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#1 Parent Silverboy - 2017-05-02
Re: Re To SB, question about bar scams

That is true. The Chinese and Thais can just kick out foreigners anytime they want. Our gutless politicians are scared of the voting power of immigrants, so they say and do nothing about all the undesirables who have entered our countries.

#2 Parent Silverboy - 2017-05-02
Re: Re To SB, question about bar scams

Yes, he promised he would build new airports in the USA and repair highways and bridges. Great idea, but the money the US government gives to the corporate sector as tax breaks and subsidies could be used for this purpose. I don't think any Western government will end corporate welfare polices, not on the left or right.

If Trump took the tax breaks away from the big end of town and spent it on things that benefit all American people like new infrastructure he would be a national hero. It won't happen though. If Clinton was president it wouldn't happen either. The pollies in Canberra and London also don't care about this issue.

#3 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-05-02
Re: Re To SB, question about bar scams

Some people will say that there are white enclaves in Asia, but in comparison to the general population they are small.

If there's a lot of white enclaves in Thailand and other Asian countries those countries don't mind because they can shovel them out any time they like; whereas if undesirables move into London they are given money, bus passes, the right to vote out the white population and change the whole landscape forever.

#4 Parent Silverboy - 2017-05-01
Re: Re To SB, question about bar scams

People from white backgrounds generally don't like it when people from other races take over a neighborhood where they have lived for decades.

I can think of several examples, North London, Vancouver, many parts of Sydney and Melbourne, Paris. Often these people form enclaves and do not assimilate.
Sometimes nobody can even speak English and signs are in a foreign language.

Some people will say that there are white enclaves in Asia, but in comparison to the general population they are small.

#5 Parent Curious - 2017-05-01
Re: Re To SB, question about bar scams

SB: You understand PERFECTLY what is going on with the Trump administration in the US.

#6 Parent Silverboy - 2017-05-01
Re: Re To SB, question about bar scams

One thing that many Western countries have in common is that the wealth of these countries is largely being drained into the coffers of large corporations. This affects most people regardless of whether they are "libtards" or not. At the same time they are getting these tax breaks, which are basically being subsidised by ordinary taxpayers, these companies are also sacking their lower level employees.

Foolish governments continue to give big tax breaks to multi-national corporations and their often foreign shareholders. Looks like the Australian government will be doing this again soon also to the tune of 50 billion dollars after next weeks budget. Therefore, money that could be used for nation building infrastructure is squandered on tax breaks for big businesses that don't need it. "Corporate welfare".

It is the same in the USA and the UK.

#7 Parent Silverboy - 2017-05-01
Re: Re To SB, question about bar scams

Bangkok and Hong Kong are probably neck and neck as far as ex-pat populations go. The HK ex-pats are wealthier though. HK and Bangkok are both sexually and socially very open cities. Pattaya is in a different league altogether, although there are plenty of rich ex-pats in Pattaya, Bangkok is still a corporate city, so I guess it still generally attracts a more "upmarket" type of ex-pat.

#8 Parent Silverboy - 2017-05-01
Re: Re To SB, question about bar scams

Yes, I know you really don't like Trump, but he was legally elected through a democratic process. You can remove him using the same process. The problem is four year terms, I think three year terms like in Australia are better. I think if a leader can't do a good job after two or three years they should be kicked out. However, at least you don't have a situation like in Australia where a leader can come into power without even being elected via a leadership spill. I look at what happened to Kevin Rudd in Australia, and to Tony Abbott. And Bob Hawke when Keating took over. Nobody voted for him in 1991, but he won an election fair and square in 1993.

#9 Parent Fifi - 2017-05-01
Re: Re To SB, question about bar scams

You see the big picture.
But it's not as bad as you think. The non-whites are generally good. And when you are in doubt, think of all the cruelties that the white men have inflicted over the millennia. Non-whites can't be worse.

#10 Parent Taffy - 2017-05-01
Re: Re To SB, question about bar scams

There is diversity in every group of people.
No doubt some of them are angry that their white dominated society is slipping away.

Quite right, Trumpsey, our Fifi is young and needs reigning in sometimes.

Anger may not be the correct word- maybe frightened- if you look around the world and see what white dominated societies have been replaced by- well, that may be frightening in the extreme.

#11 Parent Taffy - 2017-05-01
Re: Re To SB, question about bar scams

FTinPRC is very brave to spend an hour every day on the forum of this piece of shit. She wants to understand their thinking. I hope she can share some of her understanding with us.

She is on holiday in Thailand; please don't encourage her to waste her holiday, Fifi. Breibart,com could have been anguished over in her university apartment.

#12 Parent Fifi - 2017-05-01
Re: Re To SB, question about bar scams

Taff, you have no idea how much of our day-to-day life, and how much of our future (starting with the air we breathe) is affected - again: in its daily aspects - by this idiot at the White House who was not even elected by the majority (he only got 48% of the votes). For us, he is the biggest source of pain since WWII. Please do not trivialize our suffering. Taff, I am going to use words that you will understand: It's like you having to stay in China for the next 3 1/2 years instead of returning home in 3 weeks.

