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#1 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-14
WU discriminates against employing americans.

this is how chinese men be treated in america but you espect better treatmnt when you come to China?

Hello Wu
Do you remember how you told us that you specialise in employing English FT's whom you try not to pay for any teaching they do for you? Well, do you think you are being altogether fair since it's the yanks who have been treating your fellow Asians so badly and the Americans deserve jobs too?

#2 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-04-13
Re: Whatever you do....

China's social media is going crazy with this story.
United flies many direct flights to the U.S. from China. They will be punished where it hurts them most. Empty seats.
Sell your United stock now.

#3 Parent Arthur - 2017-04-13
Re: Whatever you do....

Yes, they would do it if it were legal. The public reaction to the recent bloody "extraction" of the doctor shows that the public has enough of United's manners and that United needs to change, starting with its CEO.

#4 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-13
Re: Whatever you do....

Bloody Hell, Arthur, it seems to me that if there were a way of throwing a disruptive passenger out of the aeroplane at 10,000 feet then United would consider that.

#5 Parent Arthur - 2017-04-13
Re: Whatever you do....

Update: "That time passengers were told to give up their seats for United's CEO and his family"

But judging from the hundreds of emails, tweets and social media posts I’ve gotten in response to my column on a first-class passenger being threatened with handcuffs — this is separate from the doctor-dragging incident — I feel comfortable in suggesting that this company needs to make some changes, and fast.

This first story I’ll share isn’t such a big deal in the grand scheme of things. But it’s perhaps illustrative of the corporate mindset at United, which seems to place customer satisfaction well below the interests of employees and shareholders, which isn’t very smart over the long haul.

It also involves the head of the company, Oscar Munoz. And a United spokeswoman admitted to me Wednesday that it really happened.

#6 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-12
Re: Whatever you do....

Yes, it has nothing to do with race. The Chinese will jump all over it because they need an excuse to bash Americans.

The problem is a stupid airline with incompetent management and also zero public relations skills.

In fact, it is lucky for United in a way it was a man they assaulted. If it was a white American woman this had happened to all hell would have broken loose.

Whatever, I'm sure the American public will not forget about this incident any time soon.

#7 Parent Arthur - 2017-04-12
Re: Excellent article by Jeff Yang: David Dao's public dragging from United flight is not an exception, but the new normal

United's stock plunged this morning as you can see below.
But... has been creeping up.
I so hope it will plunge again tomorrow because the market is not an isolated phenomenon. It is a reflection of many (not all, but many) of the values of a society.

#8 Parent Arthur - 2017-04-12
Excellent article by Jeff Yang: David Dao's public dragging from United flight is not an exception, but the new normal

Jeff Yang is a columnist for The Wall Street Journal and a frequent contributor to radio shows including Public Radio International's "The Takeaway" and WNYC's "The Brian Lehrer Show." He is the co-author of "I Am Jackie Chan: My Life in Action" and editor of the graphic novel anthologies "Secret Identities" and "Shattered."

Here's the hard and honest truth about this ugly incident: It is not an exception, but the new normal. Dao's brutalization was shocking to many Asian-Americans, who set Twitter aflame with accusations that he was targeted because of his race. We don't know what might have happened if he had not been Asian-American.

But America knows well the template for this treatment of "the other": Among African-Americans, the incident was simply and tragically familiar — an expression of the same state and corporate-endorsed violence that they have seen enacted against their community for generations.

Time and again, we've seen the same kind of memo that Munoz sent to his United team -- issued by police chiefs, commissioners and governors -- stating that "standard procedures were followed," that the victim was to blame for resisting, that "defensive" reprisal was to be expected given the constant fear of harm experienced by law enforcement. And time and again, we've seen retroactive smearing, assertions that the victim was actually a thug, a criminal, a monster, a predator who needed to be dragged away like an animal for public safety.

#9 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-11
Re: Whatever you do....

