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#1 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-05-25
Re Mrs. Potato Gravy

I happen to believe that prostitution is not always a horrendous crime against women. If they are not being coerced, imprisoned or assaulted, women have the right to use their body in any way they choose. Men that patronize these women in a non-violent way do not disturb my liberal moral

Yes and doctrine is a pretty stealthy gaoler of women. Just as bad as the boot-bundler.

#2 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-05-25
Re Mrs. Potato Gravy

I happen to believe that prostitution is not always a horrendous crime against women. If they are not being coerced, imprisoned or assaulted, women have the right to use their body in any way they choose. Men that patronize these women in a non-violent way do not disturb my liberal moral sensibility.

The great majority of women in the Western world, however, view 'johns' with contempt, be they in Pattaya or Perth or Pittsburgh.

#3 Parent Silverboy - 2017-05-25
Re Mrs. Potato Gravy

I agree that everyone has the right to choose the lifestyle they desire including yourself. As long as people fund their own lifestyle with their own funds earned through hard work, including all women, it's all good.

I will even agree with you that some ex-pats in Bangkok look terrible. Money does not always buy style or class.

The one thing I don't understand is why a lot of white women in Bangkok make so many derogatory comments about white men with Thai girls.

One thing good about a lot of Western women who live in Pattaya for example is that they do not judge. Sure, they may think a lot of Western guys there are ugly or fat or a bit crude, but they know these guys are mostly divorced and semi-retired or retired and just want to have a good time time and relieve stress.

I am sure that many people don't like what I say about Chinese women. What I write is based upon personal observation and experience.

#4 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-05-24
Re Mrs. Potato Gravy

SB, I believe if you read my posts you will find that I am communicating my personal beliefs and perspectives.

I do not believe that I fully understand men or women. And as I have said many times, I support every individual's right to live the life of his or her choosing. I wish you joy in yours.

I recently shared my observations of the physical characteristics, fashion choices and street behavior of the many white men that I observed in central Bangkok. I do not suggest that this comprises all the white men in Bangkok or Thailand or South East Asia. I have no idea about the financial status of these gentlemen.

Mr. Patato Head wrote about the feelings of 'White Women' when they observe interracial couples in South East Asia.

I think he is mistaken.

#5 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-05-24
Mr. Potato Head

And while I understand that the sight of the attached photo [deleted] may anger Asian men, I
still can't bang my head around the fact that White women feel so threatened by it.

Apparently generalizations about women do not disturb you.
I am not threatened by you or your mystery photo. Don't feel obligated to 'bang your head around' my equanimity.

#6 Parent Silverboy - 2017-05-24
Re Mrs. Potato Gravy

What women like PR/FTC don't understand is that men make lifestyle choices, often regardless of wealth and perceived "status" in the West.

Yes, all white men in Bangkok are losers, the stereotype. They are there because they "can't get a woman in their own country". There are Australian men in Bangkok for example worth millions of dollars, beneficiaries of the economic boom in OZ from 2002-2009 who prefer to just bang 2000
rmb bar girls instead of marrying Thai gals.

Most men in Pattaya are divorced and often retired or semi-retired, they are not interested in serious relationships, certainly not marriage for fuck's sake!
Sure, a lot of them are old, bald, lazy and fat, but who gives a fuck? They are living the dream, and a lot of them have money to burn and have a good life by being SINGLE!
MGTOW's, and they fuckin' love it!

There is one Aussie in Pattaya with a net worth of over 100 million dollars who bangs 1300 rmb bar girls by night and feeds stray dogs by day.
I wonder how someone like FT in PRC can explain that?

This bloke is in late forties, fit, he could marry any woman he wants, but he chose to be an MGTOW and live in Pattaya.

I don't blame him. It is because white women in Western countries have nothing to offer white Western men these days.

Really, what can they offer us? Money? No, we can make lot's of money ourselves. Love? We don't need them for that either. Sex? Well, FUCK ME DEAD, Pattaya fucking wins hands down in that department!
Cooking? We can learn that ourselves if we want, and Thai gals are FIFTY TIMES better at both cooking and sex.

#7 Parent Mr Potato Gravy - 2017-05-24
Re Mrs. Potato Gravy

You are grossly generalizing an isolated phenomenon here, no better than saying 'all Blacks are rapists' or 'all Asians have tiny you-know-what', only proving your insecurity in the process.

