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#1 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-30
Re: Respect experience.

It's ok Fifi. I'm sure Taffs wife will understand if he wants a bit of crumpet on the side.

Like you, SB, I suspect, I am up for a bit of a kiss and cuddle with Fifi. But that's all a bit academic if Fifi is really Arthur, or some other handsome young man. All things being equal though, I can't see that Fifi is being anything but mean not supplying a picture with a mask to preserve her ID.

#2 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-30
Re: Respect experience.

It's ok Fifi. I'm sure Taffs wife will understand if he wants a bit of crumpet on the side.

#3 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-30
Re: Respect experience.

Fifi, I know you are not Chinese. I feel you are a very spirited young woman. For sure, I think you must be a bit of a hottie.

Post a pic some time so Taff's and I can admire your beauty, hehe!

Good thinking ,we can both salivate'

#4 Parent Fifi - 2017-04-30
Re: Respect experience.

You like to blame women, Taff. I have nothing to do with his posts going to the big shredding machine

#5 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-30
Re: Respect experience.

He is alive and he makes choices. I like him.

Oh you is talking about SB? Do you mind me asking as you like him why did you sling him out on his ear 'tuther week and did a little hop skip and jump on his grave- and a bit of a gloat concerning the thousands of posts that went into the crunching slurping machine? hahaha!

#6 Parent Fifi - 2017-04-30
Re: Respect experience.

Taff is married

#7 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-30
Re: Respect experience.

Fifi, I know you are not Chinese. I feel you are a very spirited young woman. For sure, I think you must be a bit of a hottie.

Post a pic some time so Taff's and I can admire your beauty, hehe!

#8 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-30
Re: Respect experience.

I like this song. I like the dog also. A greyhound or a whippet.

#9 Parent Fifi - 2017-04-30
Re: Mentalities

Yeah!!!! for SB

#10 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-30
Re: Mentalities

My mentality is "drinking ( red ) wine and killing time, sitting in the summer sun".

"Idle hands and minds become the work of Thai bar girls", LOL!

#11 Parent expat hubby - 2017-04-30
Re: Respect experience.

Dedicated to the poster whose favorite word is 'pretend'! No prixes for guessing who he is!
The Great Pretender
歌手:The Platters

Surprisingly good pronunciation.

Good pronunciation, yes; Surprising, I don't think so.


Back in the day, media was blessed with clear pronunciation.

Old black and white movies and TV shows as well as songs with lyrics are easy to follow, even though the audio was monophonic.

#12 Parent Fifi - 2017-04-30
Re: Respect experience.

Taffy, I was talking about SB. I am no longer sure who Foxy was talking about; I thought he was referring to SB because of the word "pretend" used by SB.

#13 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-30
Re: Respect experience.

Dedicated to the poster whose favorite word is 'pretend'! No prixes for guessing who he is!

The Great Pretender
歌手:The Platters


Surprisingly good pronunciation.

#14 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-30
Re: Respect experience.

I find him real.

Not perfect, but balanced and in touch with reality. He still sees himself as embedded in the whirlpool of values that people, institutions and countries are confronted with. He is alive and he makes choices. I like him.

And I like that song too. Was and still is, a great song.

I'm confused now! Who are we talking about, some 1950's pop singer or Donald Trump?

#15 Parent expat hubby - 2017-04-30
Re: Respect experience.

I find him real.
Not perfect, but balanced and in touch with reality. He still sees himself as embedded in the whirlpool of values that people, institutions and countries are confronted with. He is alive and he makes choices. I like him.

I see.

You are the greatest pretender of them all.

#16 Parent Fifi - 2017-04-30
Re: Respect experience.

I find him real.

Not perfect, but balanced and in touch with reality. He still sees himself as embedded in the whirlpool of values that people, institutions and countries are confronted with. He is alive and he makes choices. I like him.

And I like that song too. Was and still is, a great song.

#17 Parent expat hubby - 2017-04-30
Re: Respect experience.

I am not Chinese, but according to some posters on this board, I am a pretend many things and
a pretend everything. So, feel free to chose the one(s) you like.

Dedicated to the poster whose favorite word is 'pretend'! No prixes for guessing who he is!

The Great Pretender
歌手:The Platters


#18 Parent Fifi - 2017-04-30
Re: Respect experience.

I am not Chinese, but according to some posters on this board, I am a pretend many things and a pretend everything. So, feel free to chose the one(s) you like.

