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#1 Parent Caring - 2017-05-24
Re: Re Chinese Hotels Refuse Foreigners

The middle fingerprint of Doctor Turnjakunen who's got fake degrees in so many field :)

I can tell you have an entitlement mentality. I also suspect that you are another ex-pat being ripped off by a Chinese wife.

Stop whining, you can do something about it. Just divorce your wife, tell her to fuck off. Grow some balls!

#2 Parent Silverboy - 2017-05-22
Re: Re Chinese Hotels Refuse Foreigners

Nobody is controlling anything on here. Talk about whatever you like. There is no control of anything.

Your victim and entitlement mentality at play again?

#3 Parent Silverboy - 2017-05-22
Re: Re Chinese Hotels Refuse Foreigners

I can tell you have an entitlement mentality. I also suspect that you are another ex-pat being ripped off by a Chinese wife.

Stop whining, you can do something about it. Just divorce your wife, tell her to fuck off. Grow some balls!

#4 Parent Caring - 2017-05-22
Re: Re Chinese Hotels Refuse Foreigners

The problem is that sharing information on the board has been overrun by questionable posters who have the "entitlement mentality" to control topics discussed.Such an attitude brings few real posters who'd share their true experiences in.

The problem is that you are whining about something that you have zero control over.
On top of that I feel that you have an entitlement mentality due to having a Chinese wife and kids with her.
#5 Parent Silverboy - 2017-05-17
Re: Re Chinese Hotels Refuse Foreigners

I doubt this FT in PRC poster is Turnoi. The problem is that you are whining about something that you have zero control over.
On top of that I feel that you have an entitlement mentality due to having a Chinese wife and kids with her.

You will not be treated differently to any other foreigner in China and you should not be.

Move to a place where the law is much less restrictive than China if you want to be more happy and content. Otherwise just accept what you can't change.

#6 Parent Silverboy - 2017-05-17
Re Chinese Hotels Refuse Foreigners

Not sure about Australia "discriminating" against immigrants. The "white Australia policy" is long gone and Australia has been overly generous and welcoming to migrants since them IMO.

I think people should have freedom of movement and stay in whatever hotel they want and that includes Western ex-pats living in Asia. However there are some things ex-pats in China can't change. A foreign teacher can do something about a crappy school they are working at by having the school blacklisted in the community so the school can't find new teachers and students.

In regard to the problem Caring is taking about there is nothing he can do. He can't remove the Chinese government and change the law. I agree that Caring having to pay extra, possibly a lot extra to stay in a hotel is discrimination by government policy.

However, yes, it is stupid to compare it to apartheid. I agree with you that Caring can leave China whenever he likes. Nobody put a gun to his head. I didn't like China anymore so I left. I know many more ex-pats who are doing so. White men who marry Chinese women need to be aware of all the problems that can arise.

So, yes, if you are really not happy somewhere it's better to leave. I feel that Caring and also the Taffy poster have finally had it with China.

#7 Parent Silverboy - 2017-05-17
Re: Re Chinese Hotels Refuse Foreigners

What's that old phrase "you made your bed and now you gotta lie in it" or words to that effect?

Having a wife in China is not so much a problem, you can divorce. With kids it is a lot more difficult.

Live and learn.

#8 Parent Fifi - 2017-05-17
Re: Re Chinese Hotels Refuse Foreigners

"His emotionally wrought financial and legal concerns about parenting and spousal support should have been addressed long ago, prior to nuptials and conception."

A pearl!

#9 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-05-17
Re Chinese Hotels Refuse Foreigners

I think it IS a form of discrimination. A foreigner should be allowed to stay wherever they
like, unless in a sensitive military area etc, and that rule would apply in many

Regulations that control the behavior of non-citizens in a nation are legislated by the government. If Trump decides that non-citizens with visas from various countries are not able to enter the U.S. or are afforded increased scrutiny as they enter, is that discrimination? Our 9th circuit court is trying to answer that question now and likely the Supreme Court will have to face it soon.

