Return to Index › This is what T did to LG and now tring to scare me.
#1 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-15
Re Turnoi Turjakuunnen

Glad to see the back of him, and not alone.

I know what you mean, but he is magic at generating posts- just look at us now. We is allowed a short period of celebration until we are forced to address the question, how the hell are we going to cope (SB was spot on) without our Dear Leader?

#2 Parent irrelevant - 2017-04-15
Re Turnoi Turjakuunnen

Glad to see the back of him, and not alone.

#3 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-15
Re This is what T did to LG and now trying to scare me.

Turnoi is our "Dear Leader", hehe! We need him to give us direction and guidance. He can give us daily weather reports also like Kim Jong Goon does for his people.

#4 Parent expat hubby - 2017-04-15
Re This is what T did to LG and now trying to scare me.

Good post, Taffy!

#5 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-15
Re This is what T did to LG and now trying to scare me.

Over the years I visit this site, just to see if anything worthwhile has been written. I am never disappointed with Turnoi and his propensity for upsetting a large portion of the community with his gibberish. The idea that he has a stellar reputation is laughable as it has always been my understanding that stellar suggests something positive. If there was ever an example of a reprehensible, negative hate filled human being I believe it would be Turnoi. I truly feel sorry for anyone who comes into contact with him on a regular basis.

I have mixed feeling about this one. To my mind Turnoi has had a considerable influence in making this forum what it is today. In other words it's even more successful than Daves Cafe (which I have never posted on) where you could wait weeks before you get a new post. That now infamous DegreeDiscussions forum where the threads in question have been locked for years now still gets more view than all their other threads put together. Now Turnoi is no longer with us (maybe) but he is still responsible for even posts coming in today.

As I say I have mixed feelings. I dread going out now in case i see a group of tough looking Germans standing around a black limousine with Herr Professor in it, chain smoking, hungry for blood.

Maybe Turnoi needs to return and be reined in a bit more.

Having said all that your post is spot on in describing Turnoi. A very good post.

#6 Parent expat hubby - 2017-04-15
Re This is what T did to LG and now trying to scare me.

Yeah, that's right.

#7 Parent [Please do not use handle of another poster] - 2017-04-15
Re This is what T did to LG and now trying to scare me.

One of the best posts of the year on this site.

#8 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-14
Re This is what T did to LG and now trying to scare me.

If you are the Kevin I think you are you certainly DO NOT have a stellar reputation. You better look in the mirror. Yes, pot and kettle.

#9 Parent Kevin - 2017-04-14
Re This is what T did to LG and now trying to scare me.

Over the years I visit this site, just to see if anything worthwhile has been written. I am never disappointed with Turnoi and his propensity for upsetting a large portion of the community with his gibberish. The idea that he has a stellar reputation is laughable as it has always been my understanding that stellar suggests something positive. If there was ever an example of a reprehensible, negative hate filled human being I believe it would be Turnoi. I truly feel sorry for anyone who comes into contact with him on a regular basis.

#10 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-14
Re: This is what T did to LG and now tring to scare me.

Maybe you don't understand the hatred that can develop between certain ex-pat communities. Even online ex-pats on forums. I've seen fairly trivial disputes balloon into a shit storm.

There are many rival ex-pat groups in China, Thailand, and Indonesia. They claim certain "turf" as their own, and will vociferously defend members of their clan if the need arises.

Threats of violence and actual violence is not uncommon. Especially in the Dongbei ( north-east ) region of China, Pattaya/Chonburi region of Thailand, and Bali in Indonesia.

There is often a feeling that wrongdoers must be brought to justice, or otherwise revenge is justifiable.

#11 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-14
Re: Re This is what T did to LG and now tring to scare me.

I doubt it is any training centre, really, how could any training centre in China harm Turnoi, myself, yourself?

I was never scared of them even when I lived in China, and I really pissed off a lot of people when I was there.

Maybe but something spooked him.

#12 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-14
Re: Re This is what T did to LG and now tring to scare me.

I doubt it is any training centre, really, how could any training centre in China harm Turnoi, myself, yourself?

I was never scared of them even when I lived in China, and I really pissed off a lot of people when I was there.

#13 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-14
Re: Re This is what T did to LG and now tring to scare me.

A lot of people don't like him. I suspect though it is more people high up on the academic ladder in Europe, not us relatively intellectual minnows on this board.