#19 Parent expat hubby - 2017-04-29
Re: Mentalities

This is the mentality of the worker.
Not the mentality of the philosopher, or of the well-off

Oh Fifi, you are not like one of those "pretend traditional" Chinese girls, are you? China, pretend schools, pretend universities, pretend students, pretend relationships, pretend love, pretend marriage, pretend everything.........LOOOL!

Wot about S'boy's mentality?

#20 Parent Observer - 2017-04-29
Re: Respect experience.

This is the mentality of the worker.
Not the mentality of the philosopher, or of the well-off

#21 Parent expat hubby - 2017-04-29
Re: Respect experience.

Oh Fifi, you are not like one of those "pretend traditional" Chinese girls, are you? China, pretend schools, pretend universities, pretend students, pretend relationships, pretend love, pretend marriage, pretend everything.........LOOOL!

Idle hands are the devil’s workshop; idle lips are his mouthpiece.

#22 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-29
Respect experience.

Well, it looks like it's up to Taffy and I to keep the masses entertained with our various life experiences. I suspect reading long obituary notices must keep a man busy. Carry on, haha!

#23 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-29
Re: Respect experience.

Oh Fifi, you are not like one of those "pretend traditional" Chinese girls, are you? China, pretend schools, pretend universities, pretend students, pretend relationships, pretend love, pretend marriage, pretend everything.........LOOOL!

#24 Parent heretosay - 2017-04-29
Respect experience.

Now that's another matter- where the dickens have they all gone to? Occasionally the odd one
revisits but they say nothing about where they are all posting at the moment!! I think
they are all grouped together on some seedy board somewhere grumbling about Trump.

Not speaking for anyone but myself; however, where I've gone and where I go is away from the constant barrage of inanity from you and the SB Toddler whose lies and braggadocio infect this forum daily.

I do
get this curious notion, they are not interested in Haddock or Kippers.

Well, you did get that right. I give about as much of a damn about haddock or kippers as you do about baseball and hot dogs.

I think
they are all grouped together on some seedy board somewhere grumbling about Trump.

Think about it all you want. It makes me happy that you can't get us out of your mind. But as for Trump, well, you won't hear much grumbling from me because I know that eventually he will be the Twitter author of his own downfall.

#25 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-29
Re: Respect experience.

And i remind you that you are a married man.

You little minx! hahaha! that's told me!

#26 Parent Romeo - 2017-04-29
Re: Respect experience.

Just wonder why you left that link then FIFI?

#27 Parent Fifi - 2017-04-29
Re: Respect experience.

And i remind you that you are a married man.

#28 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-29
Re: Respect experience.

Well, I was only joking actually. I was also a vegan actually for several years, I think I mentioned it a while ago. I was not full vegan though, I still ate prawns and fish. Now I only buy organic free range chicken, eggs, and organic meats. In Asia though I don't know if the meat is organic or not, I doubt it.

Red wine is good for anti-oxidant, cheap stuff no good though. Not 8 dollar bottles of Jacob's Creek.

I used to laugh when people said to me, "oh, you are a vegetarian" ???? "but you still eat chicken, right" ????

NO, chickens are not vegetables!

#29 Parent Fifi - 2017-04-29
Re: Respect experience.

Don't think that I don't envy you a little. I do.

"Steaks, beers, red wine, whores, the works," I am vegan. But beers, red wine and chardonnay are good. Whores, I could probably try once (never did). Beaches. Sunsets. Bars under palm trees. Walking among fun people in the evening. Dressed hip/funky (or like at the Coachella festivals).

I will probably never go there physically, SB, but part of my mind is already there, drinking some blue drink with a little red umbrella while watching the sun set on the ocean.

#30 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-29
Re: Respect experience.

Come with me! You can have a healthy life! Steaks, beers, red wine, whores, the works, haha!

#31 Parent Fifi - 2017-04-28
Re: Respect experience.

Taff, you mentioned the New York Times: It's blocked in China. Way too liberal and way too raw for the Chinese government's sensitivities.

#32 Parent Fifi - 2017-04-28
Re: Respect experience.

My heart is certainly not broken, Taffy. I live a healthy life. Talking about heart and health, I want to thank Foxy for his comments of a few months ago about Turmeric being the best anti-oxidant out there. After I read Foxy's post, I did a good search on the internet about the benefits of turmeric, bought a bag and have been adding turmeric to at least one dish (even hot tea) every day since. The only little problem I have with it is when it falls on a t-shirt, i stays there (soap, soak, chemicals, rub, swear.... nothing works); it also stains dishes if not rinsed right away; but these are very small problems.

