Return to Index › For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...
#1 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-23
Re: Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...

Not sure about that. Nanning is by far one of the most boring cities in China and in the whole of Asia. It does not have even one authentic Western bar!

Good luck attracting a Chinese woman in Nanning on a 6000 rmb a month teaching salary!

#2 Parent expat hubby - 2017-04-23
Re: Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...

I forgot to mention, once again if you are genuine: cheap sex on tap 24 hours a day with sexy women should not be your only consideration. What about the weather? I like sunshine and beaches. A large and vibrant ex-pat community? All different types of quality Western food? These are all important IMO. Find a place in Asia where you can speak English and live a Western lifestyle but ignore the mainstream host culture. Pattaya ticks all the boxes for me. I can have a lifestyle similar to in Australia but without the expenses and I can avoid hideous white Australian women. You can also find a place that suits you. Just get out of China though or you will end up with nothing.

A British guy I know in his fifties is stuck in Nanning. No women, a low paying teaching job, nothing to look forward to. You don't need to be like him!

But maybe said Brit is better off teaching in Nanning on low pay than returning to Blighty where he will likely be unemployed and even poorer financially. Maybe he loves teaching above all else. He might well be a noble fellow who is not seeking sex nor the company of expat bar flies.

Good luck to him.

#3 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-22
Re: Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...

I have given that other poster some advice just in case they are genuine. My last post I replied to myself by mistake. Too much wine last night, haha! Anyway, yes, giving out e-mail addresses at the current time is not such a good idea. I have given out mine several times before and have contacted several people who posted on here.

#4 Parent Taffy - 2017-04-22
Re: Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...

Yes, I have been accused of giving too much information but a sock by sock sex account makes me feel ill. Any way good Holmsey intuition trumpsey. And no SB don't you give your email-ofd characters out there.

#5 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-22
Re: Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...

I forgot to mention, once again if you are genuine: cheap sex on tap 24 hours a day with sexy women should not be your only consideration. What about the weather? I like sunshine and beaches. A large and vibrant ex-pat community? All different types of quality Western food? These are all important IMO. Find a place in Asia where you can speak English and live a Western lifestyle but ignore the mainstream host culture. Pattaya ticks all the boxes for me. I can have a lifestyle similar to in Australia but without the expenses and I can avoid hideous white Australian women. You can also find a place that suits you. Just get out of China though or you will end up with nothing. A British guy I know in his fifties is stuck in Nanning. No women, a low paying teaching job, nothing to look forward to. You don't need to be like him!

#6 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-04-22
Re: Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...

I've tried my
socks off, but no good result!

Taking your socks off was a suave move; you shouldn't be 'reddened by the event'.
If, as I suspect, you are actually of Chinese ancestry, you should remember that China's red light industry, though significantly diminished in the past decade, has a long history and a cultural prominence far more significant than that of any Western country.
FT patronage of prostitutes in China is of little consequence in a country where wealthy men and corrupt bureaucrats writhe in saunas, grope in Xiaojie KTVs, and keep Xiaosans.

#7 Parent expat hubby - 2017-04-22
Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...

Missed this post. Really you are a smart arse. I have money, probably more than you. I don't
have a wife.

I won't marry a Chinese woman just to say "look, I have an Asian wife".

Some of you blokes have an overblown opinion of yourselves.


#8 Parent expat hubby - 2017-04-22
Re: Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...

I'm a new reader, but a foreign teacher in Asia who has had to visit a red light district for
the first time to relieve my sexual frustration. That has been a consequence of my
inability to get laid as it's been impossible for me to have developed a normal
relationship with any native woman of repute, not for the want of trying! I've tried my
socks off, but no good result!

Would you please publish your email so I can contact you (= SILVERBOY) for advice?

I assume your moniker means you feel embarrassed by your sexual encounter in a red light district! Don't let that get to you morally. The flesh is weak, and all that. You needn't blame yourself.

What kind of advice do you require? Maybe I can help.

#9 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-22
Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...

Missed this post. Really you are a smart arse. I have money, probably more than you. I don't have a wife.

I won't marry a Chinese woman just to say "look, I have an Asian wife".

Some of you blokes have an overblown opinion of yourselves.

#10 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-22
Re: Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...

First of all I don't know if this is a genuine post, so a bit reluctant to give an e-mail address. If you are serious, I don't know where in Asia you are. I suspect China, because this is a place where in 2017 you will get nothing from a woman unless you marry her and buy her an apartment. Also, according to my sources the once thriving sex industries in many Chinese cities have been been virtually wiped out. I know for sure that Nanning and Guilin for example are sexual wastelands. This is very sad.

I suggest moving to a country where there is a "serve men" culture, and that is not China. Better if it is a "serve Western men culture". like in Thailand. Japan is good from what I've heard, it is easy for white guys to find GF's there and most Japanese girls are well educated and pretty and have their own jobs and money. It is expensive to live there however.

Also, Cambodia is good, women throw themselves at white blokes there, but the racist marriage policy there turned me off, even though I don't want to marry. Never give in to the temptation to marry a Chinese girl just because you feel a bit lonely or sexually frustrated. Even if you marry one of them, you will rarely have any sort of sexual relationship. Maybe two or three times a year. So, don't marry a Chinese girl just to have sex once every three months. You will also end up broke when you finally divorce your Chinese wife.