Turnoi pissed of a lot of people in China, they deserved it in my opinion, but there is nothing those Chinese can do about it.

#14 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-14
Re: Re This is what T did to LG and now tring to scare me.

" the enemies of Turnoi in the USA, Canada, Australia, etc... "

According to you, he seems to have a lot of ennemies

One thing worth considering. This is not the first occasion that Turnoi has skedaddled. But on this last occasion it all happened quickly without the characteristic argy-bargy. This time he seems to have wented like a bullet from a gun, torching all his prized posts as he fled. I ask myself was there some reason which had nothing to do with DegreeDiscussion or anybody on this forum. Something seems to have alarmed him- now what was it? Maybe that evil genius 'The_Baker' has one over on him? Maybe some wicked multi-international training centre had at last decided enough is enough. [edited]

#15 Parent expat hubby - 2017-04-14
Re This is what T did to LG and now tring to scare me.

Not interested in divulging the full name of who it his. I have better things to do, you know what I mean, lol! This person is not in Europe anyway. Turnoi is as far as I know. I think the enemies of Turnoi in the USA, Canada, Australia, etc have nothing to fear.

Yes, I'm sure I know what you mean! Best to leave it at that - we don't want to upset some of our female readers during Easter!

#16 Parent Fifi - 2017-04-14
Re: Re This is what T did to LG and now tring to scare me.

" the enemies of Turnoi in the USA, Canada, Australia, etc... "

According to you, he seems to have a lot of ennemies

#17 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-14
Re This is what T did to LG and now tring to scare me.

Not interested in divulging the full name of who it his. I have better things to do, you know what I mean, lol! This person is not in Europe anyway. Turnoi is as far as I know. I think the enemies of Turnoi in the USA, Canada, Australia, etc have nothing to fear.

#18 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-14
Re: This is what T did to LG and now tring to scare me.

You said things about me that were not true, Taffy, but I forgave. But overall, I enjoy your humor.

But really overall, and for the record, and again: I am categorically against Dr Copy & Paste issuing threats, mostly including a residential address.

I would agree with the Once a Month poster that, potentially, there is an accumulation of plaque in the frontal lobe that blocks some important social judgment neurons. Could happen to everybody, mostly with age. But let's all be safe and enjoy ourselves and our families in the meantime. Gotta go now, gotta cut and paste something. Cheers!

Well I imagine I was unfair concerning copying&pasting, as obviously a lot of that needs to be done if you are collating material for the type of intellectual stuff that turrnoi dabbles in. So, I can apologise to him for that one.

I'm worn out, now the weather has improved I need to put in about 5 hours on the square every day. Esther befriended a girl with a white strip on her face. All the parents thought it could be infectious and so the child was ignored but since Esther has been playing with her they have all accepted this mildly afflicted girl, so that's a good outcome. Shame we'll be leaving, Esther has made dozens of friends. I think we are safe on the square- I hope so.

#19 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-13
Re: This is what T did to LG and now tring to scare me.

I can understand why some people don't like Turnoi, but this "Dr Copy and Paste" thing. I don't get. I don't think T copied and pasted anything. The fact is that many people can speak Chinese these days, the writing is harder but many non-Chinese can read and write that also. Even Chinese themselves take no notice these days when foreigners speak putonghua, it is common. I have no doubt Turnoi can speak and also read and write Chinese. Chinese is "hard to learn" yeah, right, yawn.

#20 Parent expat hubby - 2017-04-13
Re This is what T did to LG and now tring to scare me.

If Turnoi can still write a few academic papers and sell a few books and mostly relax and chill out I'd forget about the whole DD thing. Personally, I have an idea about who slandered him, not you btw. Anyway, the thread was locked down by the mods over there in mid-2014. Better to just move on I think. 2014 is dead and buried.

I also have an idea about who slandered Turnoi on the locked down thread of the Degree Discussion forum. If I were you, I would not divulge the name of that person. We don't want Turnoi sending any more threatening e-mails!

As another poster has stated, this ain't the Spanish Inquisition!

#21 Parent Concerned - 2017-04-13
Re: This is what T did to LG and now tring to scare me.

