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#1 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-18
Re: Turnoi strikes again


Not really normally my type of music. Rod Stewart -Sailing

#2 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-18
Re: Turnoi strikes again

Some people love their homelands.
Others love their dogs.
Others love their wives.
Others love their religion.
Others love their food.
Others love their grog.
Others love all kinds of materialistic things.

Of course, the above options are not mutually exclusive.

However, some people love to hate. That's why some of them strike, and strike again!

Striking back is oftentimes the only viable solution to deal with that kind of hateful aggressor.

A good reply and the last sentence was a good round up.

I should say I'm not patriotic-nothing much left to be patriotic about. But this song was connected in my mind with the empire strikes back (your post) and all has certain memories for me.. But coming back to today- you are right The Empire did strike back- and it is very good at that- it's the combination and make up of the whole race.

#3 Parent expat hubby - 2017-04-18
Re: Turnoi strikes again

There's a ship lies rigged and ready in the harbor
Tomorrow for old England she sails
Far away from your land of endless sunshine
To my land full of rainy skies and gales
And I shall be aboard that ship tomorrow
Though my heart is full of tears at this farewell

For you are beautiful, I have loved you dearly
More dearly than the spoken word can tell
For you are beautiful, I have loved you dearly
More dearly than the spoken word can tell

I've heard there's a wicked war a-blazing
And the taste of war I know so very well
Even now I see the foreign flag a-raising
Their guns on fire as we sail into hell
I have no fear of death, it brings no sorrow
But how bitter will be this last farewell

For you are beautiful, I have loved you dearly
More dearly than the spoken word can tell
For you are beautiful, I have loved you dearly
More dearly than the spoken word can tell

Though death and darkness gather all about me
My ship be torn apart upon the seas
I shall smell again the fragrance of these islands
And the heaving waves that brought me once to thee
And should I return home safe again to England
I shall watch the English mist roll through the dale

For you are beautiful, I have loved you dearly
More dearly than the spoken word can tell
For you are beautiful, I have loved you dearly
More dearly than the spoken word can tell

Read more: Roger Whittaker - The Last Farewell Lyrics | MetroLyrics

Some people love their homelands.
Others love their dogs.
Others love their wives.
Others love their religion.
Others love their food.
Others love their grog.
Others love all kinds of materialistic things.

Of course, the above options are not mutually exclusive.

However, some people love to hate. That's why some of them strike, and strike again!

Striking back is oftentimes the only viable solution to deal with that kind of hateful aggressor.

#4 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-18
Re: Turnoi strikes again

There's a ship lies rigged and ready in the harbor
Tomorrow for old England she sails
Far away from your land of endless sunshine
To my land full of rainy skies and gales
And I shall be aboard that ship tomorrow
Though my heart is full of tears at this farewell

For you are beautiful, I have loved you dearly
More dearly than the spoken word can tell
For you are beautiful, I have loved you dearly
More dearly than the spoken word can tell

I've heard there's a wicked war a-blazing
And the taste of war I know so very well
Even now I see the foreign flag a-raising
Their guns on fire as we sail into hell
I have no fear of death, it brings no sorrow
But how bitter will be this last farewell

For you are beautiful, I have loved you dearly
More dearly than the spoken word can tell
For you are beautiful, I have loved you dearly
More dearly than the spoken word can tell

Though death and darkness gather all about me
My ship be torn apart upon the seas
I shall smell again the fragrance of these islands
And the heaving waves that brought me once to thee
And should I return home safe again to England
I shall watch the English mist roll through the dale

For you are beautiful, I have loved you dearly
More dearly than the spoken word can tell
For you are beautiful, I have loved you dearly
More dearly than the spoken word can tell

Read more: Roger Whittaker - The Last Farewell Lyrics | MetroLyrics

#5 Parent expat hubby - 2017-04-18
Re: Turnoi strikes again

Yes, I think so too!