All regulations that are applied to visa holders and are not applicable to citizens are discriminatory in the broadest sense of the term.

What foreigners are allowed to do in any country is legally the province of that nation. I'm surprised to hear you argue against this precept of nationalism. Australia has 'discriminated' against immigrants throughout its modern history and you have championed those efforts.

Making Caring shell out an extra 80rmb each night to shelter his wife and child in a better quality hotel is a discriminatory regulation. Apartheid it aint.
He is free to leave China at any time. His emotionally wrought financial and legal concerns about parenting and spousal support should have been addressed long ago, prior to nuptials and conception.

#10 Parent Silverboy - 2017-05-17
Re Chinese Hotels Refuse Foreigners

I think it IS a form of discrimination. A foreigner should be allowed to stay wherever they like, unless in a sensitive military area etc, and that rule would apply in many countries.

I don't think it is the two star hotel itself that is discriminating though. I'm sure many of these cheaper Chinese hotels would like to have foreign guests.

These hotels have to abide by the regulations even if they appear to be racist and discriminatory. If a receptionist/manager etc at these types of hotel were
to allow foreigners to stay unregistered and the local authorities found out I'm guessing that individual could be in serious trouble.

It's no good blaming the individual small hotel owners. I know foreigners who verbally abused hotel owners even after they gave the foreigner a long explanation why they could not stay there.

It is fairly stupid and pointless to blame the individual hotels, it is the SYSTEM that is the problem like a lot of things in China.

Mr Caring should just move on, and btw having a Chinese wife won't help you one bit in regard to this problem.

#11 Parent Caring - 2017-05-17
Re: Re Chinese Hotels Refuse Foreigners

Good to know what your views about the real foreign teachers and their families in China are. Now, who are you? Are you Turnoi or Dr Turnjakunen or Doctor T or who knows who else that pollutes the board so much?

I have no empathy for your paranoia and your victim complex.It would benefit you to recognize that these are not healthy emotions and to speak to a professional.

I do have sympathy for your family. Perhaps there inability to share hotel lodging with you
in China is to their benefit.

#12 Parent Silverboy - 2017-05-17
Re: Re Chinese Hotels Refuse Foreigners

In some places in China you just have to accept that you can only stay in a four star or five star hotel. Yes, it's "unfair", it is a pain, discrimination, it is a nuisance to have to stay at a place that maybe you can afford but feel you are wasting money staying there. The systems they have there are shit, but us laowai can't do anything about it.

As for a taxi service, if the service is crap or the people are rude just don't use them again. Whenever I had bad service in China or anywhere in Asia I just never went back to that place.

I just wonder if you feel you should or will receive special treatment because you have a Chinese wife? If you have been in China for a long time you know it does not work like that.

You are a foreigner, Chinese wife or not, and regardless of your visa status. Same in any other other Asian country. You might be considered a local, but you are never Chinese, Thai, Korean, Japanese, whatever.

I will say that although I am mostly anti-Chinese I've never had bad service at any upmarket Chinese hotel. The staff in fact went out of their way to helpful. The same with most taxi drivers.

#13 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-05-17
Re: Re Chinese Hotels Refuse Foreigners

Overall, I see plenty of your "suggestions" on the board as they are everywhere.
You "empathize" so well when, for instance, telling others that if the taxi
service is rude, buy a scooter. And, I love your "suggestsion for others to improve
their English too. Oh, sorry that wasn't you; that was another you.

I have no empathy for your paranoia and your victim complex. It would benefit you to recognize that these are not healthy emotions and to speak to a professional.

I do have sympathy for your family. Perhaps there inability to share hotel lodging with you in China is to their benefit.

#14 Parent caring - 2017-05-17
Re: Re Chinese Hotels Refuse Foreigners

You should suggest the need to be equal when it comes to service such as hotel. But I see a parallel since you've mentioned "housing". You wouldn't want to be excluded from your family members based on your background for the accomodation, would you?