"Dr TT" (not his real name) has not recovered, it seems, from an incident many decades ago when some Lithuanian version of the KGB dragged him from his home, brought him to a jail and badly beat him. Mental illness should not be a taboo. It is something that should be acknowledged while sober, and treated or at least controlled. It does not have to turn into physical violence.

#22 Parent Fifi - 2017-04-13
Re: This is what T did to LG and now tring to scare me.

You said things about me that were not true, Taffy, but I forgave. But overall, I enjoy your humor.

But really overall, and for the record, and again: I am categorically against Dr Copy & Paste issuing threats, mostly including a residential address.

I would agree with the Once a Month poster that, potentially, there is an accumulation of plaque in the frontal lobe that blocks some important social judgment neurons. Could happen to everybody, mostly with age. But let's all be safe and enjoy ourselves and our families in the meantime. Gotta go now, gotta cut and paste something. Cheers!

#23 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-13
Re: This is what T did to LG and now tring to scare me.

I check this forum once a month. There are pearls. Once in a while.

Pearls or not, this is a discussion forum. This is not the Spanish Inquisition. I understand that some people develop dementia as they get older; this is a sad fact of life. But threats have no place in the context of a discussion forum disagreement over cut and paste publishing. At best, they reflect badly on the morality of the person. At worst and sadly, on the mental health of the person.

Oh-Ho, let's get this straight, the first opportunity you'll have of reading my reply will be on May 13th? Let's hope we all haven't gone for each others throats in a frenzied forum blood bath by then, haha! Jokes aside, yes none of us should take it all that seriously, it's a forum and not real life.

#24 Parent CheckingOnceAMonth - 2017-04-13
Re: This is what T did to LG and now tring to scare me.

I check this forum once a month. There are pearls. Once in a while.

Pearls or not, this is a discussion forum. This is not the Spanish Inquisition. I understand that some people develop dementia as they get older; this is a sad fact of life. But threats have no place in the context of a discussion forum disagreement over cut and paste publishing. At best, they reflect badly on the morality of the person. At worst and sadly, on the mental health of the person.

#25 Parent Observer - 2017-04-13
Re: Re This is what T did to LG and now tring to scare me.

You are right!

#26 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-13
Re: Re This is what T did to LG and now tring to scare me.

Like you wrote one day, it's mostly copy and paste.

When he is sober enough to handle the mouse.

Oh-Ho. I want to try and be diplomatic you cad! Hahaha! I don't really relish some bloody hitman on my tail you know- or suggest that I used to shag sheep in Wales on Daves Cafe or the like!

Put it like this, when you have to do the amount of gathering of information to put the Yellow Emperor into German say, you have to be practical and do some selective copy and pasting. Now am I right or am i right?

#27 Parent Observer - 2017-04-13
Re: Re This is what T did to LG and now tring to scare me.

Like you wrote one day, it's mostly copy and paste.

When he is sober enough to handle the mouse.

#28 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-13
Re This is what T did to LG and now tring to scare me.

If Turnoi can still write a few academic papers and sell a few books and mostly relax and chill out I'd forget about the whole DD thing. Personally, I have an idea about who slandered him, not you btw. Anyway, the thread was locked down by the mods over there in mid-2014. Better to just move on I think. 2014 is dead and buried.

Thanks. Well, yes the work he put into the books etceteras was impressive and I couldn't do it.

#29 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-13
Re This is what T did to LG and now tring to scare me.

If Turnoi can still write a few academic papers and sell a few books and mostly relax and chill out I'd forget about the whole DD thing. Personally, I have an idea about who slandered him, not you btw. Anyway, the thread was locked down by the mods over there in mid-2014. Better to just move on I think. 2014 is dead and buried.

#30 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-13
Re: This is what T did to LG and now tring to scare me.

Anything special I should know if I apply for a moderators job, Fifi? Paid holidays, pension schemes v freelancing?

Can you download and install something like a Moderators APK file for one's Android, or do you have to hump around a laptop?

What is them pitfalls or perks- do you get a free IPhone for example? or is it IPod?

Could I moderate from my Kindle Fire?

#31 Parent Latina in LA - 2017-04-13
Re: This is what T did to LG and now tring to scare me.


#32 Parent expat hubby - 2017-04-13
Re: This is what T did to LG and now tring to scare me.

I feel sorry for the folk that Turnoi has blackmailed and worse that have been vulnerable and had something to keep private. I have no skeletons in my cupboard. The man is mad, you can't pursue a person like London Girl because you don't agree with her posts, which he did and even contacted the tax authorities about her. He's insane.