#33 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-28
Re: Respect experience.

Well, I"m not really into threesomes but there is a place in LK Metro called "The Devil's Den" where you can (must ) take two girls at a time. Probably fun, but a rip-off at 6000 baht short time. Anyway, back on track. To be a red dwarf might be the way to go. To be a blue giant or super giant like Rigel or Betelguese may overpower Fifi with it's brilliance. Even a main sequence star like our Sun may be a bit glary for Fifi. We need to shield her from the radiation. I read recently that if Rigel was in our solar system it's bulk would extend beyond the orbit of Mars. Mind blowing stuff!

#34 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-28
Respect experience.

What matters is that a Muslim man was not punished for his crimes because of "cultural differences". Feminists only care about rape and assault if white men do it. If an Asian or Muslim does it that is "just his culture". Time to get tough on non-white men who break the law.

#35 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-28
Re: Respect experience.

Integration does not work. Look at the ethnic enclaves in cities like Sydney, London, LA. These people do not want to become Americans, Brits, Australians. Just taking Sydney for example, a city I know. I can't see anything positive about Chinatown ( these "Chinatowns" should not even exist ), Cabramatta (a breeding ground for Vietnamese drug dealers ) and Lakemba ( a breeding ground for Muslim rapists and terrorists ) Really, what is good about this? I can't see anything positive!

#36 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-28
Re: Respect experience.

lemme work

I am sure you work very hard in your occupation to keep things going, my dear.

I wasn't able to open that Los Angeles Times link so I don't know what's broken your heart!!

#37 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-28
Respect experience.

Taffy, I don't know what comprises 'coming to terms' with violence against women. I'm not making any efforts in that direction.
Perhaps men might consider such efforts; I can't speak for them.

Well, we have to come to terms with all the vicissitudes which have already taken place; even if it's just to satisfy oneself that it wasn't one's own fault.

#38 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-04-28
Respect experience.

I see, there's a lot for you to come to terms with.

Taffy, I don't know what comprises 'coming to terms' with violence against women. I'm not making any efforts in that direction.
Perhaps men might consider such efforts; I can't speak for them.

#39 Parent Fifi - 2017-04-28
Re: Respect experience.

stop this nonsense
lemme work
it's u who has a lot to come to terms with

#40 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-28
Respect experience.

Violence against women has been accepted as a reasonable option by all religions. My Catholic mother after 5 children and 3 life threatening miscarriages was still denied access to birth control at the cost of her immortal soul by her priest and pope.

I see, there's a lot for you to come to terms with.

#41 Parent Curious - 2017-04-28
Re: Respect experience.

I have a friend who comes from a catholic background where, in the 1950s (thanksgod for the 60s!) and before, a woman HAD to have a minimum of 12 children (having more than 20 was celebrated by the priests). The reason was: Democracy! The priests needed to see a majority in the elections at various levels in order to maintain their power on local politics, schools, hospitals, law, the soul and the wallet of each institution and of each person. With the electoral majority, they could sculpt a society that brought them respect, power, sustainability and a lot of money. Their tool was the uterus (not theirs, of course).

You mentioned a few times that one of the tools that the very rich use to keep poor people in line is political conflict. In the society that I just described, the conflict was not political because the main enemy of the poor, provided they stayed within their geographic area, was in their mind. It was The Devil! The Devil could make you roast in insufferable pain for eternity if you died without being forgiven for your sins by a priest (some sins, like leaving the church, could simply not be forgiven, so you were going to roast for eternity). To illustrate the concept of eternity, my friend told me, the priests would tell children: Imagine a dove flying around the earth and, with its wing, gently rubbing the side of a specific rock each time it passed. The time it would take for that rock to disappear is just the beginning of eternity! Man, that was a long time!!! And of course, individuals were helpless in front of The Devil. They had been saved 2,000 years earlier by a guy hanging on a cross, but the salvation was not automatically available to them, it had to be invoked by the priests in the name of that hanging man. So, no submission, no money = no priests = no redemption = burning for ever.

At least today, evil is the guy we see on TV. The living room TV is a bit more remote than having The Devil inside your very soul and needing a priest to extract it. I guess it's called evolution.