Overall, I see plenty of your "suggestions" on the board as they are everywhere. You "empathize" so well when, for instance, telling others that if the taxi service is rude, buy a scooter. And, I love your "suggestsion for others to improve their English too. Oh, sorry that wasn't you; that was another you.

I would suggest that empathy includes recognizing the material needs of others; food, housing, education, healthcare and the like.

The bottom line is that the board communicates what the situation in individual countries around the world is; and, when there are issues to let others know about, there is a respect to be given to the ones who writes them. "Suggestions" that attempt to excuse the guilty ones or that reason why, for example, foreigners somewhere are put in an unfair disadvantage are not "suggestions" but projections of a really bored user on the teaches board.

#15 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-05-17
Re Chinese Hotels Refuse Foreigners

Value? Chinese hotels discriminate against foreigners. FTinPRC does "provide information
on this site".

I have difficulty understanding your point. Just like Silverboy, I have never had difficulty checking into any 4 or 5 star hotel in China. I routinely feel that I receive better and more prompt service than the Chinese guests checking in or out at the same time as I am.

I have no experience regarding service at hostels and inexpensive hotels, other than to explain, as I have, that many of these are not permitted by the government to register holders of foreign passports.

I understand that you see that as a form of discrimination.

I do not.

#16 Parent Curious - 2017-05-17
Re: Re Chinese Hotels Refuse Foreigners

FTinPRC is an excellent poster.

#17 Parent caring - 2017-05-17
Re Chinese Hotels Refuse Foreigners

Value? Chinese hotels discriminate against foreigners. FTinPRC does "provide information on this site".

If you are referring to other posters, I do provide information on this site when I believe that it is correct and of some value.
#18 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-05-16
Re: Re Chinese Hotels Refuse Foreigners

BUT beware of the new thai king

I just returned from Thailand. Lovely people and a peaceful culture, but I would not post this message with the phrase above if i was still in Thailand.

Governments suck.

All institutions are venues of corruption, but national institutions seem to be particularly vulnerable and destructive.

Much of what SB says about China is true. Much of what I say about the U.S. is true. Much of what Taffy says about Middle Eastern countries is true.

But citizens must live their lives in the country where they were born in the lottery of life. Few people in the world have the opportunities that expats do to reside in different countries. I am sympathetic to the complaints that citizens have about THEIR OWN countries. They know their homeland well and, for the most part, they are required to live there.

I do not, however, have much sympathy for the complaints of expats living in foreign countries. Their residence is voluntary and their knowledge of the people, the culture and the government is limited.

#19 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-05-16
Re: Re Chinese Hotels Refuse Foreigners

I would suggest that empathy includes recognizing the material needs of others; food, housing, education, healthcare and the like.

I see your point that empathy does include sympathy for physical and emotional pain, the common human emotions that occur when we suffer material and familial loss.

But many emotional needs are not universal: the need for acknowledgement, for group acceptance, for fame, for apology, for vengeance, for violence, for wealth, for power, for sexual dominance or submission.

And many other emotions are pure neurosis: paranoia, delusions, many phobias, etc.

Affective disorders often exhibit in the projection of unhealthy emotional needs as 'universal' human emotional attributes.

At least, that's how I remember the construct.

#20 Parent Fifi - 2017-05-16
Re: Re Chinese Hotels Refuse Foreigners

You wrote "Projecting one's own emotional needs on other individuals is characteristic of affective disorders."

I can agree with that to some extent. But is it not called empathy? Isn't it what keeps mothers changing diapers and fathers giving pocket money to rebellious adolescents? Isn't it what keeps a society together?

#21 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-05-16
Re Chinese Hotels Refuse Foreigners

This is about addressing/understanding concerns of posters, so I guess "good luck"
to us when your multiple personality expresses himself/themself.

Us? You may recognize in yourself the desire for the concern and understanding of other posters. Projecting one's own emotional needs on other individuals is characteristic of affective disorders.

Perhaps your 'us' refers to your family, not other posters. I do have sympathy for your family, but expressing the nature of this sympathy will not likely console you.

