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#1 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-27
Re Let a few loose in London!! Train them not to kill white old men.

I agree with that. Yes, what the fuck is wrong with these judges?

It is really a disgrace, no deterrent at all. Assaulting anyone on a beach, male or female without any provocation should be a stint in jail.

This story was on the Channel 7 Brisbane local news last night and is also on it's affiliate Yahoo 7.

#2 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-27
Re Let a few loose in London!! Train them not to kill white old men.

Taffy, you might be interested to know that a teenage boy who emigrated to Melbourne, Australia from Afghanistan was found not guilty of assaulting women on Surfers Paradise beach in 2016 at the Gold Coast, Queensland because of "cultural differences" and because he "was not used to seeing women in bikinis". No conviction recorded.

Now, is anyone going to tell me that PC is not out of control? No jail time, no fine, not even a conviction recorded, WTF!

This is really wrong!

Certain races have special dispensation to assault women and it seems more important for us to prove we are not discriminating against these people by effectively discriminating against women. The judge should be prosecuted for aiding and abetting.

#3 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-27
Re Let a few loose in London!! Train them not to kill white old men.

In addition to my reply already, SB. Don't look for support from any women posters on this site- they will keep quiet because it's a taboo subject to critisise certain racial groups. It matters not that the object of their carnal desires are innocent women. The old white judge who let the perpetrator off Scott-free will not be ridiculed in the same way as Mr Trump and co.

But well done for bringing this to light......before it is buried as, 'they'd sooner not hear about.'

#4 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-27
Re Let a few loose in London!! Train them not to kill white old men.

Taffy, you might be interested to know that a teenage boy who emigrated to Melbourne, Australia from Afghanistan was found not guilty of assaulting women on Surfers Paradise beach in 2016 at the Gold Coast, Queensland because of "cultural differences" and because he "was not used to seeing women in bikinis". No conviction recorded.

Now, is anyone going to tell me that PC is not out of control? No jail time, no fine, not even a conviction recorded, WTF!

This is really wrong!

#5 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-27
Re Let a few loose in London!! Train them not to kill old white men.

Said critters, being wild, will be very difficult to tame.

The Chinese variety are supposed to be delicious, and good for one's health!

Wot about these Blighters in Blighty- [edited]- have a you a decent recipe?

#6 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-26
Re Let a few loose in London!! Train them not to kill white old men.

Anyone who is stupid enough to watch one of those Ping Pong shows can expect to get ripped off. Smart ex-pats in Thailand know not to go to them.

The women who do this for a living also put themselves at high risk. Most STD's can be fairly easily treated in Thailand, but often the long term physical damage these girls do to themselves at "ping pong shows" can't be.

#7 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-26
Re Let a few loose in London!! Train them not to kill white old men.

Great, hope you enjoy your time in Bangkok, it's a fun city! Yep, a lot of old white men in Bangkok. Even more in Pattaya. It's quite a sight. I feel really young when I'm there. I'm the baby in my group.

One of my friends took a short video of a party at an ex-pat bar in Pattaya, 70 + white guys dancing around like in a mosh pit, it's quite hilarious.

#8 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-26
Re Let a few loose in London!! Train them not to kill white old men.

I hope they were not vegetarians.

As an aside to a recent topic of FT retirement havens, I'm enjoying my first trip to Bangkok. I haven't seen so many old white men since Sunday brunch in Sarasota, Florida.
Trump's cabinet could roam these street's unnoticed.

Bloody Hell, in Thailand!! Well done. There's some disgusting sights of old men with young things on their laps in Bangkok. I'm sure SB doesn't flaunt it with such vulgarity.Anyway, he's not that old.

Hope you enjoy the remainder of your trip.

A few things I don't like. Being addressed by my first name by mere acquaintances and having pimps approaching me in Bangkok asking if I want to watch 'Ping Pong.

#9 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-04-26
Re Let a few loose in London!! Train them not to kill white old men.

ISIS Fighters in Iraq Killed by Wild Boars Before They Can Ambush Locals

I hope they were not vegetarians.

As an aside to a recent topic of FT retirement havens, I'm enjoying my first trip to Bangkok. I haven't seen so many old white men since Sunday brunch in Sarasota, Florida.
Trump's cabinet could roam these street's unnoticed.

#10 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-26
Re Let a few loose in London!! Train them not to kill white old men.

Shit! Forget about drones and those MOAB's! Just get a few of those wild boars to do the job. I am sure the boars relished devouring their pray, the ISIS don't even like the smell of pork.

#11 Parent expat hubby - 2017-04-26
Let a few loose in London!! Train them not to kill old white men.

HAhahahahahaha! This has brightened my day.

ISIS Fighters in Iraq Killed by Wild Boars Before They Can Ambush Locals
Tom O’Connor,Newsweek 3 hours ago
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Three militants loyal to the Islamic State group (ISIS) have been killed by wild boars as they planned to ambush Iraqi tribesmen opposed to the group, according to a local anti-ISIS leader.

At least eight ISIS fighters had reportedly taken cover among dense reeds in Iraq's al-Rashad region, about 55 miles southwest of Kirkuk, in preparation for a surprise attack on local anti-ISIS tribesman when a herd of wild boars attacked the jihadists on Sunday, killing three. The militants likely disturbed the notoriously short-tempered animals, said Sheikh Anwar al-Assi, a chief of the local Ubaid tribe and head of the group of local tribesmen who took up arms after ISIS took control of the nearby town of Hawija.

Said critters, being wild, will be very difficult to tame.

The Chinese variety are supposed to be delicious, and good for one's health!

Alias Taffy - 2017-04-26
Let a few loose in London!! Train them not to kill white old men.

HAhahahahahaha! This has brightened my day.

ISIS Fighters in Iraq Killed by Wild Boars Before They Can Ambush Locals
Tom O’Connor,Newsweek 3 hours ago
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Three militants loyal to the Islamic State group (ISIS) have been killed by wild boars as they planned to ambush Iraqi tribesmen opposed to the group, according to a local anti-ISIS leader.

At least eight ISIS fighters had reportedly taken cover among dense reeds in Iraq's al-Rashad region, about 55 miles southwest of Kirkuk, in preparation for a surprise attack on local anti-ISIS tribesman when a herd of wild boars attacked the jihadists on Sunday, killing three. The militants likely disturbed the notoriously short-tempered animals, said Sheikh Anwar al-Assi, a chief of the local Ubaid tribe and head of the group of local tribesmen who took up arms after ISIS took control of the nearby town of Hawija.

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