And while it is true that there are old fat White men with young ladies, especially in Thailand, (but don't worry, disgusting behaviors in SEA are not a White man's monopoly: http://www.scmp.com/magazines/post-magazine/long-reads/article/2040546/rich-asian-men-who-buy-sex-cambodian-virgins), it isn't even remotely representative of WMAF couples in East Asia or SEA countries like Singapore and Malaysia where a large percentage are young and fit, desirable professional men with high income, or in my case owning half of an international school in China and making well within six-figures a year.

And while I understand that the sight of the attached photo [deleted] may anger Asian men, I still can't bang my head around the fact that White women feel so threatened by it. It only takes walking down the street together to get mad stares of anger from lone White women.

So much for the old fat stereotype, and before you jump on nonsensical arguments about my inability to get White girls, a classic among insecure feminists, my exes are White, all of them.

But you may keep vomiting nonsense if you wish, none of it can change the truth.

#8 Parent Silverboy - 2017-05-24
Re Mrs. Potato Gravy

Yes, during the day you will not see us outstanding global alcoholic citizens, lol, not till after lunchtime anyway.

Sleeping till 11.15 am, then out having lunch, then lying on the beach ( I prefer Jomtien/Naklua area ), 3.30, maybe get a taxi over to Soi 6 for a few afternoon beers, 6 pm, dinner near Soi Honey maybe, then hit the bars at LK Metro, find some hot babes. This is the life, not spending all your hard earned cash on some useless Chinese bird.

#9 Parent Silverboy - 2017-05-23

Japanese women rank as NO 1 not just in Asia, but also the world. The difference between a Chinese and Japanese woman is like comparing a Hyundai to to Maserati.

The Japanese gals are so far ahead in every respect. It is in fact a gross insult to a Japanese girl to even remotely compare her to a Chinese.

Let's compare them: Japanese, they are stylish, cultured, well educated, independent, have beauty, dignity, have respect for men and want to please.

They come from an advanced society, a highly developed country.

Chinese? Lazy, entitled, no work ethic, they have poor personal hygiene, sexually inept, have no values, shallow, superficial, lack any capability to hold an intellectual conversation.

They waste most of their time shopping and at restaurants and expect men to pay for it. They are liars, and manipulate and trick white men who can't speak Chinese into giving them large sums of money.

On top of that they are from a shitty peasant society and a dirty polluted shit hole where they are no values morals and ethics.

What I can't understand is why so many Western men seem to be in a hurry to please these Chinese bitches and throw away most or all of their money on them, and THEY GET FUCK ALL OR NOTHING IN RETURN!

I know one bloke from New Zealand that bought an apartment in China for his wife and put 1,000,000 dollars in a bank account in her name in China, not rmb people, NZ FUCKING DOLLARS!

She had a shit job before she met him. Now he is very scared of her and worries about even speaking with other women. I wonder what is wrong with these guys, they have dementia or leave their fucking brains at the immigration gate when they first come to China.

#10 Parent Silverboy - 2017-05-23
Re Mrs. Potato Gravy

I love Birkenstocks,, but Timberland shorts, Raybans, fuck that. Gotta admit there are SOME FUCKED FASHIONS on display by Western men in Bangkok and Pattaya.

My attire of choice in Pattaya is Birkenstocks ( Arizona is great ) the black ones with the white stripe also good.

The Arizona now has the white stripe also. An ample supply of XXL white T-shirts ( I'm XL but I buy one size up ) Stone wash denim shorts, I have seven pairs, and also several pairs of similar jeans in case you wanna go to Marine Disco or Insomnia or 808, there are some hot fucking girls in there believe me!

Now, watches. Pattaya guys should have a decent fucking watch. A good Citizen Eco-Drive ( about 300 AUD ) or a Seiko Sapphire in the 350-600 AUD range. Seiko is good, they are a classy watch.

I want to get an Omega, but the idea of paying cash for a very expensive Omega right now sort of irks me, so I will put aside 150 dollars a week for that and buy it in a few months time.

It's best to look simple and elegant. Clean shaven. Pattaya gals like this.

#11 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-05-23
Mrs. Potato Gravy

Whatever makes them feel better, nothing wrong with living in denial, I suppose.

A month ago I walked the streets of central Bangkok.

I was raised in New York City but I had never witnessed such a frightening assortment of fat unkempt old white men, garbed in Birkenstocks, XXXL Timberland shorts, and polo shirts big enough for a polo pony. During the day almost all were unaccompanied, nursing hangovers under their Raybans, but in the evening each waddled precariously while one of a variety of multi-hued working girls steadied them.