Don't think this is a "racist" issue at all. It is an issue of incompetence, negligence and stupidity.

Thanks for scotching that old onion, SB. Totally muddies the water when they use that race card.

#10 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-12
Re: Whatever you do....

If this happened on a Chinese airline to a foreigner it would be a non-event in the Chinese state owned media. No excuses for United though, this is unacceptable in a first world country like the USA or Australia. When I saw that video I even thought "the USA is really fucked up sometimes".

#11 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-11
Re: Whatever you do....

What happened on that flight is a disgrace. The nationality of the person makes no difference. If it was not him it would have been someone else.

United deserves to be very heavily fined ( like 40 or 50 million dollars ) and if people boycott them it serves them right.

#12 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-11
Re: Whatever you do....

Don't think this is a "racist" issue at all. It is an issue of incompetence, negligence and stupidity.

It is obvious that the management of this airline is idiotic. First the leggings incident, now this latest fuck up.

BTW, I wonder if the passenger will be compensated for his injuries? He certainly should be.

#13 Parent Arthur - 2017-04-11
Re: Whatever you do....

I was happy to read about the backlash in China, Wu:

Many accused the company of racism and urged customers to stop booking flights on United. The topic drew 110 million readers on Weibo, a Chinese rival to Twitter, and more than 72,000 comments. Petitions to boycott the airline circulated on the popular social media app WeChat.

The management of United are really ass holes - last month, they barred 2 young girls from boarding a United flight because the girls were wearing leggings (women all over America wear leggings) - United's despotic management has to go:

This marks the second social media controversy for the airline in less than a month. A gate agent barred two girls from a flight in March because they were wearing leggings. Their attire violated dress code for people who fly under a friends-and-family program of United employees. Social media users called the policy sexist and outdated.
#14 Parent Arthur - 2017-04-11
Re: Whatever you do....

In the video (link below), we see a passenger talking about how the doctor was taken off the plane the second time. He collapsed at the end of the aisle.... This is HORRIBLE!

#15 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-04-11
Re: Whatever you do....

Wu, it seems that he is Vietnamese by birth. You can sleep well tonight.

#16 Parent Fifi - 2017-04-11
Re: Whatever you do....

The poor man returned to the same United plane some 10 minutes after being dragged out of it. He kept repeating - he was in shock - I need to go home. Seems that he is a doctor and he had to take that last flight home in order to be able to see his patients the next morning. The following flight was in the afternoon of the day after: He would have not been able to see his patients in the morning.

There is a video of him standing in the doorway of the plane, his mouth and chin covered with blood, repeating I need to go home. I don't want to think how the thugs of United treated him this second time. There are no videos on how they took him out of the plane the second time. Did they just shoot him?

#17 Parent Arthur - 2017-04-11
Re: Whatever you do....

In total agreement with Wu here. This is a shame. United should go bankrupt for that. The CEO NEEDS to be replaced ASAP.

I just read "United loses $1 billion in market value after man dragged off flight" at http://money.cnn.com/2017/04/11/investing/united-airlines-stock-passenger-flight-video/index.html Good for them!!!!!!

And "Meanwhile, video of the incident was attracting huge attention in China, which is a key growth market for United." I hope China closes its market to United.

I also read somewhere that in 2015, airlines have bumped some 45,000 off flights in America because of overbooking (airlines overbook because some passengers with tickets do not show up for their flights). But not all the airlines drag passengers in the aisles who are bleeding at the mouth: in one of the first videos of the poor man being dragged on the floor, we can see blood coming out of the side of his mouth - this is a totally disgusting behavior on the part of United.

#18 Parent Wu - 2017-04-11
Re: Whatever you do....

this is how chinese men be treated in america but you espect better treatmnt when you come to China?

Arthur - 2017-04-11
Whatever you do....

Like Maude sings
If you want to live high, live high
If you want to live low, live low
And it you want to be free, be free.

But whatever you do....

.... don't fly United

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