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#1 Parent Rheno747 - 2007-01-29
Are you dense, man?

JB, are you f dense or something? I love guys like you. You keep me on the edge and help prove that I, along with my colleagues, know what the hell we're talking about.

I will tell folks to get a fake TESOL cert to "test drive" teaching before diving in and spending wads, and you throw a shit fit. Never mind I'm trying to make sure newbies have the info they need to help keep them from making bad decisions. You believe they will be helpless, hapless saps if they don't spend upwards of half their first year's salary on a one-month cert/diploma and plane ticket to the program. I say "get the fake", or at least "go cheap" on a cert. One will be better off.

And when I tell folks to get a master's degree in TESOL instead of a TESOL cert/diploma, you again throw a shit fit. Never mind that a master's degree will make them better teachers, more respectable teachers, more knowledgeable teachers, and better able to control their own destinies.

What gives, blowhard? I know you're trying to herd the sheep into some certificate program, but you have to know some of us out there, guys who've been in the trenches, see that a cert isn't really needed. A cert will actually tie one's hands to jobs he doesn't really want, such as teaching bratty kids at Hogwans in Korea or at high schools in Thailand where he'll make chicken scraps for pay, not to mention have to jump throw about a hundred annoying hoops.

Yes, what a TESOL teacher needs is some real credential firepower, such as a master's in TESOL. If every TESOL teacher had a master's in TESOL, he'd garner much more respect and would have to endure much less abuse. The TESOL world would be a much better place, which is the same argument interested types use to justify plopping down many hundreds for lame month-long TESOL cert programs.


#2 Parent johnboy - 2007-01-23
None - Teachers Discussion

Make up your mind Rheno either you are a qualified TESOL instructor or you are not.In relation to the way you write and in relation to my posting regarding Graduate Diplomas and Certificates ,it appears you are from being a recognized qualified teacher.So either you did or did not buy a forged testamur,which option is it?

BTW any kind of educational training is "Not worth Shit".Any kind of education were intrapersonal analysis is required is worth very much.Education of any sort should never be dimished as "Worthless Shit".In most cases what you are trained to learn in can often be transferred to other areas where intrapersonal analysis and intracommunication is required.Shit is a plumbers job.

#3 Parent Rheno747 - 2007-01-18
Hmmm. ICAL looks okay - Teachers Discussion

This ICAL may be a good way to get a TESOL cert. It's cheap, and probably includes some good methodology. I dropped 1600 on a program that was a month long, required an 800-dollar plane flight, and got me a job in Thailand babysitting high school students who couldn't have cared less about learning English.

And the job I got later in South Korea didn't even require a TESOL. That job paid better, offered better housing and other benefits, and even paid for my flight to Busan. Too bad the director was a liar and tried to fix me up with a gig teaching unruly five-year-olds at his hogwan.

Yeah, I wish I could have found ICAL about three years ago. I would have saved some good money.

#4 Parent Rheno747 - 2007-01-17
True--but go cheap, cheap, cheap - Teachers Discussion

You're right. There was a coup d'etat recently in Thailand, and the new government may change everything when it comes to farang teachers. Fake TESOLs have been overlooked so far, but who knows?

Better stick to the real TESOL, just in case. This shouldn't be a problem, though. I'd just get one on the cheap. I definitely wouldn't drop a pretty penny on a mere TESOL program (I paid 1600 and regret it every day) that's maybe a month in length.

Yeap. Knowing what I know now, I'd pay 500 USD max for a TESOL; even less if the program is a long and expensive plane ride away.

Live and learn.

#5 Parent ICAL_Pete - 2007-01-17
fake vs fake - Teachers Discussion *Link* *Picture*

Rheno 747 wrote: Fake TESOL? Sure. Fake degree? No way.

Why condoning the faking of some qualifications and not others? Where do you draw the line?

Besides the moral or ethical implications, chances are that even a "fake TESOL" - as you put it, will come back to haunt you one day.

Be safe, stay true, and choose wisely!


Rheno747 - 2007-01-17
How's Thailand these days? - Teachers Discussion

Hey, Thailand teachers. How goes the land of Thai these days? I just heard about the big raids that are going on there from TEFLwatch. Seems those with the fake degrees are getting their just due. Good riddance. Fake TESOL? Sure. Fake degree? No way.

Are you guys feeling any pressure these days?
Do you think this new effort is because of the new government? Do you think that idiot who claimed to have killed Jon Benet has contributed to it all?

Glad I bugged outta there when I did, based on what I'm reading at TEFLwatch.

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