If you are in China, leave, or you will be stuck in a vicious cycle. Pattaya is a good place. Sex on tap there, it's available 24 hours a day if you need it. You can find a GF in central Pattaya, I love beer bar girls, but for something more serious you need to go to East Pattaya, the Jomtien area. Bangkok is also a place where white guys can easily find a GF. Forget about non-friendly cultures like China where women won't even give you the time of day unless you have millions of rmb to play with.

#11 Parent reddened by the event - 2017-04-21
Re: Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...

I'm a new reader, but a foreign teacher in Asia who has had to visit a red light district for the first time to relieve my sexual frustration. That has been a consequence of my inability to get laid as it's been impossible for me to have developed a normal relationship with any native woman of repute, not for the want of trying! I've tried my socks off, but no good result!

Would you please publish your email so I can contact you for advice?

#12 Parent expat hubby - 2017-04-21
Re: Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...

I have heard about this sort of thing before, but that article was different to what I had heard. From what I know cycling can also cause the testicles to overheat which is not a good thing.

Similar to wearing really tight jeans, which is no good either.

Older blokes like Taffs and ex-pat hubby would remember the "tackle masher" jeans in the mid 70's. Popular with Status Quo and Bay City Rollers and other popular bands of the time like Skyhooks and Sherbet in Australia.

Those blokes did not seem to have any fertility problems however!

I dunno!

The bike in the picture may be a wise purchase. LAID-BACK CYCLING!

#13 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-21
Re: Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...

I have heard about this sort of thing before, but that article was different to what I had heard. From what I know cycling can also cause the testicles to overheat which is not a good thing.

Similar to wearing really tight jeans, which is no good either.

Older blokes like Taffs and ex-pat hubby would remember the "tackle masher" jeans in the mid 70's. Popular with Status Quo and Bay City Rollers and other popular bands of the time like Skyhooks and Sherbet in Australia.

Those blokes did not seem to have any fertility problems however!

#14 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-21
Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...

Haha, a China girl costs ten times more than any Pattaya girl.

Spose i'd get more prostitutes per pound today but not happy. just told by wife.

#15 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-21
Re: Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...

I'm not sure cycling is a good thing for men!

Guys, Is Cycling Ruining Your Sex Life?

Is your bike saddle causing impotence?


Bloody Hell, never thought about that!

#16 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-21
Re: Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...

Most of the ex-pats in Thailand already have money. They don't need or want to service old women from back home. Get real Taffy, would you really want to service some ugly wrinkled curtain twitcher from back home?

No, the job of Thai women in Pattaya is to serve Western men, and they know it. It is too bad Chinese women have not caught on.

Good point, SB.

#17 Parent expat hubby - 2017-04-21
Re: Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...

I even know a group of cyclists who ride AT NIGHT from San Diego to Tijuana. They drive as a pack, one or two dozens. They never felt threatened.

So, if you were a lone Aussie making your way to them pink rooms, you could somehow get in the middle of that cycling pack for protection?

I'm not sure cycling is a good thing for men!

Guys, Is Cycling Ruining Your Sex Life?

Is your bike saddle causing impotence?


#18 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-21
Re: Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...

Most of the ex-pats in Thailand already have money. They don't need or want to service old women from back home. Get real Taffy, would you really want to service some ugly wrinkled curtain twitcher from back home?

No, the job of Thai women in Pattaya is to serve Western men, and they know it. It is too bad Chinese women have not caught on.

#19 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-21
Re: Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...

I know many ex-pats in China, including Americans who are looking for somewhere else to relocate. So far, the destinations of choice are Thailand ( not always Pattaya, Hua Hin and Chiang Mai were also mentioned ), Bali, Costa Rica ( affordable health care and low cost of living ), Panama, Spain, and Greece ( Greece I don't understand )

NONE of them ever talked about Mexico. I am sure there are some nice places there, I know some Australians go on surfing holidays there.

What i want to know is that hen-packs from the west also holiday in Thailand why is it that good looking blokes like SB are not providing a service themselves, and taking money rather than giving?

If i were free I might consider setting myself up in New York or somewhere as the major or the colonel complete with gong and a touch of breeding- and earn myself some cash. American women are denied men with style and breeding. I think I could earn a packet.

Some men have got gold between their legs and are not using it properly.

#20 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-21
Re: Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...

I even know a group of cyclists who ride AT NIGHT from San Diego to Tijuana. They drive as a pack, one or two dozens. They never felt threatened.

So, if you were a lone Aussie making your way to them pink rooms, you could somehow get in the middle of that cycling pack for protection?

#21 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-20
Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...

Good ol James Galway, gotta love him, lol! In August 2002 I was driving along the Stuart Highway with my Thai wife about 100 kilometres south of Darwin and there was a black bloke with a didgeridoo walking down the side of the highway.

I was doing 120 km/h so I did not get a really good look at him. My wive said "look, he's got one of those blowing things". That was a funny statement from her!

#22 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-20
Re: Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...

I know many ex-pats in China, including Americans who are looking for somewhere else to relocate. So far, the destinations of choice are Thailand ( not always Pattaya, Hua Hin and Chiang Mai were also mentioned ), Bali, Costa Rica ( affordable health care and low cost of living ), Panama, Spain, and Greece ( Greece I don't understand )

NONE of them ever talked about Mexico. I am sure there are some nice places there, I know some Australians go on surfing holidays there.