Perhaps I am living in denial, but I cannot imagine that any of these young ladies were hoping for a future as Mrs. Potato Gravy.

#12 Parent Mr Potato Gravy - 2017-05-23

Whatever makes them feel better, nothing wrong with living in denial, I suppose.

#13 Parent Curious - 2017-05-23

You made my day!

#14 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-05-23

Caucasian women that observe expats in SE Asia paired with local Asian women have two emotional responses: a sigh of relief that they are not with him and an empathetic shake of the head for the unfortunate young woman.

#15 Parent Mr Potato Gravy - 2017-05-23

White man likes Asian women -> Race traitor.

White woman likes Black men -> Wow! She is so open minded and tolerant.

Fortunately, this isn't taking anymore with younger men.

I mean, I understand the butthurt from Asian guys when White men are stealing their women, especially because Asian guys typically don't have other options, but when it comes to White women dating left and right men from every "brown" races then hating on White guys for doing the same thing, it's pure selfishness. White women fear competition from other women and want to control White men through scarcity.

The ever faster growing phenomenon of White men with Asian women is the natural answer to White women dating Black men in ever greater numbers for the last 40 years. Until recently, most Asian women were locked into traditional social schemes that prevented them from dating men from other races, they were forced to accept arranged marriages with Asian men. They have now become educated enough, many being more educated than White women, to free themselves from the chains of traditionalism and choose the men they want unrestrained by social and family pressure.

Sure there are the gold diggers and passport hunters, but those make up a tiny fraction of the whole and most Asian women are much more worthy of White men's attention and devotion than today's White women are. And by Asian women I mean non-Westernized ones, because those who share White women's feminist views are equally worthless.

It really isn't about race but ideology of what is a healthy relationship and family values. I would totally marry a pretty White woman if she had healthy values that are not feminism. It doesn't have to be traditionalism either, and the woman doesn't have to be a virgin or anything, but the ground ideals of a relationship must be healthy, the woman needs to value loyalty and shared efforts in perpetuating the relationship.

I agree with SB that Japanese women rank at the top in Asia, they are modern minded, strong, independent, yet not feminist, they value men and relationships, the reason for so many herbivore men in Japan are the industries of gaming and porn, men there choose the easy way of masturbating while they have some of the most amazing women in the entire world. My mate is married to a Japanese lady and she is involved, devoted, almost fanatic into preserving a healthy relationship, she is gold. No tantrums or entitlement crisis, she knows her place and she knows that roles must be shared not based on gender but equally.

SB is also right that Chinese women rank bottom low. Not only are they way less pretty than Japanese but they also act incredibly entitled and use traditionalism as an excuse to get it their way, while not following any of the traditional rules that doesn't suit them. Think of them wanting the man to pay a crazy high dowry to their parents, in the past the man would pay for the woman's virginity, but today they pay for a used up vagina, not worth it at all.

It's that simple, really, feminists and entitled princesses out, women with healthy values are most welcome.

#16 Parent BeenThere - 2017-05-22
Re: Re fine and dandy

Hey! You got the "that's sad" from donald trump. He says that every time he reads a mainstream newspaper. Sad!!!

#17 Parent Illegitimi non carborundum - 2017-05-22
Re fine and dandy

but no one instructs my writing.

That's sad.

#18 Parent heretosay - 2017-05-22

If you marry in a Western country 2017 you can easily lose EVERYTHING you will have worked so hard for in the not so distant future, just like many men have in the recent past.

If you have kids you are really in the shit.

Boo hoo. But the truth lies beyond the occasional bitter anectdote that some men use to justify
their bias against marriage and their sweeping generalities that are not formed empirically.

Men v. Women: Who Does Better in a Divorce?
by Corie Lynn Rosen

While the walk down the aisle ends in marital bliss for many couples, for an equal number the end of the aisle is a place far, far away from happily ever after. People who divorce often do so in eager anticipation of reclaiming their lost independence, forgotten autonomy and an identity lost during the course of the marriage.

Upon divorce, a couple's marital property, property acquired by the two during the course of their marriage, is divided up according to the applicable state law. Parties may divide and settle their property 50/50 or in some other arrangement depending upon the given laws. The hope is that the parties are treated fairly.

But even in a situation where all the assets are divided 50/50, divorced women may find that a seemingly fair settlement is still far from equitable. Women are typically awarded custody of the children. Because our predominant social values suggest that children are best situated with their mothers, women often do the lion's share of child rearing in divorced families, even in shared custody cases.