#42 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-04-28
Respect experience.

violence is
accepted as a reasonable option if the unholy cow won't obey the Koran

Violence against women has been accepted as a reasonable option by all religions. My Catholic mother after 5 children and 3 life threatening miscarriages was still denied access to birth control at the cost of her immortal soul by her priest and pope.

#43 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-28
Re: Respect experience.

I like SB's common sense.

Yes yes yes, a fine fellow. But i know how to live in extreme conditions and I'm still upset about second place on the desert island. I should reconsider if you want to eat hahaha!

#44 Parent Fifi - 2017-04-28
Re: Respect experience.

I like SB's common sense.

#45 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-28
Re: Respect experience.

Hello Arthur
Let me assure you, I associate Trumpsey with one of the best posters this forum has had and not Donald Trump. I do Like Donald Trump though. No ,Trumpsey is up there with LondonGirl- I like her but don't tell her that.

If we speak about academics I must praise expat-hubby, my compatriot. Clear and concise no-nonsense poster.

For flamboyance, transparency and honesty, let's give SB three cheers.

#46 Parent Fifi - 2017-04-28
Re: Respect experience.

Gotta run but before, I want to submit this link: An excellent NYT journalistic study that, as they write, looks at "integration from all sides" in Germany.

The storied city of Weimar, Germany (population 65,000), absorbed 900 refugees in a year. Our journalists spent months on the ground examining integration from all sides.

“The whole thing is to have power over women,” declared Mona Fofie, 24, speaking of the Muslim head covering called hijab.
The Syrian man, one of 900 asylum-seekers welcomed in Weimar, Germany, was no less upset. “Have you asked them?” demanded Anas Alkarri, 28. “I think you will find it is their choice to wear the hijab.”
She pressed on: “I have heard that women can’t worship in the mosque. Is this true?”
He scoffed: “Of course they can worship in the mosque. This is a misconception. There is a separate section in the back for them.”
The German woman stifled a gasp. “A separate section? Oh my God.”

So it went in a four-month cultural crash course pairing Weimar residents with refugees, and in informal interactions around the city and the rest of Germany, as roughly one million people arrived in galvanic waves from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere. The rapid influx shook European social structures, accelerated a rise in right-wing nationalism and saddled social welfare systems with the complex challenge of absorbing so many desperate wanderers at once.

#47 Parent Arthur - 2017-04-28
Re: Respect experience.

Taff, just for the record in case you missed it a few months ago: Yes, FTinPRC is the new name of TrumpDiplomacy after she(he?) was requested by a poster who had a very acute trumpigitis to please change her moniker. She kindly accepted, to the relief of many of us on this board.

#48 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-28
Respect experience.

Abuse by men against women is not limited by race, religion or nationality.
Violence is only differentiated by gender.

Haha, now I have copied and pasted the above wot does I do with it???...lets see.......abuse by...limited...differ-something-ated! I see- No you are quite right but violence is accepted as a reasonable option if the unholy cow won't obey the Koran. Now is I right or is I right?

Where are you now, Trumpsey? How's Thailand?

#49 Parent Fifi - 2017-04-28
Re: Respect experience.

Just have time to reply quickly: Muslim men have to behave!

I agree with your other post where you talk about the slow evolution of some countries. Before globalization, yes these people could just stay in their countries, fight each other as long as there were two of them left alive, or starve to death. The UN was there to mitigate, the missionaries were there to "teach". But 9/11 was a turning point: 9/11 brought the "slow evolution" home. Countless similar (although smaller) circumstances in many countries since. Isolation no longer works. Integration is the new catchphrase. Merkel understands that. The Brexit crowd doesn't.

#50 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-28
Re: Respect experience.

haha- a good post, thank you, Curious.

#51 Parent Curious - 2017-04-28
Re: Respect experience.

GOOOOOOOD post, FTinPRC, good post!

#52 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-04-28
Respect experience.

There are
plenty of men assaulting and raping women, and most of them are not native residents of
England, Australia or Thailand if you get my drift.

SB, imagine if there was a long tradition of women slowly inserting a steak knife into your butt during intercourse or shyly concealing a razor blade in her mouth to filet your johnson during oral sex. Would you be concerned about the marginal relative percentage of the ethnicity of such women?
Abuse by men against women is not limited by race, religion or nationality.
Violence is only differentiated by gender.

#53 Parent Curious - 2017-04-28
Re: Respect experience.