#23 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-20
Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...

Even 120 AUD is still expensive compared to Pattaya. I could get a high class a go go girl at LK Metro , short time, for less than that.

Australia, in general, it's too expensive. Not just for girls, for most things.

#24 Parent Fifi - 2017-04-20
Re: Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...

I even know a group of cyclists who ride AT NIGHT from San Diego to Tijuana. They drive as a pack, one or two dozens. They never felt threatened.

#25 Parent Fifi - 2017-04-20
Re: Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...

Although I live in San Diego, a few miles away from the border, I only went 3-4 times to Mexico, to Ensenada, which is on the coast, about 70 miles south of San Diego. The road, carved on the sides of the mountains and hills, overlooking the Pacific Ocean, under the sun (it's sunny most of the time in SD) is one of the most beautiful in the world.

I never felt threatened in Ensenada, which was never a drug hub because it is too far from the US border. People are lovely there. Food delicious. But Tijuana, right across the border, had a bad reputation 5 years ago and more: drug wars (all the fault of the US government). We have to drive through Tijuana to go to Ensenada; it's safe to drive through but I would not stop, even today that Tijuana ("TJ") has improved a lot. There is quite a wealthy community (Americans and Mexicans) on the coast, just behind Tijuana: such enclaves are as safe as safe areas in the US (as safe as San Diego for example). It all depends where you go. One has to know where to go. Each time I went to Mexico, I was with friends who knew what they were doing.

I have friends who own houses in Ensenada and on the coast of TJ: they never mention any problems with safety. They spend 6 months a year down there, and 6 months in SD. Again, it all depends where you go.

#26 Parent expat hubby - 2017-04-20
Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...

I think your post was meant for Silverboy.

Anyway, a great song and an amusing post!

#27 Parent expat hubby - 2017-04-20
Re: Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...

Yes indeed.

#28 Parent expat hubby - 2017-04-20
Re: Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...

Yes, indeed.

#29 Parent expat hubby - 2017-04-20
Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...

Asian whores on the Gold Coast can range anywhere from 120 AUD for half an hour for average
Thai and Chinese gals and up to 500 dollars an hour for high class Koreans and Japanese.

White Australian gals on GC can be very expensive, the stereotypical tall, busty and leggy
Gold Coast blonde with long blonde hair. From 200 to 800 AUD an hour. It is usually rich
Japanese tourists who like them.

The Gold Coast is all glitz and glamour, a bit like Las Vegas in the US, but without all the
casinos, although the GC has Jupiter's Casino at Broadbeach.

A new luxury 220 million dollar tower is UC there at this time.

If I wasn't wed and without a girlfriend, and in AUSTRALIA, I'd head for the Gold Coast to find an average Thai/Chinese whore.

#30 Parent expat hubby - 2017-04-20
Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...

This is one thing I love in Pattaya: You can just sit in any bar, any restaurant, on some stairs on Beach Rd, almost anywhere, and women just approach you. "Hi, can I sit with you?" "Where you from"? "What your name?"

It is really cute and funny and charming. The young ones like 21,22, they are especially funny.

In China you can sit at a bar or in a restaurant all day and nobody will even give you the time of day.

I am lazy now, I'm older and don't want to put in any effort toward anything, especially chasing women. Even this part-time work I'm doing is a grind. It's just for the money.

I'm done with supporting anyone or waiting for them. Not sure if that's your attitude, it's certainly mine!

Each to their own. I can understand your attitude. The older we become, the lazier we get. We want everything on a plate. Generally speaking, of course.

#31 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-20
Re: Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...

Mexico is no good. A lot of guns, drugs, corruption, violence, it is not safe. Same with Colombia and Panama. I was thinking of alternatives to China a few years ago and looked at Panama as an option.

#32 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-20
Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...

Asian whores on the Gold Coast can range anywhere from 120 AUD for half an hour for average Thai and Chinese gals and up to 500 dollars an hour for high class Koreans and Japanese.

White Australian gals on GC can be very expensive, the stereotypical tall, busty and leggy Gold Coast blonde with long blonde hair. From 200 to 800 AUD an hour. It is usually rich Japanese tourists who like them.

The Gold Coast is all glitz and glamour, a bit like Las Vegas in the US, but without all the casinos, although the GC has Jupiter's Casino at Broadbeach.

A new luxury 220 million dollar tower is UC there at this time.

#33 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-20
Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...

This is one thing I love in Pattaya: You can just sit in any bar, any restaurant, on some stairs on Beach Rd, almost anywhere, and women just approach you. "Hi, can I sit with you?" "Where you from"? "What your name?"

It is really cute and funny and charming. The young ones like 21,22, they are especially funny.

In China you can sit at a bar or in a restaurant all day and nobody will even give you the time of day.

I am lazy now, I'm older and don't want to put in any effort toward anything, especially chasing women. Even this part-time work I'm doing is a grind. It's just for the money.

I'm done with supporting anyone or waiting for them. Not sure if that's your attitude, it's certainly mine!

#34 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-20
Re: Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...

A great song. I also like "Paradise City" by Gun's and Roses.

#35 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-20
Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...


