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#1 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-18
Re: The Fate of the Furious

Now that's an exodus. Catholic transubstantiation. Jewish Kabbalah. Protestant literal acceptance of the new testament. Mormon magic underwear. Better start loading those Arks

hahaha!. You got me again, Trumpsy. Okay ,I'll amend that......now let me see who can we leave out of that Ark? I know, we'll just load up them Muslims. Why? Because they is overwhelmingly more likely to chop our heads off- do mass murder on the underground- or gang-rape underage white girls. Or if they don't do any of those little things themselves, they is overwhelmingly more likely to give birth to offspring who will only be too glad. We will then be left with enough to deal with- the Christians.

#2 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-04-18
Re: The Fate of the Furious

I'd repatriate all families with religious beliefs which are incompatible with modern
scientific knowledge

Now that's an exodus. Catholic transubstantiation. Jewish Kabbalah. Protestant literal acceptance of the new testament. Mormon magic underwear. Better start loading those Arks.

#3 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-18
Re: The Fate of the Furious

Le Pen is ok. Why wouldn't the French vote for her with all the Islamic nutcases running rampant all over the place there?

The French have been way too tolerant for a long time.

An extreme right-winger may be what is needed for a few years. A French "Iron Lady" if you will? I know many people hated Thatcher though, 1990 "poll tax" and shit like that.

I'd repatriate all families with religious beliefs which are incompatible with modern scientific knowledge, even if those families are not currently causing trouble. Thatcher was just another useless politician who did nothing to halt immigration. In fact she along with the Americans created by reckless foreign intervention millions of asylum seekers who fled to the west. We can't just blame the American.

#4 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-17
Re: The Fate of the Furious

Le Pen is ok. Why wouldn't the French vote for her with all the Islamic nutcases running rampant all over the place there?

The French have been way too tolerant for a long time.

An extreme right-winger may be what is needed for a few years. A French "Iron Lady" if you will? I know many people hated Thatcher though, 1990 "poll tax" and shit like that.

#5 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-17
Re: The Fate of the Furious

I would have thought that the pound being low is not ideal for UK expats because they get less RMBs for their pension. But if they use RMBs to pay a mortgage in the UK for example, then a low pound is better.

Quite right ,Observer. But I convert RMB into Pounds here in China and then transfer it to my British bank where it's not touched, but I do get some interest. Yes if you have pensions it's best you don't spend your pension in China at the moment. If you can get it sent in pounds and remain in pounds that's okay for now. I get a small military pension and another pension but that never gets to China.

#6 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-04-17
Re: The Fate of the Furious

It's a ridiculous movie but it's totally
compelling, everybody has to see it

Very true and, I feel, very sad.

I miss living in Manhattan where I could see genuine small budget films from every country in the world. Amazon Corporate media, now global, deals us drugs that we continue to buy. Shame on us.

Arthur, I am also offended by the Furious franchise's sneaky downlow homo-eroticism. Vin Diesel and Dwayne Johnson just need to get busy.

#7 Parent Observer - 2017-04-17
Re: The Fate of the Furious

I would have thought that the pound being low is not ideal for UK expats because they get less RMBs for their pension. But if they use RMBs to pay a mortgage in the UK for example, then a low pound is better.

#8 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-17
Re: The Fate of the Furious

(mostly with France's presidential election coming next Sunday where Marine Le Pen might win

Well, Arthur there's a lady or two on this site who relishes spitting out about the old white men in power, so if she wins as God-willing she will do they will have to coin a phrase about old white women or something.

The immediate problem of her winning as I see it is that the pound might creep up a little which I don't want at the moment.

What do you think, Silverboy? I think Le Pen is a good old girl.

#9 Parent Arthur - 2017-04-17
Re: The Fate of the Furious

F8 made US$532 million worldwide during the opening weekend (not counting Monday). A first!
And a first in China.
Everybody in the world so far seems to agree: It's a ridiculous movie but it's totally compelling, everybody has to see it. Think about it: There are not many topics these days (mostly with France's presidential election coming next Sunday where Marine Le Pen might win) on which everybody agrees. Kudo to Diesel, director Gary Gray (first African-American to direct such a money-making installment) and the rest of the multi-racial "family" (it's one of the reasons for the success of the franchise that the "family" includes a representative of each of the main races and a woman).

#10 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-15
Re The Fate of the Furious

Sounds ok. I saw Furious Seven when I was still in Nanning in 2015. Not bad either. Yes, the films are pretty stupid but you have to appreciate some of the technical achievements in them, quite spectacular.

Arthur - 2017-04-15
The Fate of the Furious

I find it hard to believe myself, but I went to see that movie. And I am glad I did. I would say that, for me, 50% of the movie was unbearable (like at the end of a 45 minute root canal treatment on the dentist's chair) but you wait for those rare moments. For example, the last installment (Fast and Furious 7) had a scene I had never seen in any movie: A sports car jumps from one high rise to another, crashing through glass windows. That was new!! Couldn't wait to see what the 8th installment had in stock: Well, I was surprised again when I saw the "family" driving at full speed on the ice in 4 or 5 jeeps, being chased by.....

..... spoiler alert .......

....nothing less than.......

... a submarine!!! (you've got to see that scene).

Another great scene: Someone has put the engine of Vin's racing car on fire as he is approaching the finish line. The fierce fire from the engine, at high speed, is burning him. The bad guy is winning the race. So, you have millions of people worldwide - Chinese, Americans, everybody - thinking the same thing in unison: What will Vin do? Well.... you have to see it for yourself.

Every critique writes about that movie some version of "How being ridiculous made the 'Fast and Furious' franchise great". The series of 8 movies has now passed the US$ 4 billion mark.

It's raw muscle power (car muscle, guy muscle). And it works. Mostly in China. It's success in China (I saw in the opening credits that a Chinese film company is involved in the movie) says a lot about the appetite for raw power - strong men, military - in that country. America is no longer alone in that league.

It's no shock that the film is a hit with international audiences. For the first seven films in the franchise, 67% of ticket sales came from abroad, especially China.

The latest film, which stars Vin Diesel and Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, is already breaking records in China. "Fate" has nabbed the country's record for biggest single day ever and is projected to have the biggest three-day opening of all time in China as well.

So far the film, which opened Thursday night in North America, has brought in $194.8 million worldwide, including $45.6 million on opening day in the United States. The early totals have pushed the 16-year-old series above the $4 billion mark overall.

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