#13 Parent Taffy - 2017-05-01
Re: Re To SB, question about bar scams

Please tell us more about the Breitbart crowd.

No, don't do that please Trumpsey. Anyway, it does sound like Fifi knows as much as you about it -

"Is it true that emotion and belief, and not logic, are leading their thinking? i.e. they want to feel great and believe that trump can make them be great but they are not interested
in the facts"

She does!! and she is trying to get you to bore us to death!

#14 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-05-01
Re: Re To SB, question about bar scams

There is diversity in every group of people.

No doubt some of them are angry that their white dominated society is slipping away.

But many more are suffering from the same economic decline that plagues minority groups in the U.S. The well-paid jobs with benefits that were available to their parents and grandparents no longer exist. Their 'american dream' has become a sustained fevered coma.

Trump's handlers, chiefly Bannon, were successful in building this aggrieved class struggle into a movement, as did Bernie.

Every U.S. president is limited by the congress that is bought and controlled by the elites; Trump's campaign promises are fading and so will his support among the white lower class.

The will continue to blame the 'libtards' and the 'left' because the corporate media and political parties sustain social issue conflict to deflect from class conflict.

#15 Parent Fifi - 2017-05-01
Re: Re To SB, question about bar scams

Breitbart.com is a alt-right (extreme right) online newspaper that is pro-trump. One of the main advisers of trump, during the campaign and until about 2 weeks ago, was the editor of this newspaper before he joined trump's campaign.

FTinPRC is very brave to spend an hour every day on the forum of this piece of shit. She wants to understand their thinking. I hope she can share some of her understanding with us.

#16 Parent Fifi - 2017-05-01
Re: Re To SB, question about bar scams

Please tell us more about the Breitbart crowd.

Is it true that emotion and belief, and not logic, are leading their thinking? i.e. they want to feel great and believe that trump can make them be great but they are not interested in the facts?

#17 Parent Taffy - 2017-05-01
Re: Re To SB, question about bar scams


Never heard of it but thanks for updating us, Trumpsey.

#18 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-05-01
Re: Re To SB, question about bar scams

eveal those things we should

I'm not certain why my vacation activity, sexual or otherwise, is of interest to anyone.

Thailand is a strange country for an ex-New Yorker; I'm recognizing that New York's 'mix' of international citizens varies greatly from that of Bangkok and, I suspect, London and other major cities. There are certainly more Caucasians in Thailand than in Beijing or Shanghai; perhaps Hong Kong is of a similar ethnic mosaic.

I will share one internet life experience: I have been spending an hour or so daily the past month on Breitbart.com, trolling the alt-right posters that are the core of Trump's support. They are a fascinating, if disturbing and unfortunate, cast of characters.

#19 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-05-01
Re: Re To SB, question about bar scams

I get it. Let's see, then, what FTinPRC would like to share with us.

Splendid. A few on this site wouldn't share the drippings from their nose, but lets hope the reassuring words we have had today will open her up and reveal those things we should know. Already i can hear her sniffing around for traps- but there aren't any!!

#20 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-05-01
Re: Re To SB, question about bar scams


#21 Parent Fifi - 2017-05-01
Re: Re To SB, question about bar scams

I get it. Let's see, then, what FTinPRC would like to share with us.

#22 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-05-01
Re: Re To SB, question about bar scams

Taff, that would be "telling us everything"

Not really, Fifi, if she just comes back to us with a blow-job by blow-job account, as long as she doesn't reveal where she is staying and the names of all the men nobody can get a handle on her. Supposing she says, "I only slipped into the kitchen to get another breakfast grapefruit and before I could say 'you're a big boy then!"......not information anybody could use really. We can't start questioning all the cooks in Bangkok, asking 'is they built like donkey' and did your chef spend a lot of time alone with an American woman in the kitchen? Do you see?

#23 Parent Fifi - 2017-05-01
Re: Re To SB, question about bar scams

Taff, that would be "telling us everything"

#24 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-05-01
Re: Re To SB, question about bar scams

FTinPRC: SB is right, please tell us about your trip to Thailand.

Well, no need to tell us everything- some things should be private. But what about the food and have you had any sex with the local men yet?

#25 Parent Fifi - 2017-05-01
Re: Re To SB, question about bar scams

It needs to have a little red umbrella in it.
Beer is also welcome.
Watching the sun set on the ocean.
Under a couple of palms.

#26 Parent Silverboy - 2017-05-01
Re: Re To SB, question about bar scams

I won't be off till June 20 at the earliest. Will book tickets tomorrow, if I can get flights earlier than that or later I will have to see. I have been working part-time on the Gold Coast and helping to repair damage from the cyclone north of here last month.

Not sure if Fifi is a cocktail girl, she will let us know I'm sure.