Mind you and with deep respect to the lady, if you are going to land a thinking-man's-crumpet, like in Trumpsey's league you will need to learn to play and sing 'Down by the Salley Gardens' on your Didgeridoo.(If you want to stay down market any old bit of popular pop nonsense will do.) And after that still glaring at you as if you was like some nauseating dollop of shite she'll ask you wot was the poet called!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????? and you'd better know.

#36 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-20
Re: Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...

It's impressive that you already sold the flat, and at a profit.
End of May will arrive soon.
Then, it's gonna be replacing the broken windows in Exeter :o)

Yes could be vandalism.

By the way, I brought up Mexico because I was thinking that there must be other places with sunny dispositions where certain tourists could go for certain enjoyments. Then it occurred it's on your back doorstep- Uh-Oh I thought! I assure you that nothing was meant to cause discomfort. That said, what about Mexico does it have any Pattaya type qualities about it. I know the girls are attractive.

#37 Parent expat hubby - 2017-04-20
Re: Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...

I was just thinking about an alternative to Pattaya. Maybe somewhere like Mexico. I have an idea expats could get value for money there. This could be you in a couple of years, SB. I bet an Aussie dollar could go a long way in Mexico? Being serious sin't there an alternative to Asia?

But you are forgetting that Silverboy loves Asian girls!

A song he should love as it will remind him of such Pattayan gals.



#38 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-20
Re: Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...

I was just thinking about an alternative to Pattaya. Maybe somewhere like Mexico. I have an idea expats could get value for money there. This could be you in a couple of years, SB. I bet an Aussie dollar could go a long way in Mexico? Being serious sin't there an alternative to Asia?

#39 Parent expat hubby - 2017-04-20
Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...

I mean both. A prostitute in China costs a lot more than one in Pattaya. I know from personal experience. The service is much better in Thailand also. You get value for money.

Just for comparison, can you enlighten us on the going rate for a quickie/knee trembler with a young Asian whore plying her trade in the Gold Coast of your wonderful land?

#40 Parent Fifi - 2017-04-20
Re: Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...

It's impressive that you already sold the flat, and at a profit.
End of May will arrive soon.
Then, it's gonna be replacing the broken windows in Exeter :o)

#41 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-20
Re: Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...

You sound really, really ready to return home, Taffy. You must be leaving soon, in a couple of weeks if I remember well?

How would you summarize your stay in China?

China is probably good for many old white farts like me, as long as they wind up all their interests back home in the west; apart from any pensions of course. If one really wants to stay in China, I have a feeling that one's only available choice should be to accept and settle down in China and then you're able to come to terms with the place. The consideration for me is I have a young child who carries a British passport, and I have too many reasons to return, like property and so forth. If I were determined to settle in China I would need to sever any strings that tug me home.

We do discuss what we should do in life but it does fall on me to make the big decisions. I have to decide what's best for all of us.

The good news is, we have sold this flat and have worked out that we will go home at least £10,000 better off, largely thanks to Brexit. Much of the money has been transfered home already. I have no intentions of having large amounts of money confiscated en route. £50 will be enough for the trip. During our stay here we have lived solely off of my wife's earnings, which have also been used to put back any initial draws on savings. The books have been long since squared.

There have been some advantages in spending a year here, like Esther's Mandarin....but she would have ended up bi-lingual anyway, so it's probably all been a bit of a waste of time. End of May.

#42 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-19
Re: Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...

That is your opinion Fifi. Many men with wife and kid severely regret being in that situation. I know more than a few.

I'm just saying to unhappy men in that situation there are alternatives. They don't need to waste their life. They can be happy. I am trying to start a new ex-China ex-pat group in Pattaya, about ten members. I've recently tried convince a long term Aussie in Nanning to make the switch.

He said "if things don't work out for me with ( edited by me ) I will be there. Well, she has already taken him for 130,000 AUD, I'd say "things are not working out".

Lucky for him he still has about 650,000 left. Some blokes lose everything.

#43 Parent expat hubby - 2017-04-19
Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...

Men should not be buying houses for women, never ever. If you have done this YOU are the fool!

Unless a man went 50/50 in purchasing a house with his woman he has been ripped off.

Yes, the Pattaya ex-pats got it right. They saw the light.

Men can do what they like with their money. If a man's chosen wife has no money, how can she go halfers in buying the family house? Love is the reason many men marry, not money.

I wouldn't visit Pattaya FOR LOVE NOR MONEY, but that's just my view. Because unlike you, I have a wife, and money.

Each to their own!

#44 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-19
Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...

Paying rent is not dead money. Renting is the only way to go in Australia and also China these days. Same in Pattaya. There are plenty of other things to invest in.

If I had my time over again I would not buy any property. I have just found a tenant for one of my properties ( at reduced rent ) after two months. A pain, I am lucky I own the place and was not relying on rental income to pay the mortgage.

Basically, there is a massive oversupply of apartments in many cities in Australia and also in Asia.

#45 Parent expat hubby - 2017-04-19
Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...

I mean both. A prostitute in China costs a lot more than one in Pattaya. I know from personal experience. The service is much better in Thailand also. You get value for money.

10 times as much, as you have stated?

As for "shelling out money so that a girl will marry you" why would anyone do that? If the girl really loves you she will marry you, rich or poor, that is regardless of in China, Thailand or anywhere in Asia

Some men infatuated with a young girl might do so. A rich old man from Asia who wants to live in the west asap, get a western passport and a young western girl as his wife might do so too. Not everyone marries for love nor for great sex! That applies to young girls too.

