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#1 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-25
Re: Re Assange

Not so fast, SB. Remember when George W Bush invaded Iraq and "replaced" the regime? All hell broke loose in the Middle East. Both Iraq and the rest of the Middle East were much better before the US invasion.

Same for Lybia: During the (very bad) regime of Khadafi, at least there was order in the country. Now the whole country is a mess, much worse than before the US invasion.

Do you think that Afghanistan is better now than it was before the US invasion after 9/11?

The US invaded Vietnam and tried to change regimes there.... What do you think of the result?

What we refuse to understand is that these peoples are in need of a good few centuries (maybe a thousand years) to reach where we are on the evolutionary climb from monkey to modern man. We should not invade other countries and try and force them into the century we live in. Khadafi was a stellar leader for them and world peace. We should refuse to have anything to do with these savages apart from restraining them to remain within their own borders and not persecute western women and throw our gays off of buildings. What they do to their own people should not be our concern- we should leave them to evolve slowly. Remember the Star Trek policy of not getting involved?

#2 Parent Curious - 2017-04-24
Re: Re Assange

Not so fast, SB. Remember when George W Bush invaded Iraq and "replaced" the regime? All hell broke loose in the Middle East. Both Iraq and the rest of the Middle East were much better before the US invasion.

Same for Lybia: During the (very bad) regime of Khadafi, at least there was order in the country. Now the whole country is a mess, much worse than before the US invasion.

Do you think that Afghanistan is better now than it was before the US invasion after 9/11?

The US invaded Vietnam and tried to change regimes there.... What do you think of the result?

#3 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-24
Re Assange

How do you know? Who cares if the attacks in Syria and Afghanistan were Trump's sole idea or whether he was advised to do it. It was done, that's all that matters.

Now is the time to go after that goon in North Korea but on this issue Trump seems to be procrastinating. Get rid of Kim Jong Goon and his regime ASAP!

#4 Parent Caring - 2017-04-24
Re Assange

He's not behind decisions on Syria or North Korea or the view on what to do with Assange. The man is a fickle and he's to cater to the significant ones who've voted for him.

#5 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-23
Re Assange

Trump has done some good things. The missile attack on the Syrians was of of them. The MOAB in Afghanistan.

Now it is time to deal with the North Korean regime. I wish the US and it's allies would just hurry up and get on with it.

#6 Parent caring - 2017-04-23
Re Assange

Sad was when you "trumped" discussions prior to the US elections. See who he owes for the votes!

#7 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-23
Re Assange

Totally agree!

#8 Parent expat hubby - 2017-04-22
Re Assange

It seems that the Trump administration really wants to go after Julian Assange according to Australian news reports last night. Lowers them quite a bit IMO.

Go after him for what? Telling the truth? It is really a sad situation!

He is a prince among men!

Silverboy - 2017-04-22

It seems that the Trump administration really wants to go after Julian Assange according to Australian news reports last night. Lowers them quite a bit IMO.

Go after him for what? Telling the truth? It is really a sad situation!

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