If you are referring to other posters, I do provide information on this site when I believe that it is correct and of some value.

Perhaps other posters will respond emotionally to your need for inexpensive lodging and online tea-and-sympathy.

#22 Parent Fifi - 2017-05-16
Re: Re Chinese Hotels Refuse Foreigners

OK, you take guys outa china and bring them to thailand. totally OK with me. glad for you.

BUT beware of the new thai king: he rules the country based on fear. He already changed the constitution to give himself more power. And that's after only 3-4 months being king. He will become - or he is already - a despot. Nothing to do with pattaya yet. But it will come. He will find a way to divert tourist money to his own pocket because he needs a lot of money.

And because he is young, he will be there a long time.

And of course, you can't say one word against him while being on thai territory: It's imprisonment for a long time

#23 Parent Silverboy - 2017-05-16
Re Chinese Hotels Refuse Foreigners

What I don't understand is why people want to live in countries where they are actively discriminated against and not wanted.

You are wrong, a system of control is never a good thing in any society. I am so glad I moved out of shitty China and many others are leaving.

I've just convinced two more China ex-pats to leave, they have booked tickets to Bangkok already, one on June 17, another on June 24.

#24 Parent Silverboy - 2017-05-16
Re Chinese Hotels Refuse Foreigners

BTW, what "values" do Chinese people have? How can you maintain values if you don't have any?

If you mean Chinese government "values" I'm inclined to agree with you, but they are fake values which are used to help control the people and maintain the CCP.

The survival of the party is all that matters to the Chinese leadership. They certainly have zero concern for ordinary Chinese, that's for sure!

#25 Parent caring - 2017-05-16
Re Chinese Hotels Refuse Foreigners

This is about addressing/understanding concerns of posters, so I guess "good luck" to us when your multiple personality expresses himself/themself.

I do not expect people to adequately address or understand my concerns. Good luck with that expectation.

#26 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-05-16
Re Chinese Hotels Refuse Foreigners

I just want to get a reasonably priced
room with my colorful family which you don't seem to be able to either understand or
address appropriately.

I do not expect people to adequately address or understand my concerns. Good luck with that expectation.

My post was an expression of my belief that using apartheid as a supportive parallel for the experience of a white FT in China being unable to book a 2 star hotel was inappropriately offensive to the victims of apartheid.

#27 Parent Caring - 2017-05-16
Re Chinese Hotels Refuse Foreigners

Chinese authorities thrive to preserve local culture rather than keep foreigners safe. This way values are maintained, habits are kept and shortcomings are ignored. So, the irony is that they don't look out for you but for themselves.

Moreover, local powers work hard to safeguard their harmonious societies that are many around the nation, since they do not want Ms. Lin from Guangdong to tell Mr. Chen from Sichuan that too much spicy food isn't good for you and that the standard Chinese isn't what Mr. Chen thinks it is. In such a manner, the government can tell its people that this is a big country with a lot of people and a long history. Interestingly enough, the controlling system appears the best to keep peace in localities where people may notice the huge gaps in all walks of life.

Conclusively, the mixing of locals with locals from other places and the combination of foreigners with Chinese does not bode well for the leadership's future which is why the tight regulations are in effect around. Whether there are better places than the prejudicial Chinese one isn't so easy to tell and it remains to be seen as we are killing our own free systems with inhumane attitudes.