No, men should not foot the bill for meals, dinners. A married friend of mine from Canada ( he is divorcing his Chinese wife ) now in Pattaya used to date women in Nanning. He would never agree to meet them at a restaurant as that means wasting money for two meals. He would invite them back to his rented apartment for coffee. His wife was often in another city for work so he could do this.

Some men take great pleasure in paying wholly for their dates. They do not regard this as wasting money coz they enjoy a young girl's company so much that they want to please her in every possible way.

If they did not agree to sex on the first or second meet it was "bye bye". This is smart and all men should follow this strategy.

Some men have much more patience than you! They do not dump a girl coz she doesn't agree to have sex after a couple of dates. Promiscuous girls are not good marriage material.

Thanks for your reply. Reading it has told me a lot about you. Interesting, indeed!

#46 Parent expat hubby - 2017-04-19
Re: Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...

SB: Taffy is married with child. He already has "verything Western men need and want"

Exactly, and his wife is much younger than him. Also, she has clearly adjusted well to residing in Blighty. Not all Chinese women can do so.

#47 Parent Fifi - 2017-04-19
Re: Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...

SB: Taffy is married with child. He already has "verything Western men need and want"

#48 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-19
Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...

Pattaya, Taffy, Pattaya. It's clean, it's near the beach, it's fun, you have 24 hour access to everything Western men need and want. I have convinced several former China ex-pats to make the switch.

#49 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-19
Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...

I mean both. A prostitute in China costs a lot more than one in Pattaya. I know from personal experience. The service is much better in Thailand also. You get value for money.

As for "shelling out money so that a girl will marry you" why would anyone do that? If the girl really loves you she will marry you, rich or poor, that is regardless of in China, Thailand or anywhere in Asia

No, men should not foot the bill for meals, dinners. A married friend of mine from Canada ( he is divorcing his Chinese wife ) now in Pattaya used to date women in Nanning. He would never agree to meet them at a restaurant as that means wasting money for two meals. He would invite them back to his rented apartment for coffee. His wife was often in another city for work so he could do this.

If they did not agree to sex on the first or second meet it was "bye bye". This is smart and all men should follow this strategy.

#50 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-19
Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...

Men should not be buying houses for women, never ever. If you have done this YOU are the fool!

Unless a man went 50/50 in purchasing a house with his woman he has been ripped off.

Yes, the Pattaya ex-pats got it right. They saw the light.

#51 Parent expat hubby - 2017-04-19
Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...

A good post, Expat. Glad you managed to do without a mortgage. Paying rent is dead money. We paid for our houses in UK and here.....but if we do have one in Ipswich Turnoi may have converted it to rubble by now.

My mind is turned to 'how do I get my car out of the garage when I return- it has a perforated sump..Oh-Ho?' A friends says I should be able to drive it out of the garage on the starter motor, not the engine. The battery I left sitting on a windowsill trickle-charging off of a solar-powered charger- and it's been like that for a year.

What about my sansevierias (spelling?) will they be dead?

Ah yes! Beware of Turnoi. Quite right, he neither forgives nor forgets, and he makes threats!

Now your mind is focussed on personal matters back home. Is that ......rias a kind of flower? I expect so.

Bye for now.

#52 Parent expat hubby - 2017-04-19
Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...

Bad things can happen to people anywhere. It's up to you to choose the safest possible environment for you and your immediate family. That can depend on your finances. Even then you can be caught up in some bad situations.
Complaining on this board won't change a thing in this respect, you might as well piss into the wind, but at least you are in a country where fatalities from gunshots are relatively uncommon.
You're wise enough to know this, aren't you?

There's a lot of truth in what you say-I wouldn't deny it. But it is still a health risk here. There's the pollution and food poisoning, both of which can kill. Youn will notice that the Chinese don't try and muffle a sneeze, they will let it come roaring out, launch it into the air so it lays us all low. They really can be pigs.

What can I say?

It seems living in China does not suit you.

#53 Parent Fifi - 2017-04-19
Re: Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...

You sound really, really ready to return home, Taffy. You must be leaving soon, in a couple of weeks if I remember well?

How would you summarize your stay in China?

#54 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-19
Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...

A good post, Expat. Glad you managed to do without a mortgage. Paying rent is dead money. We paid for our houses in UK and here.....but if we do have one in Ipswich Turnoi may have converted it to rubble by now.

My mind is turned to 'how do I get my car out of the garage when I return- it has a perforated sump..Oh-Ho?' A friends says I should be able to drive it out of the garage on the starter motor, not the engine. The battery I left sitting on a windowsill trickle-charging off of a solar-powered charger- and it's been like that for a year.

What about my sansevierias (spelling?) will they be dead?

#55 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-19
Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...

Bad things can happen to people anywhere. It's up to you to choose the safest possible environment for you and your immediate family. That can depend on your finances. Even then you can be caught up in some bad situations.

Complaining on this board won't change a thing in this respect, you might as well piss into the wind, but at least you are in a country where fatalities from gunshots are relatively uncommon.

You're wise enough to know this, aren't you?