Any parent who has ever fought a custody battle knows that child care responsibilities are a privilege, not a burden. Unfortunately, most divorce settlements fail to account for the damaged future earning potential of a woman with child care responsibilities. Since mothers usually take some time away from their careers, and since women still earn slightly less than men, it is fair to say that most women, even prior to divorce, have lower earning power than their male spouses.

The problem of lower earning power is exacerbated by child care responsibilities. They reduce a woman's available work hours, thereby making it more difficult for her to increase her income through promotions, client cultivation and so forth. This marked reduced earning capacity is not factored into a divorce, since settlements focus on dividing marital property.

Ultimately, the overall economic quality of a man's life, based on earnings and amount spent on living expenses, increases after his divorce. He continues to earn more but bears fewer family expenses. The overall economic quality of a woman's life, post-divorce, decreases.

Of course, both parents are expected and legally required to contribute to the cost of raising their children, but the law still does not provide a mechanism to compensate a woman for the earning potential she has lost based on her decisions to marry and have children. Women often opt for careers that they feel will be more conducive to motherhood, working lower paying jobs because of the fewer hours they require.

A difficulty in reforming marital property laws to compensate these women lies in the fact that many women, even in today's modern world, make career decisions based almost entirely on their family plans. Thus, a college professor who might have become a successful businesswoman had her family plans been different, has no way to show a court her lost earning potential. Her decision to take a lower paying job cannot be weighed by the court, since there is no real evidence of material economic damage.

The objective of a divorce court is to give each party what he or she fairly deserves based on their earnings during marriage. It is next to impossible to factor the broad social pressures that shape women's career decisions into a given divorce settlement.

Legal scholars must either find a way to assess the lost earning power of the female spouse, or women as a collective must find a way to have their families and make honest career decisions too. The Medieval Period may be long gone from our history, but there are still some remnants of the dark age of divorce law at work in our courts today.

#19 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-05-22
fine and dandy

That's all fine and dandy, but it's not what "sic" is used for. It's for

We write "no pun intended" in your case.

I am happy to accept your suggestion that I have personally devised a new function for this Latin adverb and will gratefully refrain from instructing you on 20th century variations on its usage.

I am not quite sure who comprise your 'we', but no one instructs my writing.

#20 Parent Illegitimi non carborundum - 2017-05-22
Re girl friends

I'm indicating that I'm aware of this and that a double entendre was not my intent.

That's all fine and dandy, but it's not what "sic" is used for. It's for quotations.

We write "no pun intended" in your case.

#21 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-05-22
Re girl friends

I'm discussing sexual activity and intimacy. The term 'coupled' in that context can seem like a tasteless pun.

I'm indicating that I'm aware of this and that a double entendre was not my intent.

#22 Parent Illegitimi non carborundum - 2017-05-22
Re girl friends

sexuality is at its most powerful and climactic when coupled [sic] with intimacy and commitment

Why the "[sic]"?

Were you quoting something with some error?

#23 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-05-22
Re girl friends

So, you truly believe that there are no men in the world who are happy, genuinely love their wives, treasure their children and do not hunger for the opportunity to have sex with prostitutes.

I respect the freedom of the individual to choose their own life and their own values and to forge their own beliefs. I wish you happiness in your reality.

But when someone projects their beliefs and values onto everyone else in the world, believing that 'the other' cannot live a happy life unless they accept these values and beliefs, that is Faith, not reason.

I assure you that there are many people in the world who will argue that sexuality is at its most powerful and climactic when coupled [sic] with intimacy and commitment and a life of shared experience.

#24 Parent Silverboy - 2017-05-22
Re girl friends

I know men in my neighborhood who extremely wealthy ( on paper ) and married. They may appear to be happy but they envy the freedom MGTOW"s like me have. Marriage = no freedom and no flexibilty.

These men are controlled by their wives. Their wealth is also imaginary as it could all be taken away rapidly if the wife gets bored all of a sudden or wants someone with even more money. They could lose their luxury property and expensive car on a whim, according to the wife's attitude at the time. If they suddenly lose their earning potential, if they get sick, if the business fails, the wife will be gone.

Men are actively discriminated against at divorce time, the family court is also only for the benefit of women.

I will give you another example of a woman's attitude: If a woman has a low paying job like being a waitress, especially if she is pretty, nobody will say, "why don't you get a better job and improve yourself", nobody will ridicule her or disparage her.