#33 Parent expat hubby - 2017-04-13
Re This is what T did to LG and now tring to scare me.

What a self-indulgent and self-centered participation on the board.


You must be a fan of Turnoi

Shame on you!

#34 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-13
Re: Re This is what T did to LG and now tring to scare me.

Yes thanks, that's a good comparison.

Glad that LG does well. I did try and have a look at facebook last night but I am not a member and refuse to be a member.

#35 Parent BeenThere - 2017-04-13
Re: Re This is what T did to LG and now tring to scare me.

Yes, it's pretty close. They have a lot in common. But they are also different. LG has the bite of a T-Rex (which was a very good thing with some people on this forum, I adored reading her posts - I am thinking for example in Jurassic Park 2 when the T-Rex gets the dog in San Diego, the dog's kennel is left hanging from the T-Rex's mouth: That was LG on this forum). FTinPRC does not bite like that, what she does instead is that she totally covers the opponent with hilarious ridicule. They are both efficient and different.

FTinPRC knows more about history than LG who lives right here right now (her Facebook Page is real time actuality). FTinPRC can dig the roots of a societal problem to a bad trend that started 50 years ago; not many people can do that. I find her posts very instructive.

#36 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-13
Re: Re This is what T did to LG and now tring to scare me.

There is a long story behind that, Caring.

In the old days, Turnoi used to talk to opponents very badly and even bandy around the paedophile word for difficult customers, if the end he thought justified the means. He most probably did think he had sacred duties (getting rid of training centres) where he really didn't need the interference of the likes of LondonGirl with her good grammar to interrupt the necessary work he was doing. It was always about the end justifying the means. Whoever went on DegreeDiscussions (and I think it was just one poster) I am sure that they merely wanted to give him some of his own medicine- and if an innocent who had supported him probably out of a strong sense of loyalty was the subject of jokes, well that was unfortunate. That's how I read the history.

At the LondonGirl time, she had a few supporters including me under a handle I can't recall, and the old Foxy Poster. I don't think LG and I saw things all the same, not at all, but I could see that the grammar and ESL in general that she was arguing over with Turnoi was impeccably correct. For those who didn't know LG, as far as her English was concerned she was a sort of British Trumpsey. If you can imagine Trumpsey arguing with Turnoi about English Grammar, well there wouldn't be much of a contest would there? Some might not agree with my Trumpsey LG comparison but it's pretty close I think.

#37 Parent expat hubby - 2017-04-13
Re This is what T did to LG and now trying to scare me.

Not sure who "we" is. The DD thread has personally had no effect on me, although I
have admitted it contained a lot of lies.

I'm not sure either. Could be anyone.

Maybe Turnoi feels that thread has damaged his professional reputation in some way, I am not

Nor me.

#38 Parent Fifi - 2017-04-13
Re: Re This is what T did to LG and now tring to scare me.

There is a long story behind that, Caring.

#39 Parent Caring - 2017-04-13
Re This is what T did to LG and now tring to scare me.

What a self-indulgent and self-centered participation on the board.

#40 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-12
Re This is what T did to LG and now trying to scare me.

Not sure who "we" is. The DD thread has personally had no effect on me, although I have admitted it contained a lot of lies.

Maybe Turnoi feels that thread has damaged his professional reputation in some way, I am not sure.

#41 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-12
Re This is what T did to LG and now trying to scare me.

Yes, I also sometimes think I posted too much info about myself on here. In the case of Beth, she compromised herself quite a bit, as many people know where she lives and works at this current time including myself. As for me, I wish no harm upon her whatsoever, but there may be others with sinister intentions. She needs to protect her privacy and personal security.

#42 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-12
Re This is what T did to LG and now tring to scare me.

Well, I had/have plenty of free time, but not interested in dobbing people into tax departments, especially if they are not from my own country.

If Turnoi really did rat LG/Beth into the Spanish tax authorities I'd say that is not right.

#43 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-12
Re: Re This is what T did to LG and now tring to scare me.

To have cancer is always an extremely worrying and stresful experience. Two Chinese women I was involved with died from it. Last year a friend of mine in Guangxi province, from London, found out he had cancer, but it had spread all over his body. He was diagnosed in May 2016, he died last August 20. Another British ex-pat in Nanning said "he was a bit of an arsehole" so who cares, I thought it was an appalling statement to make.