#27 Parent Silverboy - 2017-05-01
Re: Re To SB, question about bar scams

I'll be in Thailand next Christmas also, if you are around we can have some beers.

#28 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-05-01
Re: Re To SB, question about bar scams

We need to ask FT in PRC about her Bangkok experience

I rather think she has serious business on her hands.. What about you ,SB, any chance of your paths crossing? Are you off any day now? When i come in the winter we can ask Fifi to meet us for cocktails.

#29 Parent Fifi - 2017-05-01
Re: Re To SB, question about bar scams

FTinPRC: SB is right, please tell us about your trip to Thailand.

#30 Parent Fifi - 2017-05-01
Re: Re To SB, question about bar scams

Sometimes I feel like punching your nose, Taffy, but this picture melts my heart. You are/seem to be a good father.

#31 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-30
Re: Re To SB, question about bar scams

We need to ask FT in PRC about her Bangkok experience.

#32 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-05-01
Re: Re To SB, question about bar scams

I am already planning my Christmas(from UK)visit to Thailand. Did you visit there when you were teaching, Fifi?

Esther is having a good time in another city at the moment. Actually we all go on holiday in China soon before we return to UK'

#33 Parent Fifi - 2017-04-30
Re: Re To SB, question about bar scams

I copied your post for my (one-day) visit! Thanks

#34 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-30
Re To SB, question about bar scams

Yes, I have heard about this Fifi. In China there are the "tea house scams" especially in Beijing and Shanghai where a very pretty and sexy woman approaches single men, usually tourists ( the girls are good at telling the difference between local ex-pats and tourists ) and the woman invites them to drink tea with them. Then a bill for 2000 or 3000 rmb is presented to them after having one pot of tea. It happened to me in Nanning in May 2015. I was contacted by a pretty girl on We Chat who asked me to drink tea in coffee with her. She gave me her address, I got in a taxi and went to her block of apartments. In fact I knew the address, by coincidence, an Australian friend of mine rented an apartment there. She looked just like in her pics on We Chat.

We went to a small coffee shop. I ordered a cup of fruit tea, she ordered a pot of tea. I finished, and I said I was going to leave. A bill was presented to me for 870 rmb. I refused to pay. The girl became angry, so did the owner of the tea shop ( the scammer ) I said I would only pay for the cup of tea I ordered. They said I can't leave until I pay the bill.

I told them in Chinese what they are doing is criminal activity and extortion. Then, I got my phone and sent messages to ex-military ex-pats I know. I said to them, I am leaving, I have some nasty friends who will come and beat you and destroy your shop. The seemed to be a bit worried about this. I walked out and got a taxi back home.

As for Thailand, yes there are also scams, but they are more subtle. Padding of bills does happen sometimes. When you buy a drink in Pattaya at an open beer bar the bill is put in a small wooden cup, sometimes glass.

Now some guys run up a bar tab. They may have only had three beers, but there are five beer slips in his cup. It is better to pay as you go, and keep an eye on your cup ( or "bin" as it is often called )

Sometimes this is not a scam, as some guys offered to buy "lady drinks" then they get drunk and end up with a bill larger then they expected. They forgot they were buying the bar girl drinks also.

However, if you are just buying drinks for yourself and you end up with two or three extra bills in your bin it is a scam. This is how many fights start in Pattaya. I want to say that reputable bars never do this, for example, the "Billabong Bar" in LK Metro would never do this sort of thing. The bar girls will be severely punished at some places if they do this sort of thing.

Walking Street in Pattaya has a bad reputation for bar scams. I can't stand the area and don't go there. It is also violent after 1 am. There is a 24 hour police presence there and an ambulance. LK Metro is much more quiet with older men, friendly people, although the "Showgirls" bar ( an a-go go club ) in LK has a reputation for padding customers bills. Several tourists have been badly beaten there in disputes over drinks. I'd say to people, DON'T GO THERE! It was supposed to be closed down by the police, but is still open to my knowledge. A Canadian friend of mine in Pattaya says he won't go in any club or bar where a door closes behind him.

I was slightly scammed on March 27 in Soi 7 by some older bar girls. Strangle, I have found the bar girls in Soi 6 , Pattaya's most notorious street ( Soi Sex ) to be the most honest.

I don't want to say ripping men off is common in Pattaya though, as most of the girls are great, love white guys, and will do anything for you, even for free if they really like you.

There is a guy in Thailand called "King Epic", he has a lot of videos on You Tube. His voice really annoys me and sometimes he does not respect people's privacy, but he has a lot of good advice and information about the bar and sex scene in Bangkok and Pattaya and also about various scams.

Fifi - 2017-04-30
To SB, question about bar scams

SB: We often read about scams in bars of many countries (there is a lot on youtube happening in Turkey; also in Eastern Europe, Latin America) where a tourist is charged a huge price (something like US$500-900) for a couple of drinks. The bar then sends their thugs with the guy to a teller machine nearby. Police know and don't care. Did you hear of such scams in Asia?

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