#6 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-17
Re: Turnoi strikes again

I love dogs
I was bitten lightly a couple of times, but always welcomed the bite. That's how much I love them.
I remember one time, I was looking for a hotel in Switzerland, possibly Interlaken. There was a hotel sign that i could see from the road, so I parked and walked towards the lake. I could not see the hotel (lots of houses though that could have been inns) so i kept walking. 2 large guard dogs came barking furiously at me, but I kept walking towards the lake because it was night, I had been driving for 12 hours, and I really wanted a room near the lake. So one of the dogs came to me and showed his teeth. I kept walking. Then the dog, feeling/smelling that I was not bad but knowing that he had to do his job, took a little bite at one of the fingers of my hanging right hand. Just one finger. And with the tips of his front tips. Just enough to hurt, but I don't think he broke the skin, I don't think I bled. So, I decided that it was better for me to turn around and return to my car. Which I did. But I will always remember the kindness and the social judgement of this dog who had the right at that moment, because it seems that I was trespassing, to take my whole hand off. Which Turnoi would have done (take the whole hand off) if he had been this dog :o)

A really good post with a message. Thank you.

#7 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-17
Re: Turnoi strikes again

I still have a whippet, actually my sisters dog, but she likes to stay at our family house rather than my sisters house.

She is out of sorts a bit now since our Labradoodle died in January. A whippet is calm and a bit jumpy so she relied on comfort and
direction from the Labradoodle who has an opposite personality.

#8 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-17
Re: Turnoi strikes again

Yes, if you get bitten by a dog there you need to go and get several injections at a local medical centre quickly. No problem though, plenty of clinics available, fairly cheap. They can quickly treat many other kinds of things also.

#9 Parent BeenThere - 2017-04-17
Re: Turnoi strikes again

I love dogs
I was bitten lightly a couple of times, but always welcomed the bite. That's how much I love them.
I remember one time, I was looking for a hotel in Switzerland, possibly Interlaken. There was a hotel sign that i could see from the road, so I parked and walked towards the lake. I could not see the hotel (lots of houses though that could have been inns) so i kept walking. 2 large guard dogs came barking furiously at me, but I kept walking towards the lake because it was night, I had been driving for 12 hours, and I really wanted a room near the lake. So one of the dogs came to me and showed his teeth. I kept walking. Then the dog, feeling/smelling that I was not bad but knowing that he had to do his job, took a little bite at one of the fingers of my hanging right hand. Just one finger. And with the tips of his front tips. Just enough to hurt, but I don't think he broke the skin, I don't think I bled. So, I decided that it was better for me to turn around and return to my car. Which I did. But I will always remember the kindness and the social judgement of this dog who had the right at that moment, because it seems that I was trespassing, to take my whole hand off. Which Turnoi would have done (take the whole hand off) if he had been this dog :o)

#10 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-17
Re: Turnoi strikes again

Yes, Central Pattaya is mostly flat and easy to get around.

What about the temple dogs? I know a German who was attacked on his 90cc scooter. He had to go and have injections against hydrophobia. Bloody dogs!

#11 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-17
Re: Turnoi strikes again

Yes, Central Pattaya is mostly flat and easy to get around.

#12 Parent expat hubby - 2017-04-17
Re: Turnoi strikes again


#13 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-17
Re: Turnoi strikes again

I know that in Dickensian London the water was so polluted that even children were given porter to drink.

I was thinking how few coffee houses we have around today compared to one on every corner in Britain in that period.

#14 Parent expat hubby - 2017-04-17
Re: Turnoi strikes again

Mothers Little Helper
歌手:The Rolling Stones
( 'Mother' could be Turnoi! )

God there's so many expressions in English and that one I haven't heard for a long time. Used to refer to wine or whisky and not valium ,didn't it? What about 'Mothers Ruin?'

Yep, gin is mother's ruin. I guess from Dickensian times or somewhat earlier.

#15 Parent expat hubby - 2017-04-17
Re: Turnoi strikes again

That is wrong going back years. The poster of that info on LG turned out to be a former colleague of hers from Dalian, the IP behind the info posted originated from Dalian and the two people you are thinking of were not in China then, so it was someone known to her, whom she had worked with. Those are the real facts, T and this other person had nothing to do with the LG info leak on linkedin, as for the tax situation in Spain, T may well have contacted the authorities there but the linkedin was not his doing, but someone she had previously known, trusted and worked with in Dalian, China.

Half-baked excuses are a waste of time.

I know who you are.

Stop sticking your oar in!

#16 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-17
Re: Turnoi strikes again

Well, I don't have a lot of stuff. I will only take two suitcases. I am going to buy a bicycle when I finally move there like two of my mates have. To walk from Soi 15 to Soi 6 for example is a long way and very uncomfortable in June-September period.

