often blame themselves for their poverty and increasingly diminished share of national wealth.

The Chinese do not celebrate individuality or diversity. China is an extremely hostile and
xenophobic nation.

In that you celebrate individuality, SB, you will certainly appreciate my honest personal opinions that differ from yours in these regards.

Hope Pattaya is treating you well. Enjoy.

#26 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-11
Re Story shows worldwide impact of a rumor about a Chinese government decision

Singapore is also a dictatorship, but from a purely economic perspective it is much more open and transparent than China. Companies from the USA and Australia have fairly unfettered access to both the Hong Kong and Singaporean markets.

China is a different story. In May 2015 I was on the expressway to Nanning airport on route to catch a flight to Hong Kong with a friend of mine from Adelaide. My mate said, "have you ever noticed there are no big Australian banks or other businesses operating in Guangxi province and other parts of China" ??

Qantas flies to Shanghai and Beijing, Jetstar from Gold Coast ( Coloongatta ) to Wuhan, but that's it. There are also no large Australian banks in China like ANZ or Westpac. However, in Australia the Bank of China, Construction Bank, Communications Bank are allowed to operate freely. This state of affairs in wrong.

#27 Parent Fifi - 2017-04-11
Re fascination with the neighbor's trash

People like Fifi should think about this when complaining about Trump.

Think about what, SB?

trump is a disgusting pig that is taking our rights away, don't you see?

#28 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-11
Re fascination with the neighbor's trash

Chinese nationals do not find "consensus" and they have zero say in how their country is run. The Chinese government does not operate under extreme media scrutiny like the US or Australian governments.

The Chinese media is state owned. There is only "one voice" in China, many Chinese told me this when I lived there.

China is not a dictatorship? A country where people are imprisoned for even slight forms of dissent IS a dictatorship. I would point out also that feminist groups have been and are still jailed in China for organizing women's rights marches. Chinese people also can't and don't vote, so the Chinese government has no mandate and zero legitimacy. Nobody put the communists in power, they put THEMSELVES in there.

People like Fifi should think about this when complaining about Trump.

The Chinese do not celebrate individuality or diversity. China is an extremely hostile and xenophobic nation.

#29 Parent Curious - 2017-04-11
Re: Re fascination with the neighbor's trash

I disagree. Totally.

#30 Parent expat hubby - 2017-04-11
Re fascination with the neighbor's trash

Cherry-Picking does not go down well on this board!

You should have copied the whole post and answered it point by point.

Then you should have added any other points you felt were worth making..

#31 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-04-11
fascination with the neighbor's trash

China has absolutely no ideological allies, there
is no other country in this world that is sharing China's views of the global order

China is roughly 20% of the world's population, more that the sum of Europe, England and the U.S. combined. When Chinese nationals struggle to find a consensus, they have more people represented at the table than almost ALL of your 'Western' society.

During the past 50 years China has lifted 400 million people out of poverty, while India and all of Africa have languished in post-colonial squalor, victims of the 'Western values' that you extol.

Nation-states do not have 'views'. Elites that run nations do have agendas, and yes: China's elites' agenda is unique to a country of its size, history and culture. Since Deng Xiaoping, this agenda has ensured that China is neither a dictatorship nor a communist autocratic state.

Western nations are allied to each others
through various common grounds such as their democratic views of what is right or wrong,
their judeo-christian cultural roots, etc.

Western philosophic 'views' celebrate diversity and individuality. Why do you find China's variance from your own values so disturbing?

I suspect that your own homeland has a variety of social problems that would benefit from your scrutiny. No doubt your understanding of your own culture is superior to your untutored criticism of distant societies.

#32 Parent Arthur - 2017-04-11
Re: Re Story shows worldwide impact of a rumor about a Chinese government decision

One of the best posts of the year on this site.

#33 Parent The Great Dictator - 2017-04-11
Re Story shows worldwide impact of a rumor about a Chinese government decision

Always remember that China is not a friend of or allied with any Western country.