Now, reverse this scenario: A woman has a boyfriend who is a waiter: Now, in the rare case they she might actually love him, her friends will say, "you can do better", "what are you doing with that loser" ?? etc. She will will dump him because of pressure from her friends and relatives. It makes no difference how fit or handsome he is.

This sort of thing is happening every day.

I know for a fact that good looks are of virtually zero advantage to a man unless he can get modelling work.

A British guy I know told me that he wanted to lose ten kilograms to make himself more attractive to Chinese women. I said WHY do you want to pander to THEIR wishes?

I then explained to him that they just want money anyway, they don't care if he is a bit fat. Being good looking and slim is of zero advantage to men in China.

Some guys never learn!

#25 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-05-22
Re girl friends

Silverboy, do you have any friends who are happily married and whose greatest joy is spending time with their children and wife?

#26 Parent Silverboy - 2017-05-21
Re girl friends

I have lived in Thailand before and my ex wife is Thai so I think I know a fair bit about this. You really need to define exactly what prostitution is. If a man is buying many meals and gifts for a woman and he later sleeps with her that really is a form of prostitution ( it happens very often in China for example )

It is weird how in many societies if a man buys a woman a car or gifts and sleeps with her that's not prostitution, but if he gives her cash it is.

You also do not understand a place like Pattaya either I think. There are all sorts of people living there. For many women there sex is their job, but it is common for a woman there to like a foreigner just because he is kind or handsome or funny. That is when a bar girl can become a GF. Many of them will go with you for free if they really like you. A Chinese woman will NEVER do this!

The difference is that having a GF in Pattaya, or even "hiring" a girl for two months, costs NOTHING LIKE what a GF or wife in the West will cost!

For men in the West, if you divorce you risk losing everything. You could end up in you late 40's or 50's living in a rented one bedroom flat struggling to make ends meet, or worse, living on the street.

Are you going to try to tell me this never happens? It does happen, it happens a lot!

My advice to young men: Work hard when you are young, save as much money as you can. Do not marry. When you are 40 you will have a house paid off, a rental property, a nice car that you own, and plenty of money to travel around. Move to SE-Asia, do not stay in the shitty West when you are older.

I am lucky that I still own two properties and have cash in the bank. I can afford to fly all over Asia. I can afford to buy nice watches and shoes. However, if I had not married I'd have an extra 270,000 dollars in the bank right now. Fuck, I could have bought a block of land with that at the time I divorced! It pisses me off every time I think about it!

#27 Parent Silverboy - 2017-05-21
Re: Re MGTOW, another warning!

I have met them, but not in Pattaya. It is more Japanese men in Pattaya, not the women.

#28 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-05-21
girl friends

He also talks about paying bar
girls to be a short term GF's for one or two months. Once again, great advice!

There are girl friends and then there are working girls that provide a 'girl friend experience'.

If you are paying cash to a woman to spend time with you and to have sex with you, she is not a girl friend, as that term is understood by the vast majority of the English speaking population.

Before you explain once again that all relationships involve expenses and that marriage is much more expensive than prostitution, I am not arguing the financial computations. And I am not suggesting that you should not be free to choose such a relationship. I am distinguishing between genuine mutual affection as opposed to a cash for service transaction. If you do not see the distinction, I assure you that most people do.

Individuals that are sharing friendship, respect, responsibility and intimacy recognize that they are experiencing something that is priceless.

Silverboy, I do hope that you have had that experience and that you will once again.

#29 Parent Illegitimi non carborundum - 2017-05-21

Wow, Fife.

You really are a moron.

#30 Parent Fifi - 2017-05-21
Re: Re MGTOW, another warning!

You met a Japanese woman in Pattaya, SB?

#31 Parent BeenThere - 2017-05-21

Ha ha ha
Between replies like this and the oncoming impeachment, life is good :o)

#32 Parent Silverboy - 2017-05-21

There are hundreds, thousands of similar stories like that one. It is very sad. I feel sorry for your brother.

Yes, he worked hard for so long and look what happened. It is really an outrage. Yes, I have heard in the USA that some women have even been able to get access to to future pensions after divorce.

I will tell you how I came across this MGTOW stuff: I was searching online about Bangkok and Pattaya and by accident I came across this Australian guy from Brisbane (my home city ) who spends a lot of time in Thailand ( mostly Bangkok ) and Vietnam and he also did videos on Hong Kong and Singapore. He posts on You Tube.