Yeah, the bloke was a bit of a hot head, but was only nasty to people who provoked him to my knowledge.

#44 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-12
Re This is what T did to LG and now trying to scare me.

Damn. No one told me that posting on a forum would be so dangerous.
My apologies to everyone.
Check please.

You'll be safe, you have been sensible, whereas, me, Beth, and a couple of others have told other posters all about ourselves. But you have to be on your guard all the time; there's a couple of animals out there who can piece together seemingly innocents bits of information and come up with clear leads as to who you are ,where you are and more.

#45 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-04-12
Re This is what T did to LG and now trying to scare me.

Notice turnoi threatens as we. He has 'The_bloody Baker' in tow, the one who wrote all the DD
nonsense mimicking other posters in the first place!! Unless he has hired hit-men.

Damn. No one told me that posting on a forum would be so dangerous.
My apologies to everyone.
Check please.

#46 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-12
Re This is what T did to LG and now tring to scare me.

Yeah, I don't have a problem with Hong Kong or Taiwan but the mainland is a problem because of the evil government there and because the people there are easily led and brainwashed. I said before that the mainland Chinese are evil, that is a bit harsh, but their government certainly is IMO.

I am not sure if it was The Baker or not, I don't really care about the pictures anyway. If I knew LG had cancer I would certainly have gone easy on her. I did not know about her plight.

I put it on the record that I never tried to contact any tax authorities in regard to the LG poster either.

Nobody thinks you had anything to do with pursuing LG.

You should cast your mind back and thing 'who was good at winkling out info on the Internet?' CV's/profiles all sorts of stuff. Who had plenty of time to waste doing it?

#47 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-12
Re This is what T did to LG and now trying to scare me.

We are not yet done with you;

Notice turnoi threatens as we. He has 'The_bloody Baker' in tow, the one who wrote all the DD nonsense mimicking other posters in the first place!! Unless he has hired hit-men.

#48 Parent Fifi - 2017-04-12
Re: Re This is what T did to LG and now tring to scare me.

For those who know her name, you will see on her Facebook page that she is OK. I was very happy to read her posts; she is fighting the same fights that some of us fight. Very proud of you, London Girl. I think if she decided to come back to the forum, she would find that the environment is changed for the best.

#49 Parent Fifi - 2017-04-12
Re: Re This is what T did to LG and now tring to scare me.

We know you have a good heart, SB

#50 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-12
Re This is what T did to LG and now tring to scare me.

Yeah, I don't have a problem with Hong Kong or Taiwan but the mainland is a problem because of the evil government there and because the people there are easily led and brainwashed. I said before that the mainland Chinese are evil, that is a bit harsh, but their government certainly is IMO.

I am not sure if it was The Baker or not, I don't really care about the pictures anyway. If I knew LG had cancer I would certainly have gone easy on her. I did not know about her plight.

I put it on the record that I never tried to contact any tax authorities in regard to the LG poster either.

#51 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-12
Re This is what T did to LG and now tring to scare me.

In fact it has always been my theory that 'The_Baker' wrote all three posters using three separate e-mail addresses. He was good at mimicking people I do know- used to amuse him. And get this one for a joke- Baker supported T too hAhaha! and probably still does.

#52 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-12
Re This is what T did to LG and now tring to scare me.

No apologies for LG either, we don't have ESP.

You're forgetting, Turnoi took his fight against LG so seriously that he contacted a place she had worked at and contacted the Spanish tax authorities hoping to get her into loads of trouble. And that revelation is from his own mouth. The_Baker whom you know dragged out photos of you and photos of pies and stuff. Don't know why, I thought you two supported each other in hating China but loving Hong Kong. Certainly wasn't me I don't know that much about you or Turnoi for that matter.

#53 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-12
Re: This is what T did to LG and now tring to scare me.

We had no way of knowing she had breast cancer. I have sympathy for her if that is the case. My ex-Chinese GF, from Chengdu died of breast cancer at 29. She was behaving very erratically and asking me for large sums of cash, 25-55,000 rmb. I told her I would not give her any money unless I knew what it was for. I know now, it was for medical bills. She had used up all the savings from her accountant job. I split up with her in March 2015. I found out in October that year she had died. I did not believe at first, had to verify from several sources including her family.

