Return to Index › United States Tax Return for ESL teachers
#1 Parent Fifi - 2017-04-15
Re United States Tax Return for ESL teachers!

:D :D

#2 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-04-15
Re United States Tax Return for ESL teachers

someone in management and in charge of hiring, I could tell you a few cautionary tales

That one will suffice.

#3 Parent Mr. G - 2017-04-15
Re United States Tax Return for ESL teachers

Always do your taxes. It's an issue of personal responsibility. As well, if people at your school find out about it, can make you look quite bad and even be used against you. As someone in management and in charge of hiring, I could tell you a few cautionary tales.

Really Seth, easiest thing is to ask fellow teachers in your town or even in your school. The department probably has experience helping out its staff with things like this. Pain for Americans as apparently they make the forms much more complicated than necessary. Good luck to you all this year, cheers.

#4 Parent Seth - 2016-08-20
Re United States Tax Return for ESL teachers

Can anyone recommend a company that handles cases such as mine, and that won't break the bank?

#5 Parent BeenThere - 2016-08-19
Re: Re United States Tax Return for ESL teachers

If you are a U.S. citizen or a resident alien of the United States and you live abroad, you are taxed on your worldwide income. However, you may qualify to exclude from income up to an amount of your foreign earnings that is adjusted annually for inflation ($92,900 for 2011, $95,100 for 2012, $97,600 for 2013, $99,200 for 2014 and $100,800 for 2015). In addition, you can exclude or deduct certain foreign housing amounts.
#6 Parent The Taxman - 2016-08-19
Re United States Tax Return for ESL teachers

Any funds you make in another country not originating from a U.S. owned company is not subject to taxation. However, you should always file a tax return even if all zeros on the lines.

Seth - 2016-08-19
United States Tax Return for ESL teachers


I did not complete a US tax return while teaching English abroad. I was unaware that I was required to due to working in another country and not making a high salary. Has anyone ever filed taxes for past years that were spent teaching overseas? If so, can you recommend a company to use? Everything I have found online is really expensive!



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