He is a crude guy, lots of filthy and vulgar language, but his videos are really just commonsense, wise, and also the way he speaks is quite hilarious. His name on You Tube is "Archie Luxury" and he has quite a following on You Tube, not just in Australia but also in the USA.

What you said happened to your brother is exactly the thing he talks about on his videos. His videos should be compulsory viewing for all young white men in the USA, Australia, Canada, UK, and New Zealand. He gives examples of men who have been financially and emotionally devastated, not just in Australia but also in the USA.

If you marry in a Western country 2017 you can easily lose EVERYTHING you will have worked so hard for in the not so distant future, just like many men have in the recent past.

If you have kids you are really in the shit.

Some of the stories about what happens to Western men in their forties and fifties is disturbing indeed! In one video he also talks about how the West is "fucked" for men over 50 and how these men should move to SE-Asia. He also talks about paying bar girls to be a short term GF's for one or two months. Once again, great advice!

In another video he talks about the astronomical cost of living in Brisbane and other Australian cities. You could extrapolate to many US and UK cities also.

All in all, this bloke really fucking knows knows what he's talking about!

#33 Parent Silverboy - 2017-05-21
Re MGTOW, another warning!

I forgot to add, MGTOW also applies to Chinese women. They are by far the WORST out of ALL Asian women and are to be avoided AT ALL FUCKING TIMES!

If you want proof, wait until you have a Chinese GF, even an educated one with a fucking PhD. If she wants to move in with you ask her to share half the rent and utility and food bills with you. See what happens, she will HIT THE FUCKING ROOF and say something stupid like, "Chinese men would never do this".

No, Chinese men are stupid fucking cunts so of course they will pay for these entitled bitches!

Chinese girls lack integrity, are materialistic, rude, valueless, boring, arrogant, and incredibly stupid.

Japanese women have style, class, integrity, dignity, know how to fuck and are happy to go HALVES with you and have an equal relationship.

Thai women are also great, but Japanese women are NO 1 out of all Asians.

#34 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-05-21

Marriage is the biggest fucking scam ever and is institutionalized theft!

What young child would wish that her parents were not married? Marriage is for the nurturing of children.

Not everyone should birth or father children, but almost everyone can and almost everyone does. Most modern societies attempt to 'normalize' the distribution of property and wealth during divorce in an attempt to protect the interests of children.

For thousands of years women were held captive to their husbands in patriarchal societies as hostages to protect the interests of the father's bloodline.

I am willing to entertain the notion that some western societies have legislated modern marital laws that are unduly repressive of the father's interests.

Against the historical background of the abuse of marital power, however, this 'maldistribution' of marital assets that unfortunately decreases hubby's prostitution-purchasing-power in his golden years is, in my view, a small blip that emits the sweet scent of justice.

#35 Parent Fifi - 2017-05-21

I agree with you. Viva Silverboy.

#36 Parent Mike babsocks - 2017-05-21

Here is a little anecdotal evidence. My brother worked his ass off for 35 years in a factory making tires for Michelin. His wife took him for everything plus half his pension. He currently lives in a trailer park, broke and miserable. What a waste. Hear hear! Silverboy, Hear hear!

#37 Parent Illegitimi non carborundum - 2017-05-20

Smart men have finally realized they don't need white Western women.

Race traitor!

Silverboy - 2017-05-20

There is a new thing called the MGTOW: Men Going Their Own Way. Here in feminazi driven Australia men have finally had enough. Smart men have finally realized they don't need white Western women.

We will no longer give in to their idiotic and over the top demands. We will keep all our money for ourselves, spend all our disposable income on ourselves, protect our assets from conniving bitches who behave like corporate raiders. The institutionalized scam called marriage which only benefits women shall be the subject of mass boycotts. A woman will no longer get 75-80 per cent of a man's assets when they decide he is no longer useful to to her and she wants a divorce. The man will no longer pay child support that should be half a wife's responsibility.

If we need sex or companionship we will just have short term ( under six month ) Asian GF's or bang hookers in Asian countries. Or get a dog.

"Men need to start looking at women like cheeseburgers". "You gobble up one and enjoy the nice juicy meal and then you throw the fucking wrapper in the garbage bin where it belongs".

"You should only enjoy women in the present and then get another one when you feel hungry". No long term, certainly NO FUCKING MARRIAGE!

Marriage is the biggest fucking scam ever and is institutionalized theft!

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