Actually, China is not a friend of or allied with anyone. Well there is North Korea which basically was a vassal state of China until recently, but now fat Kim has gone nuts and China is not happy with him anymore. China has absolutely no ideological allies, there is no other country in this world that is sharing China's views of the global order or wanting it to happen, and it won't anyway. Western nations are allied to each others through various common grounds such as their democratic views of what is right or wrong, their judeo-christian cultural roots, etc... but there is no one sharing China's views of the world as it should be. There are many other dictatorships and authoritarian regimes of course, but either they do not feel related to the sino-centric cultural and ideological views of the CCP, or their goals are vastly different from that of China.

For what it is, the 'China model' of an economically successful dictatorship is far less attractive to many other authoritarian regimes than that of Singapore. China has achieved a lot only thanks to the sheer size of its population, but the average Chinese (not talking about the 0,01% elite each owning 100 flats here, but the average joe) remains extremely poor compared to the average Singaporean and, beside India (and maybe Indonesia), other countries can not solely rely on sheer numbers if they want to become economically successful dictatorships, they need quality over quantity, just like Singapore. Also the Singapore model of maintaining the leadership authority is far more attractive in that it is relatively 'international' in opposition to the very sino-centric Chinese model.

#34 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-10
Re: Re Story shows worldwide impact of a rumor about a Chinese government decision

Violent culture? U talk about muslim in violent term

I'm afraid I'm with SB on this one, Wu. If he gets annoyed it's only because these days you can't take a train journey without worrying if they will blow you up. You can't sit on the beach without being concerned that you could be beheaded. When you're headless it will be no consolation if you're reminded that most members of that religion are peaceful, because the fanatical ones more than make up for the shortcomings of their more peaceful brothers and sisters.

#35 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-10
Re: Re Story shows worldwide impact of a rumor about a Chinese government decision

I was not talking about Muslims. I am talking about you Chinese people and your government. Your racist, violent, and imperialist ambitions.

You must be, and will be stopped, by use of extreme force if need be.

#36 Parent Wu - 2017-04-10
Re: Re Story shows worldwide impact of a rumor about a Chinese government decision

Violent culture? U talk about muslim in violent term

#37 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-10
Re Story shows worldwide impact of a rumor about a Chinese government decision

Western nations can also do things to harm the Chinese economy and should be doing so IMO.

Always remember that China is not a friend of or allied with any Western country. Grovelling to someone you will be at war
with in the near future is never a good idea. China currently closely resembles Japan in the 1930's.

These people have violent and imperialist ambitions, make no mistake about that!

Curious - 2017-04-10
Story shows worldwide impact of a rumor about a Chinese government decision

- American guy makes a living working at American solar panel manufacturer.
- Chinese guy has built a 50 employee company manufacturing solar panels.
- Chinese government says it may – just may – stop giving subsidies to Chinese solar panel consumers.
- Chinese consumers stop buying solar panels.
- Chinese guy has to fire half of his 50 employees AND has to cut his prices by 25% in order to make Chinese consumers purchase solar panels again.
- Likewise, price of solar panels goes down 25% everywhere in China.
- China = biggest manufacturer and market for solar panels in the world.
- Price of solar panels goes down 25% in the world.
- American guy – with 450 of his engineer colleagues - loses job because American solar panel manufacturer has to cut prices 25% in order to compete with Chinese solar panels, but can’t, and has to close plants all over America.
- Finally, Chinese government decides NOT to stop giving subsidies (remember, it was just a rumor).
- But prices do not climb back.

The story of China’s rise in solar panels illustrates the profound difficulties the country presents to Mr. Trump, or to any American president. Its size and fast-moving economy give it the ability to redefine industries almost on a dime. Its government-led pursuit of dominance in crucial industries presents a direct challenge to countries where leaders generally leave business decisions to the businesses themselves.

But economists and business groups warn that China’s industrial ambitions have entered a new, far-reaching phase. With its deep government pockets, growing technical sophistication and a comprehensive plan to free itself from dependence on foreign companies, China aims to become dominant in industries of the future like renewable energy, big data and self-driving cars.
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