Is the terrain flat enough for a bicycle? Some island in the south, something like 'Elephant Island' where the hills were so steep that a scooter would slide down even when the brakes were locked. I was with my wife and we took a nasty tumble, scratched the bike and had to pay a lot of baht. The whole expense of that holiday came from swapping yuan for sterling -currency speculating.

#17 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-17
Re: Turnoi strikes again

A good song. There is also a reference to "Mother's Little Helper" in the Australian Crawl Song, "The Boys Light Up".

#18 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-17
Re: Turnoi strikes again

What happened to my ladies netball team on that other forum, Fifi. Maybe it was misplaced. So here it is again. I was saying to Trumpsey that you ladies like to play netball and hockey. Us real macho types play cricket, and that Basketball players is too thick to grasp cricket.

#19 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-17
Re: Turnoi strikes again

Mothers Little Helper
歌手:The Rolling Stones

( 'Mother' could be Turnoi! )


God there's so many expressions in English and that one I haven't heard for a long time. Used to refer to wine or whisky and not valium ,didn't it? What about 'Mothers Ruin?'

#20 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-17
Re: Turnoi strikes again

Well, I don't have a lot of stuff. I will only take two suitcases. I am going to buy a bicycle when I finally move there like two of my mates have. To walk from Soi 15 to Soi 6 for example is a long way and very uncomfortable in June-September period.

#21 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-17
Re: Turnoi strikes again

I remember I said once that "people who choose to live in China and teach English forever are goons who can't do anything else".

I did not recall Turnoi ever saying anything like this.

It's a copy it's true but certainly not a forgery. ,Sadly the original from this site would have been deleted by T himself. Anyway, he may have borrowed it from you.

How are you going to get all your belongings over to Thailand then?

#22 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-16
Re: Turnoi strikes again

Sure, he has plenty of free time, but to send a few e-mails or post on this site does not take up much time. I am currently doing some work for a friend and living in different locations but I still have plenty of time to post on here.

No, not boredom, he really does not like you for some reason. He assumes that you are the main protagonist from DD and has the impression that you have damaged his professional reputation is some way. Simple as that IMO.

I was going to use another word instead of impression but can't think of it at this time.

#23 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-16
Re: Turnoi strikes again

I remember I said once that "people who choose to live in China and teach English forever are goons who can't do anything else".

I did not recall Turnoi ever saying anything like this.

#24 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-16
Re: Turnoi strikes again

I am sure that is true, but how do you think I found about her? I don't know anyone in Dalian and never been contacted by anyone from there. The problem for LG is what the people who know about her intend to do with the information. Same with Turnoi and his alleged info on Taffs. I am sounding like a broken record, but once again, it is what someone intends to do with certain info that is the problem.

#25 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-16
Re: Turnoi strikes again

When you say that some people will get the impression that you are one of the people who slandered Turnoi. For the record, I say once again, I don't think it was you. I now have a fairly good idea about who these people who defamed Turnoi, and myself to a lesser extent really are. As for kiddie fiddlers, no, not everyone who felt the wrath of Turnoi were pedos, but there were two of them posting on here quite a while ago. I had pretty solid evidence to back it up at the time. Turnoi did also. This evidence was passed to the relevant authorities.

#26 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-16
Re: Turnoi strikes again

The information about LG can be found without the help of any of her former colleagues. I am sure Turnoi found out by himself, not from anyone in Dalian. It is really not hard to find people, just have to use your imagination.

#27 Parent expat hubby - 2017-04-16
Re: Turnoi strikes again

As i was told by the moderator I know on this site - and what I am going to write is not a secret, it's already known by all of you - Turnoi asked for all his posts to be deleted the first time some two years ago; the mods had to delete something like 10,000 posts on many boards (of course, the software does that). I feel that nobody cared at the ESLTB (most posts were a variation on the theme of "crap school") except for the editor who thought that it left most of the threads technically dislocated, with some posts left hanging ("orphan" i.e. a post is answering something that no longer exists). But he allowed Turnoi to re-start posting a few months later. Then, last February, Turnoi asked again for all his posts to be deleted. Again, I feel that nobody cared but it - again - left a lot of threads dislocated and posts hanging. I know that the editor told the mods not to let him post again for that reason.
A good account, thank you Fifi. SB made a good answer to the same question too.

