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#1 Parent taffy - 2017-05-30
Re: The toll must be cash.Or Chinese wife to pay via wechat.

You wrote" I’m bound to say that the treatment I received in hospital was adequate."

It's good! Glad you got good care.

Thanks Arthur. On my occasion I owe them my life.

There were misunderstandings, like when I asked them half way through the stent procedure how it was going and was told not too good. I suggested 'not too good' means bad and he agreed. What he actually meant was in the confines of what had been expected, but not worse than that. It all turned out pretty elated with a totally successful procedure.

I have of course let down my wife and daughter by not looking after myself- but I will now.

#2 Parent Arthur - 2017-05-30
Re: The toll must be cash.Or Chinese wife to pay via wechat.

You wrote" I’m bound to say that the treatment I received in hospital was adequate."

It's good! Glad you got good care.

Just reading an article about the ill and wealthy Chinese: They look abroad for medical treatment (medical travel). Mostly those who could not make it in Chinese hospitals (advanced cancers for example) are willing to pay whatever it costs (lots of US$100,000) to get the latest treatments in Japan, US or China. And sometimes it works! Seems that the medical system in China is not very good: In 2015, China ranked 92 out of 188 countries (after Cuba and Mexico). "The five-year survival rate of Chinese cancer patients is around 30 percent, compared with about 70 percent in the United States, according to China’s National Cancer Prevention and Research Center."

#3 Parent Silverboy - 2017-05-27
Re speedy recovery

Get well soon.

#4 Parent caring - 2017-05-27
Re speedy recovery

As strange your posts handle anxiety me I exited reading and can't hold back it saying. All real on the board teachers appreciate you and FTinPRC or his derivates. Your got to think how great this source is. Love we it reading.

#5 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-05-26
Re speedy recovery

So, FTinPRC is Trumpsey who's Dr. Turnjakunen who's Dr.T who's Turnoi who's ....? Silverboy who's Silverdog who's pigdog who's ...? God of the board, I don't know who else....With all due respect to people in trouble, the board stinks with more than just the hospital beds ...

Appreciate that Trumpsey, thanks

I've always held back from pulling apart you and that's a dispensation you should be pleased about.

It would sound strange if I said "Appreciate that FTinPRC" Good enough handle but doesn't lend itself to that construction.

#6 Parent Caring - 2017-05-26
Re speedy recovery

So, FTinPRC is Trumpsey who's Dr. Turnjakunen who's Dr.T who's Turnoi who's ....? Silverboy who's Silverdog who's pigdog who's ...? God of the board, I don't know who else....With all due respect to people in trouble, the board stinks with more than just the hospital beds ...

Appreciate that Trumpsey, thanks
#7 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-05-25
Re: The toll must be cash.Or Chinese wife to pay via wechat.

100 per cent believe you. Older men having cancer and also heart attacks is common nowadays.

Several of my friends have died from both.

Just take it easy and don't stress out. Fifi can be a bit annoying sometimes, but she generally means well I think.

Thanks. When I was in hospital a 33 year old man was admitted and given a stent. He was slim enough but buggered his veins up with bad living.

Fifi I am sure believe she does her job well, and making a liar out of me might not detract from that at all.

Having good insurance may not save your bacon, it's often cash on the nail which will make a Chinese doctor (any doctor) smile. However you will get receipts and be able to claim it back from your insurance company if you survive. My message is bring plenty of available assets.

Had a cup of tea yesterday which prepared me for an outing in the electric truck. I am looking a bit bedraggled but Esther is happy enough.

Off back home tomorrow. Good luck.

#8 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-05-25
Re: The toll must be cash.Or Chinese wife to pay via wechat.

You would say that anyway Fifi

#9 Parent Silverboy - 2017-05-25
Re The toll must be cash.Or Chinese wife to pay via wechat.

That is not good news. I usually take out extensive travel insurance when I am in Asia.

I purchase this when I am in Australia, but it can be quite expensive for more than a month.

Anyway, I wish you well. Take it easy. Yes, lay off any unhealthy foods, and alcohol, at least for several months.

Good advice from Fifi. I am going to be laying off the beer a bit when I'm back in Pattaya in a few weeks time, although I only have a bottle of wine a week when I'm here in Australia.