There's a lot of truth in what you say-I wouldn't deny it. But it is still a health risk here. There's the pollution and food poisoning, both of which can kill. Youn will notice that the Chinese don't try and muffle a sneeze, they will let it come roaring out, launch it into the air so it lays us all low. They really can be pigs.

#56 Parent expat hubby - 2017-04-19
Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...

I am absolutely horrified by the homicides, mostly in some poor suburbs of US cities. The odd stone thrown at you by a child in China pales into insignificance when compared with homicide crimes, many involving fatal gunshots, that the homicide squads of the USA are tasked to try to solve.
Be thankful you are in China, and not in America! Certainly I am.

None of which would be any consolation if the little rats aim was wide of the mark but hit my girl. Stones can maim for life. I said, or meant to say, that me and mine are not the victims of these horrid Chinese kids. Bullying by means of taunting can wreck peoples lives as can fatal gunshots.

Bad things can happen to people anywhere. It's up to you to choose the safest possible environment for you and your immediate family. That can depend on your finances. Even then you can be caught up in some bad situations.

Complaining on this board won't change a thing in this respect, you might as well piss into the wind, but at least you are in a country where fatalities from gunshots are relatively uncommon.

You're wise enough to know this, aren't you?

#57 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-19
Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...

I am absolutely horrified by the homicides, mostly in some poor suburbs of US cities. The odd stone thrown at you by a child in China pales into insignificance when compared with homicide crimes, many involving fatal gunshots, that the homicide squads of the USA are tasked to try to solve.

Be thankful you are in China, and not in America! Certainly I am.


None of which would be any consolation if the little rats aim was wide of the mark but hit my girl. Stones can maim for life. I said, or meant to say, that me and mine are not the victims of these horrid Chinese kids. Bullying by means of taunting can wreck peoples lives as can fatal gunshots.

#58 Parent expat hubby - 2017-04-19
Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...

Chinese men are weak and stupid. Look at how they indulge their women! They have turned their women into spoiled and entitled bitches.
Typical Silvervoy stereotype. I disagree with that one.
Both parents seem to be teaching their kids to be rude to foreigners- to taunt and even throw stones at foreigners. I've had a bellyful of them all.
I was gonna ask in which province/city the taunting was taking place. However, I had second thoughts. I'd fear for your safety if you were to answer that question on this board because I know of a certain BEADY-EYED individual who has threatened your safety while you are in China.
Please feel free to email me said info as you already know me not to be a blabbermouth or a loose cannon. I promise to keep said info under my hat!
Wasn't just talking about myself but have had a stone thrown at me.
Oh absolutely I trust you completely and will e-mail later. I am off out for rest of the day soon.

I am absolutely horrified by the homicides, mostly in some poor suburbs of US cities. The odd stone thrown at you by a child in China pales into insignificance when compared with homicide crimes, many involving fatal gunshots, that the homicide squads of the USA are tasked to try to solve.

Be thankful you are in China, and not in America! Certainly I am.


#59 Parent expat hubby - 2017-04-19
Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...

Chinese men are weak and stupid. Look at how they indulge their women! They have turned their women into spoiled and entitled bitches.

Typical Silvervoy stereotype. I disagree with that one.

I was replying to Alias Taffy. He had cherry-picked a previous post of yours.

How is it a stereotype? I've lost count of how many times male students have said to me, "I must study hard and get a good job so I can buy a house and find a wife".

This is drilled into the minds of Chinese men as soon as they finish high school these days. The problem is that by indulging "their" women ( Chinese women don't belong to Chinese men ) they just make the problem worse.

It seems they don't have the balls to say "buy your own house and car". I have to say that out of all Asian women the Chinese seem to be the one's most lacking any sense of personal responsibility.

And now you have expanded Taffy's cherry-pick to talk about 'house' and 'car' , I will go on:

FYI, I have been lucky enough never to have had a mortgage. I bought outright coz I didn't wanna be controlled by landlords and bankers (= wankers)! I did not take out any house insurance...LOL!

How about you? Have you ever been controlled by landlords, insurance companies attached to bankers, and bankers on account of having a mortgage? Paying rent is a mug's game imo.

Mortgages aren't much better, especially in China where the interest rates are too high, the mortgages are hard to obtain coz banks distrust many employers, and the initial deposit is way too high.

I'll go on:

Many Chinese do not even finish high school, they drop out to return to their farms. Many don't enter into higher education. Of those who do, many can't speak English. You have only spoken to colege/university students.

In China, there are far more women than men. So, women are empowered. They call the shots. But you don't want a wife, you prefer to be footloose and free. Why are you pushing this marriage thing in China? Maybe some Chinese men are just like you. Y'all can go to Pataya!

If I have the money to buy a house outright so my wife and I can save money on rent+=mortgage+house insurance, I have the right to do so without all this BS from you about domineering, scrounging Chinese women.

Huh, your own country's poiticians are in disagreements about housing prices, rents and superannuation fund diversions to initial deposits or some such crap!

We don't need to listen to you!

#60 Parent expat hubby - 2017-04-19
Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...

Haha, a China girl costs ten times more than any Pattaya girl.

You mean shelling out money so that a girl will marry you?

Or do you mean paying a girl for her sexual favors?

Or do you mean dating her and footing the bill?

We only have your word for the difference in cost, whatever way(s) you mean!

I think a helluva lot depends on the girl's mindset and where exactly she comes from!

