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#1 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-05-04
Re Having worked much of my life in China, how can I retire at home?

Yeah right doctor Trumpsey and the sk r ewing group. OP does not need to
"elaborate" but you should be polite and perhaps professional enough to offer
your "genuine" position on the topic.

I'm not a PhD or a physician. I did two years in medical school in the very distant past, but for an MPH degree.

I am seldom polite or professional and never with online 'posters' that I believe are neither sincere about their communication nor possessing an intent to actually benefit readers.

No doubt I sometimes fail to recognize someone that is pure of heart.

When I believe that my thoughts on a subject are of some value, I do try to contribute.

#2 Parent Caring - 2017-05-04
Re Having worked much of my life in China, how can I retire at home?

What a dense reply. You should've ignored the original post. The board would've looked better than it does now.

No one else feels this way and neither do you. I do believe that you are unable to function in bed.
#3 Parent Caring - 2017-05-04
Re Having worked much of my life in China, how can I retire at home?

Yeah right doctor Trumpsey and the sk r ewing group. OP does not need to "elaborate" but you should be polite and perhaps professional enough to offer your "genuine" position on the topic. I think you owe it to the board.

#4 Parent Caring - 2017-05-04
Re Having worked much of my life in China, how can I retire at home?

Teaching abroad without contributing to our homelands economies truly worries me as well. Paying taxes to the Chinese development makes me feel awful even when I give less than I would at home. The suggestion of Mike that some nations may have a retirement plan is accommodating in a way and Silverboy's words of wisdom that one should own a property is also to keep in mind. I do hope my kids will not become the doctor Kevorkian or pehaps the forums doc turnjackass.

#5 Parent Taffy - 2017-05-01
Re Having worked much of my life in China, how can I retire at home?

No one else feels this way and neither do you.
I do believe that you are unable to function in bed.

Good reply, Trumpsey.

It doesn't look like Mr Smith is going to elaborate, which doesn't help others maybe-others who genuinely may need advice.

#6 Parent Taffy - 2017-05-01
Re Having worked much of my life in China, how can I retire at home?

I can see a lot of people being ineligible for this payment.

That's good. I don't like scroungers, bums and stiffs. I want to know if we can help Mr Smith without pointing him towards state-handouts.

#7 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-05-01
Re Having worked much of my life in China, how can I retire at home?

No worries if you are Canadian because we have what is called a Guarenteed income supplement seniors get at 65. This is regardless of how much money you have but/paid in taxes during your working life. I think it's 1200 cdn. dollars. Not much but you won't be on the streets. Oh, and you have to live in Canada 183 days or more a year to be eligible.

Mr Smith hasn't yet revealed his nationality. if he's only 65-75 he could maybe do illegal work in China for another 15-20 years. He will of course need a Chinese wife. Chinese wives can be worth their weight in gold---wot was that SB? hahaha!- no ,I think they can be. If Mr Smith can grab himself a slice of Chinese wife might be a good thing. He hasn't got any money so won't be accused of trying to get hold of it.

#8 Parent Silverboy - 2017-05-01
Re Having worked much of my life in China, how can I retire at home?

This guy is in a spot of bother. If he has no house or savings back home he is in a bit of trouble. There are plenty of blokes like him, not just in China, in other parts of Asia also.

I am not sure, what can he do? Stay in China and teach English for the rest of his life? I respect your input, but not sure about this finding a wife idea. It could make things worse.

Unless she is already established and working with a high salary or retired and wealthy marriage is not an option for him. If he meets and marries an older wealthy Chinese woman he would be on easy street as long as he does not divorce later on, although he should get half her assets in theory from what I've heard.

Marrying a girl on a low salary is no use, she can't financially support him. He could do private tuition if married to a poor girl but that is not going to save him if needs to go back home in the future.

Self-funded super is the way to go if you are able to, that's what I do now. However, you need a regular income and some stabilty to do this.

This is the problem when people teach English for years in China or elsewhere and have nothing back home. Thailand and Philippines are cheaper than many places in China, but you need a regular income of some sort.

#9 Parent Silverboy - 2017-05-01
Re Having worked much of my life in China, how can I retire at home?

This is a difficult situation. I responded with a few ideas to another poster. Have you got any property or savings back home?

One thing I've learned is that you should always have a property back home that you can live in if you return when you are an ex-pat in Asia.

And at least 15-20 000 dollars in the bank. So then you can live in your home and you have enough for food, electricity, property rates etc
for quite a while until you can find employment.

#10 Parent Silverboy - 2017-05-01
Re Having worked much of my life in China, how can I retire at home?

Nobody will blame him I think. Often, many Asia ex-pats do stupid things from time to time. The wealthy ones can also get themselves in trouble.

The problem is to extricate ourselves from the often self-inflicted difficulties we find ourselves in.

#11 Parent Silverboy - 2017-05-01
Re Having worked much of my life in China, how can I retire at home?

I can see a lot of people being ineligible for this payment.

#12 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-05-01
Re Having worked much of my life in China, how can I retire at home?

painful image of me on the bed unable to function is in front of my eyes and the hope my
nation's got something to let me die respectfully is unclear. Have any of you been
feeling it the same way or is it only me?

No one else feels this way and neither do you.
I do believe that you are unable to function in bed.

#13 Parent Silverboy - 2017-05-01
Re Having worked much of my life in China, how can I retire at home?

That last part is a bit of a problem. Just like in Australia you have to be living here for six months straight to get a Medicare card.

#14 Parent Mike babsocks - 2017-05-01
Re Having worked much of my life in China, how can I retire at home?

No worries if you are Canadian because we have what is called a Guarenteed income supplement seniors get at 65. This is regardless of how much money you have but/paid in taxes during your working life. I think it's 1200 cdn. dollars. Not much but you won't be on the streets. Oh, and you have to live in Canada 183 days or more a year to be eligible.

#15 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-05-01
Re Having worked much of my life in China, how can I retire at home?

Without paying taxes or contributing into my retirement fund that I can't/couldn't afford I am stuck before the last stage of my life. I don't believe I am the only one who is so irresponsible and so I hope to share my concerns with others who are as dull as me. The painful image of me on the bed unable to function is in front of my eyes and the hope my nation's got something to let me die respectfully is unclear. Have any of you been feeling it the same way or is it only me?

No we can all be existentialists. There men on this site who live pretty damned well in China- like expat hubby. He will give you good advice without heaping blame on you because you don't need that at the moment- we are where we are.

Do you need to return home?

Do you have a Chinese wife? Or can you get one?

Mr.Smith - 2017-04-30
Having worked much of my life in China, how can I retire at home?

Without paying taxes or contributing into my retirement fund that I can't/couldn't afford I am stuck before the last stage of my life. I don't believe I am the only one who is so irresponsible and so I hope to share my concerns with others who are as dull as me. The painful image of me on the bed unable to function is in front of my eyes and the hope my nation's got something to let me die respectfully is unclear. Have any of you been feeling it the same way or is it only me?

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