I was never refused at any Chinese hotel when I lived over there, even cheaper ones. However, it is true that this "we want to protect foreigners" line is hogwash. The Chinese government wants to know where all Chinese are at all times. The same with foreigners in China. It is the same with marriage in China. Marriage is promoted in China become family units are easier to track and control. It has nothing to do with "morals" or "culture". Same in Vietnam. I notice that a demonstration AFL match between Port Adelaide and Gold Coast was held in Shanghai at the weekend. Incredibly, 1800 police and security personel were in attendance. Alcohol was also banned inside the stadium, although Aussies outside the stadium were drinking beer. I wonder why foreigners still want to live in shit countries like China and Vietnam. There are much better places in Asia.
#28 Parent Caring - 2017-05-16
Re Chinese Hotels Refuse Foreigners

Why foreigners are forced into some hotels isn't as clear as you suggest. They may be able to rent varieties of short or long term accomodation in many places; however, they are restricted in some areas and hotels. For example, foreign nationals aren't allowed to live in some parts of China and/or some parts such as villages where farmers live, and they aren't permitted to check into some cheap hotels that may accomodate local budget travelers. This may indicate the fear of outside influences that aren't desired for the sake of the local harmony.

Your South Africa comment sounds like from a doctor whom I have known before. He kept on doubting that forums could achieve a lot more than what he assumed they would. The SA "regime change" came with the help of man who wouldn't have been able to get a hotel room next to the white man. In my case, I just want to get a reasonably priced room with my colorful family which you don't seem to be able to either understand or address appropriately.

Foreigners with visas (I'm not sure what the situation is for someone with an actual 'green card'; they are few and far between in China) must stay at hotels that have the capacity to register the foreigner with the local PSB. Routinely, that is now an on-line transaction but it requires that the hotel have the equipment AND the permission to book foreigners into their hotel. All 4 and 5 star hotels have that capability and many, if not most, 3 star hotels.
The Chinese government would say that this is to protect their 'foreign guests', but of course it is to keep track of them.

If South Africa had required that blacks could only reside in 4 & 5 star hotels, I doubt that Mandela would have achieved much traction in his 'regime change'.

#29 Parent Silverboy - 2017-05-14
Re Chinese Hotels Refuse Foreigners

I was never refused at any Chinese hotel when I lived over there, even cheaper ones. However, it is true that this "we want to protect foreigners" line is hogwash. The Chinese government wants to know where all Chinese are at all times. The same with foreigners in China. It is the same with marriage in China. Marriage is promoted in China become family units are easier to track and control. It has nothing to do with "morals" or "culture". Same in Vietnam. I notice that a demonstration AFL match between Port Adelaide and Gold Coast was held in Shanghai at the weekend. Incredibly, 1800 police and security personel were in attendance. Alcohol was also banned inside the stadium, although Aussies outside the stadium were drinking beer. I wonder why foreigners still want to live in shit countries like China and Vietnam. There are much better places in Asia.

#30 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-05-14
Re Chinese Hotels Refuse Foreigners

There are hotels around China and in Beijing that discriminate against all people from

Foreigners with visas (I'm not sure what the situation is for someone with an actual 'green card'; they are few and far between in China) must stay at hotels that have the capacity to register the foreigner with the local PSB. Routinely, that is now an on-line transaction but it requires that the hotel have the equipment AND the permission to book foreigners into their hotel. All 4 and 5 star hotels have that capability and many, if not most, 3 star hotels.

The Chinese government would say that this is to protect their 'foreign guests', but of course it is to keep track of them.

If South Africa had required that blacks could only reside in 4 & 5 star hotels, I doubt that Mandela would have achieved much traction in his 'regime change'.

caring - 2017-05-14
Chinese Hotels Refuse Foreigners

There are hotels around China and in Beijing that discriminate against all people from abroad. The former South African apartheid has not given rights to blacks and perhaps some other racial groups but looked at some foreigners more favorably than the current Chinese system which segregates all foreigners from locals.

Now, however my wife and children who are Chinese are permitted to make reservations and stay at some lower priced hotels in Beijing, they cannot choose to do so for me. All of us are forced to book a room in a hotel that accepts foreigners as well. The Chinese kids with foreign parents are not only to learn from their local books about Nelson Mandela or Martin Luther King but also from the consequences of multiculturalism.

The Peoples Republic of China seems to be an apartheid of its own that is well internationally accepted unlike the one of the old South African leader Botha. Being prejudiced against a few racial groups based on color or culture is despicable, against all across the borders shocking and worth noticing by all the international bodies.

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