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#1 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-24
Re: Re Stinky Tourist Feet On The Bus

You are correct. Thai women in particular do not the like the smell of Arabs and Indians. However, they also expect white Western men to have good hygiene, some are fanatical about it and it pisses some men off in places like Pattaya for example. Some bar girls will even get in the shower with you and give you a good scrub and service you whilst you are in there. Also, many single Thai women have regular STD tests.

I don't mind myself, I expect women to be clean, so I should be also. Everything in a relationship must be reciprocal and 50/50. That means with sex, money, reliability, etc.

Can't have any one way streets. A woman who expects a man to do everything for her and give her anything she wants is no good. A man who expects a woman to do the same is no good either.

Two way street, scratch my back and I scratch yours.

#2 Parent expat hubby - 2017-04-24
Re: Re Stinky Tourist Feet On The Bus

Good reply, bro!

#3 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-24
Re: Re Stinky Tourist Feet On The Bus

I'm told that the high end saunas in Macau, patronized by rich Chinese, are 'staffed' in part by statuesque Russians and Poles.
I'm also told, Silverboy would be able to confirm this, that Thai women and men are particularly sensitive to the 'fragrance' of foreigners, Indians, Arabs AND Caucasians. Perhaps female Thai feet are less 'potent' than our own.

You have of course left out a race- don't blame you mind, otherwise I wouldn't be reading your post now. But actually those don't particularly whiff from the feet. As far as the feet are concerned SB was right you don't need socks in Thailand. Actually though socks and sandals are okay. Don't forget, cotton cotton cotton or wool wool wool. I;m sure you is a fragrant person, Trumpsey?

#4 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-04-24
Re: Re Stinky Tourist Feet On The Bus

Maybe a lot of oriental males, going back to the colonial times, are culturally conditioned
to see Western women as beautiful, as something they can't have, as something out of
their league? What do you think?

I'm told that the high end saunas in Macau, patronized by rich Chinese, are 'staffed' in part by statuesque Russians and Poles.
I'm also told, Silverboy would be able to confirm this, that Thai women and men are particularly sensitive to the 'fragrance' of foreigners, Indians, Arabs AND Caucasians. Perhaps female Thai feet are less 'potent' than our own.

#5 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-24
Re Stinky Tourist Feet On The Bus

I like how Mr Thaopanya said "this woman's face was beautiful but she had no manners".

A beautiful face? He needs to get his eyes tested, lol!

Gordon Bennett that female would curdle leek soup!! The face on it! That common slut would have been putrid all over, like some French cheeses. Only saying like!

#6 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-24
Re: Re Stinky Tourist Feet On The Bus

Maybe, they might think of a white girl as some type of conquest, but I can't understand why. More and more men in Australia and New Zealand for example don't even give the local women the time of day.

They just go straight to Thailand or the Philippines.

The number of Western men moving to SE-Asia is just staggering. Personally I don't blame them one bit.

#7 Parent Arthur - 2017-04-23
Re: Re Stinky Tourist Feet On The Bus

Maybe a lot of oriental males, going back to the colonial times, are culturally conditioned to see Western women as beautiful, as something they can't have, as something out of their league? What do you think?

#8 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-23
Re Stinky Tourist Feet On The Bus

I like how Mr Thaopanya said "this woman's face was beautiful but she had no manners".

A beautiful face? He needs to get his eyes tested, lol!

#9 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-23
Re Stinky Tourist Feet On The Bus

Tourists in Thailand don't even need to wear socks. Especially on a bus. The woman is rude anyway to put her feet on the seat, socks or not.

Western women in Asia have always disgusted me with their degenerate attitudes and behavior.

#10 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-23
Re Stinky Tourist Feet On The Bus

This should be put on the tourist wall of shame.

Yes well, it's all down to these cheap man-made-fibres, below ankle socks. Chinese women like to wear them. You have to wear cotton socks. Not cotton-rich socks but pure cotton. The woman in question was a common slut-even with feet that smell like roses she should not have had her feet perched up on a headrest like that.

It's not feet that smell as such it's the socks. My wife sniffs my socks and has to ask me if they are clean or not....I invariably tell her ,I don't know. The trick is, pure cotton socks.

#11 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-23
Re Stinky Tourist Feet On The Bus

Typical sort of behavior by Western women in SE-Asia. They are so arrogant toward the locals and also toward single Western men enjoying their holidays in places like Pattaya. I witnessed one woman from the UK give a guy having a beer with two Thai women a lecture: "I suppose you think you're a big man sitting with two bar girls, right?" She was promptly told to shut up and f..k off by other men and rightly so. It is lucky for her the bar girls did not re-arrange her face. Just like the woman on the bus, who the hell does this woman think she is? Western women and also Chinese and Russian people have become pests and a scourge in Pattaya and other places.Most people hate them. If they want to provoke people, start fights, piss in the street, whatever,, FUCKING STAY HOME! The Western male ex-pats are getting shitted off, and also the Thai women. Chinese women make disparaging remarks about the bar girls when ironically these female Chinese tourists are the biggest sluts of all and arrogantly think nobody can understand them.

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