It suddenly dawned on me as I was reading your post. Turnoi and his devilish assistant are doing all this at this moment because of sheer boredom, they have nothing to do now that the site is closed (as it can be) to them. I spose even the e-mail to me are timed, like timed when I am still half a sleep, and the first thing I see still rubbing my eyes is "Hi Wanker!" hahaha. he is a card that Turnoi. Well, a card and a half with his little helper.

Mothers Little Helper
歌手:The Rolling Stones

( 'Mother' could be Turnoi! )


#28 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-16
Re: Turnoi strikes again

As i was told by the moderator I know on this site - and what I am going to write is not a secret, it's already known by all of you - Turnoi asked for all his posts to be deleted the first time some two years ago; the mods had to delete something like 10,000 posts on many boards (of course, the software does that). I feel that nobody cared at the ESLTB (most posts were a variation on the theme of "crap school") except for the editor who thought that it left most of the threads technically dislocated, with some posts left hanging ("orphan" i.e. a post is answering something that no longer exists). But he allowed Turnoi to re-start posting a few months later. Then, last February, Turnoi asked again for all his posts to be deleted. Again, I feel that nobody cared but it - again - left a lot of threads dislocated and posts hanging. I know that the editor told the mods not to let him post again for that reason.

A good account, thank you Fifi. SB made a good answer to the same question too.

It suddenly dawned on me as I was reading your post. Turnoi and his devilish assistant are doing all this at this moment because of sheer boredom, they have nothing to do now that the site is closed (as it can be) to them. I spose even the e-mail to me are timed, like timed when I am still half a sleep, and the first thing I see still rubbing my eyes is "Hi Wanker!" hahaha. he is a card that Turnoi. Well, a card and a half with his little helper.

#29 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-16
Re: Turnoi strikes again

That is wrong going back years. The poster of that info on LG turned out to be a former colleague of hers from Dalian, the IP behind the info posted originated from Dalian and the two people you are thinking of were not in China then, so it was someone known to her, whom she had worked with. Those are the real facts, T and this other person had nothing to do with the LG info leak on linkedin, as for the tax situation in Spain, T may well have contacted the authorities there but the linkedin was not his doing, but someone she had previously known, trusted and worked with in Dalian, China.

I'm sure you would be denying he had contacted the tax authorities if he hadn't of proudly announced himself to us he'd done the dirty deed. Linkedin wasn't actually half as evil and malicious as contacting said authorities. So I don't know how your post serves him at all.

#30 Parent Fifi - 2017-04-16
Re: Turnoi strikes again

As i was told by the moderator I know on this site - and what I am going to write is not a secret, it's already known by all of you - Turnoi asked for all his posts to be deleted the first time some two years ago; the mods had to delete something like 10,000 posts on many boards (of course, the software does that). I feel that nobody cared at the ESLTB (most posts were a variation on the theme of "crap school") except for the editor who thought that it left most of the threads technically dislocated, with some posts left hanging ("orphan" i.e. a post is answering something that no longer exists). But he allowed Turnoi to re-start posting a few months later. Then, last February, Turnoi asked again for all his posts to be deleted. Again, I feel that nobody cared but it - again - left a lot of threads dislocated and posts hanging. I know that the editor told the mods not to let him post again for that reason.

#31 Parent expat hubby - 2017-04-16
Re: Turnoi strikes again

Was the poster who supplied information to Turnoi concerning LG, and is now allegedly providing information on some website about you a certain turncoat from Bolton who is good at winkling personal information from unsuspecting forum posters?
I am quite sure he is the slimy bar steward responsible for writing on degreediscussion forum as the baker and pretending to be other posters.

Sadly, that's the case I fear. We will have to wait and see what this information that Turnoi has put on a website is exactly, maybe information which i only revealed to said steward. Let's hope not ,I always had a soft spot for this character with a glass house.

There's more to all this than meets the eye. I think it's not just about the slander on degreediscussion forum. The relationship between Turnoi and the above-mentioned Boltonian is also relevant.

Why did Turnoi ask, purportedly twice, for the board to delete all his (treasured) posts? The reason he did so is of paramount importance for us understanding why Turnoi has sent you two threatening e-mails, and is setting up a website which he intends to use to blacken your name.

