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#1 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-25
orangutans or gorillas?

Whoever wrote Planet of The Apes, knew a thing or two-all apes are needed but have different roles to play. The orangutans were superior and the chimps were intelligent but a bit silly for leadership. The chest thumping gorillas were ideal for the military lower-ranks.


Give direction and shovels and picks to The Irish and they will build you a very nice road. The reason for that is in fact anatomical, it is a fact that the Irish have stronger backs.

So , different human races are good at doing different things. The British (the real ones) should be the world leaders.


#2 Parent Fifi - 2017-04-24
Re: Re "Go East, Young American"

I like that

#3 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-24
Re "Go East, Young American"

I know a few teaching ex-pats in southern China who make 14 000 rmb a month doing private tuition. However, I say big deal, it is still shit money compared to the whopping salaries people can earn doing other things Australia or New Zealand. That is even taking cost of living into account. Teaching is and always will be peanut money. My rule: make the big money in a Western country, buy a house and car (for yourself) there and leave 150, 000 dollars or so in a term deposit. Take the rest and piss off to some tropical paradise in South East Asia and just rent a nice apartment. Way to go!

#4 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-24
Re "Go East, Young American"

while FTs are more 12-18k without qualifications, 20-30k with a teaching certificate.

What do you call qualifications then? We have had PhD's on this forum earning just 6000yuan. I don't work but I gather that FT's with qualifications get about 7000 now a days. We need to ask Trumpsey, Arthur and Caring and others, is they earning 30,000 cos they have a teaching certificate?

#5 Parent expat hubby - 2017-04-24
Re "Go East, Young American"

Foreign teachers in Asia must be among the lowest earners of expats working there.
While I agree that FTs are nowhere near the top, they are not anywhere near the bottom either.

Plenty of so-called "halfpats" earn either the same or less than Foreign teachers. We are talking about cooks, DJs, models, corporate drones (not managers), receptionists, etc... on local contract. In China, those people earn anywhere from 8 to 20k a month, while FTs are more 12-18k without qualifications, 20-30k with a teaching certificate.

Check out the jobs section on non-ESL oriented China websites, plenty of offers for those people and the salaries are nothing to be envied.

As for the real 'full-package' expats, and corporate managers, the big earners of the expat scene, they still make up less than 1% of the total even when excluding FTs, at least in China.

Whatever you say, mate! I can't be bothered to debate it with you!

What about the rest of my post? How about American gals in Asia, and the song? No comment, eh!

However, you may be fortunate enough to meet an American girl in Asia who is a partygoer and a free spirit. If she likes you, you can have lots of fun with her, no strings attached.

A good song -Young Americans sung by David Bowie:


#6 Parent Mr Potato Gravy - 2017-04-24
Re "Go East, Young American"

Foreign teachers in Asia must be among the lowest earners of expats working there.

While I agree that FTs are nowhere near the top, they are not anywhere near the bottom either.

Plenty of so-called "halfpats" earn either the same or less than Foreign teachers. We are talking about cooks, DJs, models, corporate drones (not managers), receptionists, etc... on local contract. In China, those people earn anywhere from 8 to 20k a month, while FTs are more 12-18k without qualifications, 20-30k with a teaching certificate.

Check out the jobs section on non-ESL oriented China websites, plenty of offers for those people and the salaries are nothing to be envied.

As for the real 'full-package' expats, and corporate managers, the big earners of the expat scene, they still make up less than 1% of the total even when excluding FTs, at least in China.

#7 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-04-24
Re "Go East, Young American"

Remember that he writes as an Indian immigrant to the U.S., now a professor at NYU, I believe.

The Manhattan that I resided in from 1973 until 12 years ago had been a mosaic of cultures and races and languages. I treasured that diversity then and miss it now. An hour sitting in Washington Square park, the heart of NYU in every way, is an experience that can not be duplicated in many places in the world.

That diversity is no longer welcomed by a significant portion of U.S. citizens. Silverboy often expresses their sentiments on this forum.

The U.S.' preeminence in the world is diminishing. That process is beyond the control of ordinary individual citizens of any country and doesn't necessarily translate into a reduced quality of like for them.

Fear and hatred of 'the other', however, does diminish the quality of an individual's life.

I lament the incredibly successful efforts of global elites in the U.S. in inciting sectarian hatred in order to protect their wealth from the threat of class struggle.

#8 Parent expat hubby - 2017-04-24
Re "Go East, Young American"

I would agree that places like Australia and New Zealand are better than the USA as far as standard of living goes but that depends on whether your own your own home or not and don't have any debts.

If you are paying rent or have a mortgage in Sydney for example life can really suck unless you are a high income earner.

Foreign teachers in Asia must be among the lowest earners of expats working there.

However, you may be fortunate enough to meet an American girl in Asia who is a partygoer and a free spirit. If she likes you, you can have lots of fun with her, no strings attached.

A good song -Young Americans sung by David Bowie:


#9 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-24
Re "Go East, Young American"

I would agree that places like Australia and New Zealand are better than the USA as far as standard of living goes but that depends on whether your own your own home or not and don't have any debts.

If you are paying rent or have a mortgage in Sydney for example life can really suck unless you are a high income earner.

BeenThere - 2017-04-24
"Go East, Young American"

Do you think that American English teachers overseas do well, as Suketu Mehta writes below?

Americans who work abroad do quite well; American pilots for Chinese airlines, for example, make $300,000 a year. All around the world, there are legions of Americans making a good living as engineers, corporate executives, English teachers.

The number of Americans working abroad has more than doubled in one generation:

Today, there are nine million American civilians living abroad — up from four million in 1999.

Yep, sections of the United States are now looking like postwar Europe:

The 20th century was the American century; the 21st, not so much. A young person in Denmark or New Zealand has a better quality of life than a young person in the United States. There you can go to college free, not have to worry about money when you’re sick, and enjoy two months’ vacation even if you’re only an intern. Partly this is due to the significant underinvestment by the government in education, health care and the arts, which has left sections of the United States looking like postwar Europe.

But American jobs are disappearing not because they’re moving to Mexico or China; it’s because they are increasingly being done by robots. What we need is not tariffs, but training.

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