#61 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-19
Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...

I will say there is the odd exception. Your wife seems to be one of them. However, generally speaking, any man interested in a Chinese woman better have a super fat wallet.

Money comes first with them, anything else is of little concern.

We went to meet the wife on her lunch break today. Me in shorts and tee-shirt and Esther the same, and we were both freezing-it had suddenly gorn from 80odd to cold. So I bought me and the girl 3 chicken burgers at 5yuan each from an up-market street seller. We went to sit in KFC, where the wife fed the girl her burger and I ate my unaided. Then wife went back to work stopping at a supermarket on the way in order to save money and buy herself two yuan-worth of bingzi. Yes, she is naturally careful with money.

#62 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-19
Re: Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...



The concept of god became bearable to me when I started singing (that was in my SRF days) to the divine mother.

Before that, the thought of an old fart sitting on a throne was bringing the worst out of me.

The earliest source we have is Plato’s Symposium, in which Plato quotes Aristophanes’ discussion on the topic of “Love.” Aristophanes maintained that humans were once eight-limbed, two-headed creatures that the gods considered too powerful, and thus split them in half to make them weaker. Humans are naturally unhappy and unfulfilled in this state. Your “soul mate” is literally your “other half,” the person with whom you combine to create a whole human, as you were meant to be.

This was used as an argument to prove that homosexuality is the natural way to go. This would mean that 'God' or 'Goddess' wouldn't apply to our deity- it would also have eight limbs. Those beasts were brazen as brass and tumble-bumped up the mountain to attack the Gods. They were spliced with some lightning hahaha?

What happened to the 'white old farts?

#63 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-19
Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...

How is it a stereotype? I've lost count of how many times male students have said to me, "I must study hard and get a good job so I can buy a house and find a wife".

This is drilled into the minds of Chinese men as soon as they finish high school these days. The problem is that by indulging "their" women ( Chinese women don't belong to Chinese men ) they just make the problem worse.

It seems they don't have the balls to say "buy your own house and car". I have to say that out of all Asian women the Chinese seem to be the one's most lacking any sense of personal responsibility.

#64 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-19
Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...

I will say there is the odd exception. Your wife seems to be one of them. However, generally speaking, any man interested in a Chinese woman better have a super fat wallet.

Money comes first with them, anything else is of little concern.

#65 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-19
Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...

Chinese men are weak and stupid. Look at how they indulge their women! They have turned their women into spoiled and entitled bitches.
Typical Silvervoy stereotype. I disagree with that one.

Both parents seem to be teaching their kids to be rude to foreigners- to taunt and even throw stones at foreigners. I've had a bellyful of them all.
I was gonna ask in which province/city the taunting was taking place. However, I had second thoughts. I'd fear for your safety if you were to answer that question on this board because I know of a certain BEADY-EYED individual who has threatened your safety while you are in China.

Please feel free to email me said info as you already know me not to be a blabbermouth or a loose cannon. I promise to keep said info under my hat!

Wasn't just talking about myself but have had a stone thrown at me.
Oh absolutely I trust you completely and will e-mail later. I am off out for rest of the day soon.

#66 Parent expat hubby - 2017-04-19
Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...

Chinese men are weak and stupid. Look at how they indulge their women! They have turned their women into spoiled and entitled bitches.

Typical Silvervoy stereotype. I disagree with that one.

Both parents seem to be teaching their kids to be rude to foreigners- to taunt and even throw stones at foreigners. I've had a bellyful of them all.

I was gonna ask in which province/city the taunting was taking place. However, I had second thoughts. I'd fear for your safety if you were to answer that question on this board because I know of a certain BEADY-EYED individual who has threatened your safety while you are in China.

Please feel free to email me said info as you already know me not to be a blabbermouth or a loose cannon. I promise to keep said info under my hat!

#67 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-04-19
Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...

It's a no-brainer!

Love is a no-brainer.

Almost all expats in China have chosen a wife who speaks English to some degree. Chinese women who both speak English and are attracted to Western men are a unique cohort. I hesitate to characterize these women as 'less attractive' than the norm, but I have been told by many Chinese that they are perceived as such.

Perhaps SB, as you suggest, the 'materialism' of these FT sirens is a general characteristic of Chinese women and in fact all marriage in China requires a socially acceptable 'buy in'.

But it may also be the case that the women in China who are speaking in English to foreign men about a possible relationship are a unique subset of Chinese women.

More research is needed on the mating rituals of FTs in China.

#68 Parent expat hubby - 2017-04-19
Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...

I feel a wreck without my, little china girl
Hahaha! Good lyrics.

She is certainly a dish. In your opinion because like me you have a Chinese wife- what do you think is so special about the Westerners who are able to attract Chinese girls and have that special quality for actually managing to get said females to agree to marry them? What advice would you give to men that would like to attract a Chinese girl? I think many of us are a little envious when we see Westerner pic with tasty Chinese wife.

That David Bowie song has good lyrics. Maybe he felt a wreck without his little China girl is indeed true of his experience with one.

Envy, and jealousy for that matter, are both negative emotions. Better if we don't have them in our psyche.

I do not wish to answer your two questions. Nothing personal, mind!

#69 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-18
Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...

