In fact some escorts do have stellar reputations. It depends on the country and location. There are certain women for example known as "blow job queens" in Pattaya and Cebu for example.
I like "stelliferous"
Escorts do not have stellar reputations! Quite the opposite - they have seedy reputations, hence the reason for the damages awarded to the first lady of your wonderful land!
Yes but if one of these star escorts gets her fingers burnt being caught giving a puff-job in the park to an Aussie by the pufferhardsy will she become
Stellar reputation can describe a very successful porn actor/actress, who is therefore termed a porn STAR!
As for escorts, ever heard the expression' escort star?
Escorts do not have stellar reputations! Quite the opposite - they have seedy reputations, hence the reason for the damages awarded to the first lady of your wonderful land!