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#1 Parent Arthur - 2017-05-24
Re Like us, the pope does not look thrilled

And now: The full picture

#2 Parent Arthur - 2017-05-24
Re Like us, the pope does not look thrilled

This picture has to show the epitome of hypocrisy: Paul Ryan proudly showing his health care bill called "American Health Care Act" that would leave uninsured 23 million Americans who are presently insured by Obamacare (source: Congressional Budget Office). Many people call this bill an act of cruelty.

All that, like the cuts to other safety nets like food stamps, to give large tax breaks to the rich and bigger ones to the very rich.

Despite the fact that it is now proven that the "trickle down economy", also called voodoo economy (time of Reagan), does not work: When you allow the rich people to get richer by cutting their taxes, their riches do not trickle down to the poor people. Governor Brownback of Kansas tried it with his state a couple of years ago: The results were disastrous as Kansas became one of the poorest states of the Union (if not the poorest).

#3 Parent Curious - 2017-05-24
Re Like us, the pope does not look thrilled

Another pic of the poor pope with trump.
Small chance of a positive outcome: According to Tillerson (Sec of State), the pope told trump not to leave the Paris environment agreement on climate change.

Curious - 2017-05-24
Like us, the pope does not look thrilled

Poor pope

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