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#1 Parent Curious - 2017-04-15
Re: Re Fearless Girl

Talking about trump, great paragraph from one of my favorite writers, NYT Roger Cohen, in his today's article about India. He does not name trump, but it's implied in his description of the wheel that turns:

Inclusiveness lacks the direct appeal to the gut of the tribal. It’s good but wan. Nobody prostrates himself or herself for pluralism. Shock and awe get the heart beating more than what Isaiah Berlin called “machinery designed to prevent people from doing each other too much harm.” People get bored; they crave authority and a sense of frenzied mission. They want their pharaoh or their czar or their emperor to set a path. Authoritarianism makes a comeback just when everyone had concluded, on the basis of the ravages of the 20th century, that a decent life demands freedom, at least.
#2 Parent Curious - 2017-04-15
Re Fearless Girl

I was surprised, BeenThere, after I finished reading Gail's article, that you had not mentioned this important part of the article:

How many of you out there can think of something in your state that deserves to be set back in its tracks by an extremely determined-looking young lady?

Environmentalists could buy her and set her down on Florida’s coastline at flood time, pushing back on global warming.
Maybe she’d like to take another crack at stopping the Keystone pipeline. The next time protesters come to Occupy Wall Street, they could bring their girl along.

Personally, I vote for Lafayette Park, across from the White House. Can you imagine her standing there, facing down Donald Trump every day?

#3 Parent BeenThere - 2017-04-15
Re Fearless Girl

As mentioned in my previous post: Pic of the artist loving his art, which is a good thing in itself. But let others love their art too!

Roll over Beethoven!

Source: Link below
BeenThere - 2017-04-15
Fearless Girl

Funny (as always) article by NYT Gail Collins (https://www.nytimes.com/2017/04/14/opinion/fearless-girl-doesnt-need-any-bull.html):

“Men who don’t like women taking up space are exactly why we need the Fearless Girl,” twittered Mayor de Blasio.
Her stay has now been extended to a year. The wounded Di Modica says he’ll sue.

By now, you all know "Fearless Girl" right. She is the statue of the 8-10 year old girl with hands on her hips that stands in front of the charging bull of Mr Di Modica. The response of Mr Di Modica vividly reminds me of how hateful and mean some old posters on our site like Turnoi and Alex were with Fifi, and Turnoi with London Girl: Older men absolutely, totally, unconditionally HATE fearless young females who are stronger than them. Young females full of will power, of sexual energy (in the case of Fearless Girl, it's only a couple of years away), with a lot of the skills required by the ever-changing world we live in.

I can only post one picture per post here, but I will add a new post with a pic showing Mr Di Modica caressing the genitals of his charging bull (or a smaller version of it). It speaks for itself.

Picture and text below from adweek.com (link below picture)

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