"The trouble is, eventually she starts to hear him repeat the stories over and over again. Coupled with him picking his nose and stuff she falls out of love with him. "

Your post is touching, Taffy.

Like you tell Fifi to do, you have to keep reinventing yourself to keep love awake.

I think that a difference in age brings difficulties of its own; a couple of the same age, after many years together, no longer need to talk because they are sharing the same type of experiences that getting older brings: They know what the other one is going through without talking. But when there is a generation in between, more creativity is required.

You have a lot of creativity, Taffy. I know you are using it well. And it keeps you young. I'm with you.

#54 Parent Taffy - 2017-04-28
Re: Respect experience.

There is not much interesting stuff going on here right now. I check every day.

You have to create interesting stuff, Fifi! Why don't you restore all of Turnoi's deleted posts, that might do the trick? Now don't tell me they are not saved somewhere-now that would be silly way to cover oneself. hahaha! all good fun.

#55 Parent Taffy - 2017-04-28
Re: Respect experience.

Yes, not Trump bashing to keep Fifi satisfied, hehe!

She's bored with us ,SB. I suppose we all have a set repertorium, even an extensive one. When a woman gets married to a witty man she 's well pleased with all the anecdotes friends are able to chuckle over at dinner dances. The trouble is, eventually she starts to hear him repeat the stories over and over again. Coupled with him picking his nose and stuff she falls out of love with him. Fifi fell out of love with us hahaha! She did not only help us to the door a little while ago, she triumphantly slammed it, Hhaha! No we have to up our game, SB. You need to bed two or three pattayan whores in one go and fine them for sloppy performances. Not sure what I can do- I feel like one of them white dwarf stars which were so huge they burned up all their nuclear fuel in one go. The thing is is to be a Red Dwarf and last longer. Like that Proxima Centauri mosh- or San Migs who pops in and out occasionally. Good poster ,San Migs.

#56 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-28
Respect experience.

One thing I know is that there has not been a peep out of the feminists anywhere in regard to the eight women who were assaulted by a thug from Afghanistan on the Gold Coast. If a white man had done this there would be a call to string him up by his balls. If you are a Muslim you can rape and assault women. If you are white you better not, a lengthy jail term awaits you. Time to forget about Trump "disrespecting" women and the "exploitation" of Pattaya bar girls (rubbish, and always was ) There are plenty of men assaulting and raping women, and most of them are not native residents of England, Australia or Thailand if you get my drift.

#57 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-28
Re: Respect experience.

Yes, not Trump bashing to keep Fifi satisfied, hehe!

#58 Parent Fifi - 2017-04-28
Re: Respect experience.

There is not much interesting stuff going on here right now. I check every day.

#59 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-27
Respect experience.

There are many of people who have lived in China for a long time. I lived there for eight years.

There is no point in talking about who has more experience. We all have different experiences.

A Westerner is always a foreigner in China no matter who they are or what visa they have.

#60 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-28
Respect experience.

However, there seems to be no-one inclined to start arguing the toss

Now that's another matter- where the dickens have they all gone to? Occasionally the odd one revisits but they say nothing about where they are all posting at the moment!! I think they are all grouped together on some seedy board somewhere grumbling about Trump. I do get this curious notion, they are not interested in Haddock or Kippers. Maybe Fifi will tell us- we should ask her? Where are you all posting, Fifi?

#61 Parent expat hubby - 2017-04-27
Respect experience.

I think if we are sensible we should yield to the likes of expat-hubby- yield to his knowledge and wisdom built up over donkeys years in China as an FT, a house-owner- a wife owner- a possessor of vast knowledge of the Chinese system- what was the system and importantly up to date, what the system is now. Before we start arguing the toss with expat-hubby, we should give him the respect he deserves. Just saying like.

I'm not seeking respect, either because of experience or otherwise. Your words, not mine!

Anyway, thanks for your input.

However, there seems to be no-one inclined to start arguing the toss, but anyone who wishes to do so, please don't hesitate!

Of course, I shall respond promptly.

Alias Taffy - 2017-04-27
Respect experience.

I think if we are sensible we should yield to the likes of expat-hubby- yield to his knowledge and wisdom built up over donkeys years in China as an FT, a house-owner- a wife owner- a possessor of vast knowledge of the Chinese system- what was the system and importantly up to date, what the system is now. Before we start arguing the toss with expat-hubby, we should give him the respect he deserves. Just saying like.

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