Maybe Fifi and Silverboy can provide us with some pointers.

#32 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-16
Re: Turnoi strikes again

I don't know if someone is feeding Turnoi information or not. As for LG, it was not hard to find out about her. Having information about people is one thing. How it is used is a different story. From my experience, knowing which city a person is living in is enough to track them down, as long as it is under a million population. As for me, I am currently alternating between Brisbane, Gold Coast, and Pattaya. I am working at the Gold Coast for a few weeks. To find someone in a city like London or even Brisbane in Australia is hard. In a small coastal city or country town it is much easier. I have info about LG that I could use if so desired. I will not be using it, in fact I'm only vindictive toward people I think really deserve it. We will have to wait and see what surprises Turnoi has in store as you said.

#33 Parent dh - 2017-04-16
Re: Turnoi strikes again

That is wrong going back years. The poster of that info on LG turned out to be a former colleague of hers from Dalian, the IP behind the info posted originated from Dalian and the two people you are thinking of were not in China then, so it was someone known to her, whom she had worked with. Those are the real facts, T and this other person had nothing to do with the LG info leak on linkedin, as for the tax situation in Spain, T may well have contacted the authorities there but the linkedin was not his doing, but someone she had previously known, trusted and worked with in Dalian, China.

#34 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-16
Re: Turnoi strikes again

Turnoi, the Only One and Real Turnoi -- 2014-06-05
In response to Re: Save yourself from HELL!!!!= STAY AWAY from Shane English Schools (AILE), Dongying, Shandong !!!
Do you remember the rubbish on learning and teaching English published by The Wanker some time ago on here?
I bet he and his pedophile goons can't really teach at all and even don't know what a lesson plan is. Fools and morons!.

I'll bet those goons have to stay in China and teach English forever, because that's all they can do.
Tell a Friend

This was a post from 2014 when Turnoi habitually dismissed any opponents as paedophiles. And he has the bloody cheek to critisise anything The_Baker and his other handles said about him on DegreeDiscussions. So what does he want us to say-that it's okay him slandering any other posters but it's not okay for a few lesser lies to be told about him on DD?

#35 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-16
Re: Turnoi strikes again

Well, if that is true this person probably knows all about me also. I will be in Pattaya full time from June 20. So I say to this arsehole, you know where I am at that time, come and find me, we will see who comes off second best.

#36 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-16
Re: Turnoi strikes again

Was the poster who supplied information to Turnoi concerning LG, and is now allegedly providing information on some website about you a certain turncoat from Bolton who is good at winkling personal information from unsuspecting forum posters?

I am quite sure he is the slimy bar steward responsible for writing on degreediscussion forum as the baker and pretending to be other posters.

Sadly, that's the case I fear. We will have to wait and see what this information that Turnoi has put on a website is exactly, maybe information which i only revealed to said steward. Let's hope not ,I always had a soft spot for this character with a glass house.

#37 Parent expat hubby - 2017-04-16
Re: Turnoi strikes again

Was the poster who supplied information to Turnoi concerning LG, and is now allegedly providing information on some website about you a certain turncoat from Bolton who is good at winkling personal information from unsuspecting forum posters?

I am quite sure he is the slimy bar steward responsible for writing on degreediscussion forum as the baker and pretending to be other posters.

#38 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-16
Re: Turnoi strikes again

He is obviously not mentally OK.

You can see why posters don't often give e-mail. Too late for that now and I refuse to remove mine.

As with the LondonGirl situation, Turnoi gets most of his information from another poster whom I know well.

If I had of apologised (for doing nothing) to Turnoi, as he demanded they would be asking for money by now, I have no doubt.

#39 Parent Fifi - 2017-04-16
Re: Turnoi strikes again

He is obviously not mentally OK.

Alias Taffy - 2017-04-16
Turnoi strikes again

For yoi, the wanker
Mwana Mbugu <turjakuunnen.turnoi75@googlemail.com>
To dairaymontjones@yahoo.com
Apr 15 at 3:49 PM
The website with all the necessarfy information about you is up.
Have fun.....LOOOOOOOOL
You get repaid in kind for the bullshit you posted on degreediscussion.com.
And watch out while you are in China!

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