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#1 Parent Silverboy - 2017-05-05
Re We need a pretend poster

I'm not sure who you mean is fake. I certainly am not. I'm real and I"ve proved it many times on here. A lot of people in ESL hate me but I am real and also consistent I feel. What I don't like is people on boards who don't have the guts to reveal their true identity. The pics I have posted on here several times really are me. Turnoi is also real. However his enemies don't have the balls to put their pics online or use their real names. I know who the real cowards on this board and in ESL are. So to all the gutless wonders in this ESL community, reveal yourselves instead of hiding behind your computers. Pathetic!

#2 Parent Fifi - 2017-05-04
Re: Re We need a pretend poster

Let's try!

#3 Parent Caring - 2017-05-04
Re We need a pretend poster

What the board needs is healthy posters who share their true experiences and views in countries where they live and work. Such a site may offer a better perspective than it has so far for all interested as well as it may yield a higher quality of debates on varieties of topics unrelated to just the employment or nations where the writers are in. What is really "discourteous" here is the constant rubbing of shoulders and spotting one another for the sake of a view and reinforcement of few fake posters that the discussions may truly and sadly not be alive. Would a board get more actual and interesting than it is if some dubious users were cut off is the question.

#4 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-30
Re We need a pretend poster

Yep, the old bloke with silvery hair. He's pretty fit though. One episode he was in in Botswana chasing tiger fish and went scuba diving in crocodile infested waters looking for them. Another time he was fishing in the old ponds near the Chernobyl nuclear reactor ( he needed special permission for that one ) Another time, fishing for giant catfish west of Bangkok. No doubt, he has an interesting life.

#5 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-30
Re We need a pretend poster

Well I suppose I am not as aggressive as I used to be. I am not really "annoying" and "offending" many posters now. So they feel no need to reply.

They may also be uninterested in haddock and kippers for you, but don't worry, I'm interested in them.

I was watching that show "River Monsters" last night. That guy , the host, can't remember his name now, he was in Alaska chasing halibut.

Apparently the big ones can break a mans leg and cause serious injuries. The one he caught was flapping around everywhere.

Is that that the old chap with silvery hair? I have seen episodes of such an angler here.

You can't trust the Chinese with food, I have bought a few tins of 'Tuna' or so it says; in reality it is some rough old reservoir type angling fish.

#6 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-30
Re We need a pretend poster

Well I suppose I am not as aggressive as I used to be. I am not really "annoying" and "offending" many posters now. So they feel no need to reply.

They may also be uninterested in haddock and kippers for you, but don't worry, I'm interested in them.

I was watching that show "River Monsters" last night. That guy , the host, can't remember his name now, he was in Alaska chasing halibut.

Apparently the big ones can break a mans leg and cause serious injuries. The one he caught was flapping around everywhere.

Alias Taffy - 2017-04-30
We need a pretend poster

Have you all noticed what a struggle it is for me, expat, Sb and Fifi to get replies to our posts...but then when depression is setting in, Trumpsey deigns to break her silence with something charmingly caustic and once more things get busy again. LA-Latin answers Fifi, fifi answers her and Arthur chips in and they all answer Trumpsey. Then curious and the rest come hurrying in, and even heretosay was giving them wise words yesterday. Not a word of explanation do we get excusing their absence!! Bit discourteous!?

What we need is a pretend Trumpsey to post when the real Trumpsey has a bad hair day and can't make it.

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