Yes, Manchester bombing is awful. Evil bastards!

#10 Parent Silverboy - 2017-05-25
Re: The toll must be cash.Or Chinese wife to pay via wechat.

Great advice Fifi. Yes, sausages especially are no good. They should really be eaten in moderation, or probably not at all IMO.

Too many preservatives in them for my liking. I eat bacon sometimes but boil the toxins out of it.

I like pigs though, would even like to have a pet one if I live on acreage in north Australia in five or six years time when I eventually move there full time. So I should not eat any pork.

#11 Parent Silverboy - 2017-05-25
Re: The toll must be cash.Or Chinese wife to pay via wechat.

I 100 per cent believe you. Older men having cancer and also heart attacks is common nowadays.

Several of my friends have died from both.

Just take it easy and don't stress out. Fifi can be a bit annoying sometimes, but she generally means well I think.

#12 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-05-25
Re speedy recovery

Taffy, take care of yourself. Do your best to comfort your wife and child.
When you feel better, please share with us a more detailed narrative of your ordeal.

Appreciate that Trumpsey, thanks.

Actually Esther thought the hospital was like a theme park and spent much of her time sitting at a big table with the doctors with whom she was popular.

Done something for the American economy- stents get passed on to the patients for thousands of pounds each. But unlike the Chinese ones they are coated with a medicine- perhaps for bedding in purposes. Not much idea of the bill as the wife was in charge. You are right I should consider her more.

Me in bed(with last years date I know) Maybe speak again when I am home.

#13 Parent Bleh Blah - 2017-05-25
Re: The toll must be cash.Or Chinese wife to pay via wechat.

you think I am so shallow i would make this up!!


#14 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-05-25
speedy recovery

Taffy, take care of yourself. Do your best to comfort your wife and child.
When you feel better, please share with us a more detailed narrative of your ordeal.

#15 Parent Fifi - 2017-05-25
Re: The toll must be cash.Or Chinese wife to pay via wechat.

I meant to write "steamed" veggies (not boiled)

#16 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-05-25
Re: The toll must be cash.Or Chinese wife to pay via wechat.

Oh, if true, your story is so sad.

You really should hold back from saying that proviso, Fifi. It is true, it's not supposed to be sad but rather a warning to others. You are silly- you think I am so shallow i would make this up!! As for sausages being bad for you- that's bleeding obvious! You rreally are an annoying person!!

#17 Parent Fifi - 2017-05-25
Re: The toll must be cash.Or Chinese wife to pay via wechat.

Oh, if true, your story is so sad.

Glad you got adequate medical care.

I think the attack happened because you have come to substantially dislike your stay in China over the months: It creates a constant stress. You will be OK as soon as you arrive back home in the UK.

Please watch your food. Sausages and other processed meats like bacon are not healthy. You need plenty of fresh fruit and veggies (boiled veggies are ideal). Eggs are OK. Chicken without the skin is OK. Avoid added sugar.

There are foods (mostly anti-oxidants) that - over time - help cleanse the blood vessels and decrease the plaque, like turmeric, garlic, apple cider vinegar, coconut oil. Exercising is also essential.

Wishing you a safe trip back home.

Alias Taffy - 2017-05-25
The toll must be cash.Or Chinese wife to pay via wechat.

I’ve been violently reminded that all FT’s from 35 years-of-age should carry at least £20,000 in their back pocket (insurance policy could be unacceptable in an emergency) when working or traveling in China.

I arrived in Dali on 13th accompanied by, my, son, my daughter and my wife. The following day our hired van had just pulled up to the foot of a mountain, when I had a heart attack. By the next day my wife was told I was dying and asked to sign a letter to that effect by the hospital.

Anyway, with the help of a stent I pulled through but remain fragile in wife’s home village. So got through a flight some taxis and a train journey.

I’m bound to say that the treatment I received in hospital was adequate.

I don’t think Esther understands ; she keeps well away from me- not used to that.

Well, I have been warned before that I could go home in a body-bag….hope not, we return 28th.

Really sorry for any posters from Manchester. I have to say that my views for correcting matters have not changed.

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