#54 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-12
Re This is what T did to LG and now tring to scare me.

Basically what was written on DD about Turnoi was slander and rubbish, same with me to a lesser extent. Smart people know it was all lies, so the effect was minimal. I am sure it has had almost zero effect on T's stellar reputation. Therefore not really worth worrying about IMO. No apologies for LG either, we don't have ESP.

#55 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-12
Re: This is what T did to LG and now tring to scare me.

hahaha- No he wants me to e-mail back to him so he can check where I am at the moment -IP address. I say i am in China but is that true??? Don't really mind if he does know where I am but if it annoys him haha!

Jokes and aside, I wish he'd forget all about the DD.Com nonsense, apologise to me and Beth and the forum and return to attack the evil training centres.

#56 Parent BeenThere - 2017-04-12
Re This is what T did to LG and now tring to scare me.

Not good

#57 Parent expat hubby - 2017-04-12
Re: This is what T did to LG and now tring to scare me.
#58 Parent expat hubby - 2017-04-12
Re This is what T did to LG and now trying to scare me.

-------- Forwarding messages --------
Date: 2017-04-12 09:15:09
To: "dairaymontjones@yahoo.com" <dairaymontjones@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: wanker turnoi
is he bluffing?
i couldn't make that call,
and i shouldn't!
I'm not the one who has to bear the consequences, if there are any!

but i think u are more qualified to judge what to do than me..

At 2017-04-12 08:35:51, "dai jones" <dairaymontjones@yahoo.com> wrote:
Mwana Mbugu <turjakuunnen.turnoi75@googlemail.com>
Today at 1:04 AM
Hi, wanker -

your private address in the UK is:

45 Cemetery Rd, Ipswich IP4 2JA, UK
Is that the paxe where your wanker restroom is?
We are not yet done with you; you should expect to be repaid with regard to your posts on degreediscussion.com in kind very soon.

Not sincerely,
Dr,. T. T.

P.S. The only way to settle that matter once and for all is to send an apology for what yolu did. Otherwise you will face the consequences.

#59 Parent Curious - 2017-04-12
Re: This is what T did to LG and now tring to scare me.

London Girl (Beth) was one of the best posters ever on this site. If not the best.

Extremely sharp.

I wish I had her wit.

I felt sad the day I read her post about breast cancer*. And doubly sad that she was attacked on a discussion forum. I hope she is well.

For those who joined this forum after she left, the link below is where she opened on the topic, including " I have been gene tested as was my mother and I have the mutation of the BRCA1 gene. For me it's a question of when, not if. "

#60 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-04-12
Re This is what T did to LG and now tring to scare me.

I do hope that this in not an actual communication from Dr. Turnoi.
If it is, it is shameful.

#61 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-12
Re: This is what T did to LG and now tring to scare me.

I feel sorry for the folk that Turnoi has blackmailed and worse that have been vulnerable and had something to keep private. I have no skeletons in my cupboard. The man is mad, you can't pursue a person like London Girl because you don't agree with her posts, which he did and even contacted the tax authorities about her. He's insane.

#62 Parent Fifi - 2017-04-12
Re: This is what T did to LG and now tring to scare me.

This is wrong

I know you, Taffy, would never do something like that.

#63 Parent expat hubby - 2017-04-12
Re This is what T did to LG and now tring to scare me.

Oh dear!

We should all feel so sorry for him.

Now, don't you shed any crocodile tears, the real thing is the order of the day!

#64 Parent Arthur - 2017-04-12
Re: This is what T did to LG and now tring to scare me.

Proportionally, as bad as United Airlines.

Alias Taffy - 2017-04-12
This is what T did to LG and now tring to scare me.

Mwana Mbugu <turjakuunnen.turnoi75@googlemail.com>
To dairaymontjones@yahoo.com
Today at 1:04 AM
Hi, wanker -

your private address in the UK is:

45 Cemetery Rd, Ipswich IP4 2JA, UK
Is that the paxe where your wanker restroom is?
We are not yet done with you; you should expect to be repaid with regard to your posts on degreediscussion.com in kind very soon.

Not sincerely,
Dr,. T. T.

P.S. The only way to settle that matter once and for all is to send an apology for what yolu did. Otherwise you will face the consequences.

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