I am not just talking about shagging. For the majority of men, if they want a Chinese girlfriend they must spend huge amounts of cash on her. A Chinese wife? You MUST buy a house and car for her as a condition of marriage. If that is not high priced prostitution I don't know what is. The problem is getting worse. Just look at any Chinese TV dating show to see how materialistic the women have become. "If You Are The One" is one of the worst. Why would any man even bother with those hideous entitled women? Pattaya is the only way to go. Just shag, or have short term girlfriends. Of all the married ex-pats I know in China only about 20 per cent of them rent. The rest of them bought houses or have mortgages. Why? The wife demanded that they did. Some of them even brag about the "free sex" they get, but they don't even have freedom. Having to be home by 7 pm every night is not "freedom". Having to work all the time because the wife wants more clothes, shoes, jewelery, that is not freedom. I know men in their fifties in China who are working 7 days a week to pay off the bigger apartment they were pressured to buy. Whilst the 50 year olds in Pattaya are just chilling out and have a different sexy GF each month for a relative pittance. Who has a better deal? It's a no-brainer!

Good post, SB.

#70 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-18
Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...

Chinese men are weak and stupid. Look at how they indulge their women! They have turned their women into spoiled and entitled bitches.

Both parents seem to be teaching their kids to be rude to foreigners- to taunt and even throw stones at foreigners. I've had a bellyful of them all.

#71 Parent Curious - 2017-04-19
Re: Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...



The concept of god became bearable to me when I started singing (that was in my SRF days) to the divine mother.

Before that, the thought of an old fart sitting on a throne was bringing the worst out of me.

#72 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-04-19
Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...

I assure you it is my wont to get as much variety in a post as I can.

The 'sans kitchen sink' style of discourse can be palliative. We pay a price for sublimation.

Mr Adelstein explained to you
why the army of moderators is littering the forum with 'Admins in red'

I've always thought that God must be very frustrated by possessing so much power but no opportunity to express herself. Imagine how sweet it would be to communicate divine opinions in the medium of cursive rainbows.

#73 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-18
Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...

Pivoting from the relative price of coitus to the vagaries of certain Chinese men is a less than convincing struggle for the moral high ground.

I don't know about you Trumpsey but I am none the wiser since Mr Adelstein explained to you why the army of moderators is littering the forum with 'Admins in red' Just not good enough I'd say.

I assure you it is my wont to get as much variety in a post as I can. Take yesterday........oh no......... that was edited-for containing too much variety maybe. Pity, it was pointing out that FT's come in all shapes and sizes.....so to speak.

#74 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-18
Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...

I am not just talking about shagging. For the majority of men, if they want a Chinese girlfriend they must spend huge amounts of cash on her. A Chinese wife? You MUST buy a house and car for her as a condition of marriage. If that is not high priced prostitution I don't know what is. The problem is getting worse. Just look at any Chinese TV dating show to see how materialistic the women have become. "If You Are The One" is one of the worst. Why would any man even bother with those hideous entitled women? Pattaya is the only way to go. Just shag, or have short term girlfriends. Of all the married ex-pats I know in China only about 20 per cent of them rent. The rest of them bought houses or have mortgages. Why? The wife demanded that they did. Some of them even brag about the "free sex" they get, but they don't even have freedom. Having to be home by 7 pm every night is not "freedom". Having to work all the time because the wife wants more clothes, shoes, jewelery, that is not freedom. I know men in their fifties in China who are working 7 days a week to pay off the bigger apartment they were pressured to buy. Whilst the 50 year olds in Pattaya are just chilling out and have a different sexy GF each month for a relative pittance. Who has a better deal? It's a no-brainer!

#75 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-18
Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...

Chinese men are weak and stupid. Look at how they indulge their women! They have turned their women into spoiled and entitled bitches.

#76 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-04-18
Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...


Ten shags for the price of one can't be bad.

Had some bad run-ins with the Chinese today- the males should be put down in my opinion

Pivoting from the relative price of coitus to the vagaries of certain Chinese men is a less than convincing struggle for the moral high ground.
Just sayin', as my countrymen are want to say.

#77 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-18
Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...

Haha, a China girl costs ten times more than any Pattaya girl.

Good for you, careful with money. Ten shags for the price of one can't be bad.

Had some bad run-ins with the Chinese today- the males should be put down in my opinion - NOT LITERALLY, Mr mod. hahaha! just sort of cast into some pigswill.

#78 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-18
Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...

Haha, a China girl costs ten times more than any Pattaya girl.

#79 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-18
Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...

I feel a wreck without my, little china girl

Hahaha! Good lyrics.

She is certainly a dish. In your opinion because like me you have a Chinese wife- what do you think is so special about the Westerners who are able to attract Chinese girls and have that special quality for actually managing to get said females to agree to marry them? What advice would you give to men that would like to attract a Chinese girl? I think many of us are a little envious when we see Westerner pic with tasty Chinese wife.

#80 Parent expat hubby - 2017-04-18
Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...

China Girl
歌手:David Bowie


#81 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-15
Re For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...

I suppose you would have to compare the cost of one of those to airfares to Bangkok, the taxi fare to Pattaya from the airport , unless you are flying direct into Pattaya from somewhere. Then there is accommodation on top of that. Girls are pretty cheap still, but Western food can be expensive.

Arthur - 2017-04-15
For those of you who can't afford Pattaya...

A look inside a sex bot factory

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